My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1269: Mother-in-law's memories

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Bai Beibei shook her head slightly, and she didn't want to go to school anymore.

Gong froze Jianmei, "In the future, you will always go to work to make money or even marry someone. Do you have to stay by your mother-in-law and not go out, and your mother-in-law will leave you someday!"

Bai Beibei was frightened by his last words, she immediately looked at him, "You bullshit!"

Mother-in-law won't leave her!

Looking at the girl's wet eyebrows, Miyazaki couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear to hit her again.

"Bei, who are you talking to?" At that moment her mother-in-law asked.

"Mother-in-law, you heard it wrong, I didn't talk to anyone." Bai Beibei said in a panic, then looked at Gong Ai, "You go, I will owe you money, I will try to pay it back, brother, thank you you."

After that Bai Beibei closed the window.

Gong Yan looked at her busy little figure through the glass window, and the word "chuan" that he frowned on for a long time did not flatten out.


The dinner will soon be ready. A plate of braised pork, a stir-fried vegetable, a bowl of tomato egg soup, Bai Beibei served two bowls of white rice, and sat opposite her mother-in-law for dinner.

She had no appetite and ate a few grains of rice with her head down.

She was thinking about Miyazaki.

Miyazaki is still outside and hasn't left. Now it's dark and he's hungry, and if he doesn't leave, where can he sleep?

So worried about him.

"Is that young palace still outside?" The mother-in-law asked suddenly.

The person who had been thinking about it was just asked like this, Bai Beibei suddenly looked up, she waved her hand, "No ... no longer ..."

"Oh, yes, I was thinking that it was time for dinner. He should be hungry. The visitor is a guest. We should invite him for a meal."

Bai Beibei was so happy that she put down the chopsticks and got up quickly. "Mother-in-law, let me in!"

Her granddaughter ran away like a gust of wind, and her mother-in-law smiled kindly.

Soon, Miyazaki came in.

"Mother-in-law." Miyazaki called respectfully.

"Well," her mother-in-law nodded. "Sit down, Hansha is shabby, let's eat together."

Bai Beibei handed over a bowl of rice and Miyazaki sat down.

The three stopped talking, and Bai Beibei quietly glanced at the man around him with his eyes. He looked so elegant and educated, and the simple wooden chairs and wooden chairs were incompatible with him. Noble.

Bai Beibei's heart was sweet, and she put a piece of braised pork with chopsticks in his bowl.

Miyazaki glanced at her side by side, her eyes were opposite, and the girl lowered her eyelashes like a bunny, and her little face turned red.

Miyazaki hooked her lips. He had never touched a girl like her ashamed and clean like a blank piece of paper. He didn't do anything, and she blushed her own face.

Silly and cute.

Miyazaki ate the braised pork.


A dinner ended in a quiet and harmonious atmosphere, Bai Beibei went to the kitchen to wash dishes.

Mother-in-law got up and went back to the room. Miyazaki stepped forward and held her arm. "Mother-in-law, let me help you."

Mother-in-law did not refuse.

The two entered the room together, and her mother-in-law sat on the bed. "Song Gong, I won't leave you, you can go back early."

Gong Yan decided, "Mother-in-law, do you really want to trap Beibei here? She is only 18 years old. Her life has just begun and it doesn't belong to her."

The mother-in-law smiled sadly, "Twenty years ago, I thought the same way, so when a good family said to Babe's mother, I pushed it out. I sold my family's tricycle for money and let Babe Mom went to Kyoto ... but what happened? "

"The last thing I regret in my life is sending Babe's mother out. If it is not good, Babe's mother will marry a life like all the daughters of neighbors and live a healthy and peaceful life."

Miyazaki could not agree with these words, marry a son? What kind of person would Bai Beibei marry?

It's nothing more than men in good condition in the country.

But how did they match her?

A girl as clean as her deserves to be treated delicately.

But he can't refute her mother-in-law, parents in the world ...

Her mother-in-law looked at the only window in the room, and all her memories went back a long time ago, "Baby, she hasn't had a good day since she was born."

"Her mother was crazy from the day she was born. Her mother did n’t feed her, and I fed her with the soup of white rice porridge. She would cry for a few days and wanted her mother to hug, but then she cried. She was crying and crying, she was dead, lying alone on the bed, so quietly babbling. "

"Later she would walk. Two or three years old. I went to harvest rice for others. She stayed at home with her mother for two years. One day I forgot to bring a sickle and I went home to take it. I I saw her mother beat her with a twig in the window at home. She didn't make trouble or cry. She hid alone in the corner and shrank herself into such a small ball. I opened the door and rushed in, hugging her , I asked her why she didn't tell me. She wiped my tears and said, "Bebe doesn't hurt ..."

"I never dared to leave her alone at home with her mother, so I took her to work together in the farm. There were many children from the neighbourhood in the field. They did not play with Babe because they Behind them said that Beibei was a child without a father, and it was a ... Ono, so Beibei had no friends since childhood.

"At the age of five, Beibei forced her mother to be sent to a mental hospital. I couldn't stop it, so when I went out to work, I didn't take her and locked her at home. She was so small. I took a small stool and stepped on to start cooking, doing chores, playing happily with children of the same age, and pestering her parents for toys and change. She spent her childhood that way, she never asked me Pass things. "

"The days went by like this. On her 16th birthday, her mother died in a mental hospital. One year later, my body began to have problems. That is, that year, Bai Shida began sending people to pick up shells. Bei, I really do n’t want to send Bei Bei to Bai ’s house. I ’m afraid she ’s bullied, but the child ’s grades are very good. I passed the first-class university in Kyoto during the college entrance examination. With no tuition fees and no ability, I could not delay the child's future, so I repeatedly promised that I would send Babe to the Bai family. "

"The first time I went to Bai's house, Beibei was behind me and dragged my dress corner tightly. She cried as soon as I went out. She told me that she didn't like it and wanted to go home, so for the first time I brought her back, and the second time I sent her to Bai's house. I secretly returned while she wasn't paying attention. Who knew that she ran back home alone at night, and she hugged me tightly. Cried and begged me not to leave her. "

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