My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1271: You sleep, I sleep

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Moving on, he can't guarantee what he will do.

A 26-year-old man, she was just his first woman when she was just opened.

He simply suspected that she was testing him.

Bai Beibei froze all over. Before the lightning flashed, she suddenly knew what the stick was, it was his ...

She took a breath and gazed at him in alarm.

How could he be like the man in the shower that night?

She will never forget what this stick can do.

Seeing her panic and even a look of disbelief, Miyazaki suddenly felt very guilty, and she probably wouldn't have thought that he would think of her that way.

She has always regarded him as a good person.

"Sorry, don't be nervous, this is ... the normal reaction of a man, a man and a woman are too close, the friction between each other's body will cause this, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you ..."

Bai Beibei pale, she loosened his neck, and quickly dropped from him.

The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed, and Gong Yan did not dare to look at her squarely. Such a clean and pure person, he felt that his eyes were evil.

"I sold that one million." The girl said suddenly.

Miyazaki stunned.

"My grandma fell ill. The doctor said that I would have a heart surgery. I had no money and no one gave me money. Later, I passed the bar when I was walking on the street. Saying I wanted a million, she said there was no problem, so that night I went into a room ... "

Later, Bai Beibei couldn't say anything, she knew that Gong Yan understood.

Miyazaki of course understands, because that man is him.

"That man ..."

He wanted to confess.

"I have forgotten that night was a nightmare."


Gong Yan's heart of confession disappeared immediately. He lingered on that night. Every detail and experience now reminds him of current, but for this girl, there is no happiness, only pain.

What if he confessed?

Maybe she will ignore him in the future.

She will be afraid of him and stay away from him.

But he didn't want to.

"Then forget it, don't think about it later, we have to look forward, you are paying for your grandma's medical expenses, so no one can blame you."

"Well." Bai Beibei nodded, she could only do that.

"You take a shower, I'm outside."

Miyazaki went out.


Bai Beibei washed it quickly, and came out wearing a white dress. Miyazaki stood not far away. He looked down, smoking a cigarette with **** in his right hand.

She saw him smoking for the first time.

"Gong Shao." She called out.

Miyazaki lifted her eyes. He dropped half of the cigarette that he hadn't smoked on the ground and extinguished it. Then he lifted his feet forward and walked to her.

"Was it washed?"

"Well, Gong Shao, go in and wash it. The thermos is placed next to the basin. The towels are clean, but I don't have your clothes changed here."

"I have spare clothes in my car. You go to bed first. I'll go after I've washed them."

"Oh, you have something to call me."

Bai Beibei returned to her room. She took a quilt out of the locker and hit the floor. He was in bed tonight, and she slept underground.

When Gong Yan came in, she saw the girl sleeping sideways on the ground, and the three thousand blue silks scattered in a mess. Her half bright face was looming in the black hair, which was very pleasant.

He squatted down and called her softly, "Babe."

Bai Beibei didn't fall asleep, she opened her eyes.

The man had already taken a bath, and his short hair was wet on his forehead. He was wearing a white casual clothes, handsome and handsome.

"You go to bed and I sleep here."

Bai Beibei shook her head. "You sleep in bed, I sleep here."

He is so expensive, how can she let him sleep on the floor?

Seeing her insistence, Miyazaki raised her thin lips. "That's OK, let's sleep on the floor together."

Said Miyazaki lay down beside her.

There was a masculinity in her nose immediately, and she lingered a little shower fragrance, Bai Beibe flushed, her hands and feet climbed up, and quickly went to her bed.

She turned sideways and slept back to him.

"Oh." The man behind him smiled warmly and covetously.

Now Bai Beibei's face became hot.



Early the next morning.

When the girl opened her eyes, the girl was already up, and the red quilt was folded into a small piece of tofu by her, and he got up.

I slept well last night and had no dreams overnight.

When he left the door, he saw her mother-in-law. He said hello, "Mother-in-law, early."

The mother-in-law laughed, "Shao Gong, early."

Gong Yan glanced around and did not see the petite figure, so he asked, "Mother-in-law, what about Beibei?"

"Oh, she does the laundry behind."


Miyazaki found a place. Next to the pool, the girl was sitting on a small stool with a few basins in front. She was washing her clothes with her head down.

Miyazaki glanced at the basin in her hand. The basin was full of clear water, and she was washing ... his inner library.

She was washing very carefully, and in a circle of fragrant foam, she was washing her head and head.

Gong Yan's handsome face is a little red. Even though he is the proud of the sky, he has already developed a calm and calm personality, but let a little girl under 18 help him wash the inner library. He thinks so awkward.

Without a word, he turned away.

Out of the big house door, his Lamborghini stopped under a big tree, at which time a group of village names were surrounded by the car.

It was already night when I came back yesterday, and no one saw it. In the early morning, such a good car must attract many people.

"Look at this license plate, so many 8, how much does it cost?"

"Don't look at the license plate. You look at this car. It looks so strange. I went out many times. There are more cars on the street. The first time I saw it, it was so beautiful."

"What do you know, this is a sports car. One time my son pointed it out to me and said that this car is so expensive that it can be bought for eight or nine zero."

"Eight or nine zeros, my God, how much is that?"

"Why is such an expensive car parked at the door of this poor wife? Is there any distinguished guest in her house? Her daughter went out to hook up with a rich married man now, and now her granddaughter goes out again. Got something married, haha ​​... "

A group of village names mocked wantonly.

At this time, one person saw the palace palace standing by the door, and then all the village names were seen, and the mockery on their faces froze instantly.

They had never seen such a beautiful man. This man had one-handed trouser pockets and the white sleeves of the other hand rolled up, revealing expensive watches and long, white fingers.

At this moment Gong Yan's eyes fell on their faces, not light, but deep and shocking.

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