My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1255: What do you pretend

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Gong Yan glanced sideways at Bai Qi, the woman's eyes were full of admiration, probably gave her a tissue and wiped out the water.

He is not surprised.

Most women like to look at him with this kind of vision, and he also knows his charm, money, power, good skin, 26-year-old young hormonal physique.

Of course, there are special cases. For those who do not commit idiots, Ye Xiaotao counts one, and now there is one more, that ... Bai Beibei.

Last time at the Bai family, Bai Beibei gave him a look, his eyes were very clean.

"Shao Gong, turn there."

"OK." Miyazaki nodded.

The bright yellow Lamborghini turned a corner. Soon, he saw XXX, the university's school gate surrounded a group of younger brothers, which contained a figure he was familiar with.

White babe.

After school, Bai Beibei went out with a few books in her arms, and then a group of rich second-generations followed her ---

"Hey, Bai Beibei, I heard that your mother is a maid, and later you were seduced by your father. Madam Bai drove you to the countryside in an anxiety, and your mother gave birth to you and became crazy, You often scold you for beating you. Later she died. You were brought up by your grandmother. "

"Bai Beibei, look at you like this. Madam Bai must have made it difficult for you. Did she give you pocket money?"

"It's better, Bai Beibei, tonight you accompany us to the bar for a drink. We have given you pocket money this month, one thousand, five thousand, ten thousand. Is that enough?" ...

Bai Beibei did not speak, and she quickened her pace.

At this moment a boy came forward and grabbed the book in her arms.

"give me back!"

The boy raised his arms and yelled, "You can get it yourself."

Bai Beibei lifted her toes to reach enough. She raised her eyebrows. "Give me back!"

The girl's small throat was delicate and waxy, and she was forced to rush, and she also brought out a coquettishness. It was almost unbearable to hear the boys' ears.

"Give it back to you, let me touch it." The boy reached out and touched the girl's face.

The girl's skin was very delicate, just like the egg whites that had just been removed from the shell. Because of shame, her face also had pink cherry blossoms, which was coveted.

At this moment, she was like a bunny who fell into the wolf's den and was teased by others.

The boy was going to touch her, Bai Beibei stepped back quickly, her big grape-like eyes turned helplessly a few times, then turned and left.

She stopped reading books.

"Hey, Bai Beibei, what do you pretend to be? I have money. As long as you follow me, I will cover you in the future!" The boy cried.

Bai Beibei did not return.

The boy was annoyed. He threw the book in his hand into the trash can in the front. "The book is for you, you can get it."

Bai Beibei turned, she really went to the trash can to pick up the book.

Miyazaki looked at her through the window. The girl's tiny white hands were incompatible with the dirty trash can, but she was not too dirty at all, and the long, slender eyelashes like butterfly cicadas were hanging quietly, and she picked up her book.

She wore a bracelet on her slender wrist, which she held tightly in the palm of the shower that night, and a small golden peanut braided with red rope.

Miyazaki looked back indifferently, and Lamborghini drove away.

"Song Gong, that ... seems to be my sister just now?" Bai Qi said.

Miyazaki sneered, he knew it was her sister, wouldn't she know?

"Your sister is studying here?"

XXX is the most trashy school in Kyoto. It is filled with places where the second generation of the rich can eat, drink, and play. It is really cruel to throw such a little timid little girl in.

"Yeah, my sister grew up in the country. She didn't read any books and her grades were not good. My father felt bad for her, so she sent a lot of money to let her in." Bai Qi smiled.

Gong Yan hooked his lips, and his narrow peach eyes glanced at Bai Qi. "With your gifted sister, where can my sister go?"

There was a flash of panic in Bai Qi's eyes, but it was fleeting. No one saw it. She smiled calmly. "I will teach my sister more in the future."

Miyazaki stopped talking.


White house.

At the end of the dinner, Bai Mu said flatteringly, "Shao Gong, come and have some fruit."

Bai Qi took a fruit knife in her hand, and the red and big apple spun beautifully in her hand, and the peel fell into a flower pattern.

Gong Yan glanced at him indifferently, in order to let Bai Qi marry a good family, he really had a hard time.

He glanced at the door, the little girl hadn't returned yet.

More than two hours have passed, and even if she uses it, she should be back.

The Bai family did not send her a driver, nor did she know that she had money and no money. In fact, one or two coins can be taken by bus, and two stops will be there.

Miyazaki suddenly felt really boring. What did he want that little girl to do?

She had nothing to do with him at all ... at least once.

At this moment a string of cell phone rings, and he called.

"Sorry, I went out to answer the phone." He stepped out of the villa door.

The phone was all about work. He simply hung up the phone with a few words and wanted to turn back to the villa. At this time, he heard two servants in the kitchen talking.

He looked through the window. On the counter, there were seven or eight delicious dishes. A servant held a small bowl in his hand. There was only half a bowl of rice in the bowl, and a few leaves of green vegetables were put on the rice.

"We can't finish so many dishes. Let me have a piece of meat tonight."

"What are you talking about? Feed the dog when you can't finish it, and you will eat meat for Miss Er, be careful that your lady will get you feathers!"

"This ... haha, in fact I'm talking about it, I dare not. But Miss Er is so pitiful, she is not as good as us."

"Okay, don't sympathize with her, let's work quickly." ...

Gong Yan listened to their conversation. He raised his eyebrows, no wonder her body developed so slowly that she had eaten so poorly.

That half bowl of rice is not enough for children.

He pulled out his long legs and went into the living room.

"Gong Shao, the fruit is ready, sit for a while." Bai Qi stared at him brightly.

"No, I'll go back first." Miyazaki took her black trench coat and strode away.

"Hey, Gong Shao ..." Bai Qi was disappointed.


Lamborghini was galloping down the road, and it was already raining lightly outside.

After a traffic light, Miyazaki saw the petite figure through the window.

Bai Beibei was standing on the street in the rain, her tiny white hand was swinging, and she was taxiing.

She should have been in the rain for a long time, her hair, her clothes were all wet, and her expression was so anxious that she waved a taxi, but stopped without a car.

Gong Fang gave Jianmei a glance. She didn't know that taxis were not allowed on this section of the road. Even if she could not get a taxi the next morning.

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