My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1253: Gong Yan articles: Bai family has a girl

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Palace home.

Miyazaki returned home, and a slipper smashed at him. The father ’s angry character was crooked. "You are so sorry to come back. You made such a mess at the wedding and you lost my face."

Miyazaki avoided her slippers on her father's feet easily, holding her car key with two fingers, and raised her eyebrows. "Daddy, how can I lose your face, look in the mirror and see you." Are you faceless now? "

"You!" Father Gong covered his chest and fell to the sofa.

The palace mother immediately stepped forward, "Master, are you okay? Palace palace, you say a few words!"

Reprimanded by his mother, Miyazaki stopped talking.

"You filial son, I will turn over the story of the night family for the time being, and you will go on a blind date with me tomorrow!"

Blind date?

The palace froze Jian Jianmei, a product of this feudal era ... what the hell?

"What kind of expression do you have? I'm serious now! Baijia's thousands of gold and white Qi, I see her ten thousand good, tomorrow we will go to Baijia!"

Miyazaki helpless, "Daddy ..."

Father Gong quickly covered his ears with both hands. "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen! My chest hurts! My chest hurts! I'm going to die!" Father closed his eyes and fell back to the sofa.

"Master! Master! Come, call the doctor! Gong Yan, don't be mad at your father! Go to Bai's tomorrow without a discussion!"

The maids ran over, took the medicine, called, pressed ... the mess in the living room was a mess.

Watching keen on acting, I am sorry for my palace father without taking a film emperor, Gong Yan sighed softly, "I see."

He lifted his feet upstairs.

The palace father immediately sat upright from the sofa and came back alive. He stretched out his fingers and said excitedly, "How about the phone? Get the phone, I'll call the Bai family."

The mother of the palace froze, "Master, your body ..."

"I'm in good health! I can't die without holding my grandson! I can lie to my body when I die!" Gongfu Xiong said in a brave voice.

Palace mother, ...


The next day.

The luxury car was parked on the lawn outside the Baijia Villa, and Bai Shida and Qian Lan immediately greeted them with enthusiasm.

"General Bai is polite. If I have the chance, I naturally hope to be able to come often." Father Gong pointed out something.

Bai Shida immediately understood, and he looked eagerly to the palace, "Gong Shao."

Gong Yan stood behind his father very orderly today, facing Bai Shida's diligent greetings, he only looked at it indifferently.

Hot face was stuck to the cold bottom, Bai Shida's expression froze.

The father of the palace gave him a quick glance.

Miyazaki shrugs, Iamsosorry!

But there was no indication of sorry on his face.

Father, ...

"Mrs. Bai, where is your family?" At this time the palace mother rounded the scene in time.

"Oh, my Kiki daughter's, I'm sorry to show up. She's making tea in the restaurant and waiting for the palace, so let's go in."

So many people entered the villa.

"Kiki, here's the VIP. Is your tea ready?"

"Come here." A sweet voice sounded, and Bai Qi appeared.

She is in a long pink dress with a graceful figure and a beautiful face.

"Uncle Gong, Aunt Gong, hello, please use tea."

Bai Qi said hello and handed the tea cup, and finally she looked at Gong Yan shyly.

Miyazaki today wore a white shirt, black slim pants, the shirt did not tie into the trousers, and dropped freely, covered by a black leather jacket, the whole young and chic.

He was extremely handsome, with fair skin and exquisite facial features. The most eye-catching thing was that he had a pair of slender and deep peach eyes, similar to the popular cream noodles.

Bai Qi throbbed with a heart, and her voice was clear and sweet. "Song, please use tea."

She handed the tea cup to Miyazaki.

Sitting on the sofa, Gong Yan looked up at Bai Qi, then retracted his gaze.

He didn't mean to pick up a tea cup.

So Bai Qi's hand froze in the air.

"Cough, cough!" At this moment, Father Gong coughed heavily.

Miyazaki lifted her eyelids and blamed me again.

He reached for the tea cup. "Thank you."

Bai Qi's sight was his hands. His hands were fair and slender, and even more beautiful than women's. This is not surprising. He was born a prince, a famous boy.

Not only that, he was sent to Harvard in the United States at the age of 16, with a dual master's degree, and he is proficient in eight languages. If you think this is his pinnacle, then he is wrong. He signed up for a mobile game app he invented at the age of 18. The United States listed its first company.

This man successfully interpreted four words in his life as short as 26 years old --- Tianzi Pride.

Such men are born to make women admire, scream and go crazy.

How many men in Shuyuan in Kyoto secretly admired him, and every day everyone prayed that one day his eyes would fall on him, but with a weak water of three thousand, he only favored Ye Xiaotao alone.

There was no one else in his eyes except Ye Xiaotao.

He spent four full years waiting and guarding Ye Xiaotao alone.

In doing this, the man also took into account the word "exceptional affection", so how could she not love?

Bai Qi's beautiful face with delicate light makeup gradually steamed out two blushes.

Father Gong took a sip of tea and exclaimed, "Well, this tea is good."

Qian Lan proudly said, "My family Qiqi has been smart since she was a child. Except for Qinqi poetry and painting, making tea and arranging flowers are not a problem. Of course, her family is most proud of her mental arithmetic.

mental arithmetic?

Gong Yan's eyebrows moved, and he was a little interested.

There are many medals hanging on the wall of the living room. He got up to see them. These are the prizes Bai Ji participated in the mental arithmetic contest. The most brilliant medal was that Bai Qi defeated the German mental arithmetic emperor in the international competition when he was 18 years old. The nickname of a genius girl.

"All these are yours?" Gong Yan turned and looked at Bai Qi.

This was the first positive eye this man gave her. Bai Qi jumped her heart and nodded immediately, "Yes."

Qian Lan laughed, "My family Kiki is talented in mental arithmetic. At the age of 18, she won the first place in the world and was escorted to the University of Cambridge in the Department of Mathematics. She just graduated this year and returned from Britain a month ago."

The father of the palace nodded frequently, "OK! A genius has been born in the Bai family!"

Bai Qi looked at Gong Yan with shame, and the man sat back on the sofa again. There was no expression on his handsome face, but he picked up her tea and sipped it.

"Shao Gong, how is the tea ceremony for the little girl?" Bai Shida asked.

Bai Qi looked forward to Gong Yan, waiting for his answer.

Miyazaki lifted her thin lips and wanted to speak, but at this moment the knock of the door rang, the servant opened the door of the villa, and a charming figure came out.

Miyazaki looked up. The first thing she saw was a pair of slender white, shiny legs, a dark blue skirt, and a white shirt and a school uniform. A girl came in, carrying a schoolbag behind her.

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