My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1299: Xiao Tao, don't leave me

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"Leng Hao, Xiao Tao, come here soon." Leng Dad cried at this moment.

Leng Hao said goodbye to Gong Yan. "Gong Shao, let's go toast over there and leave first."

"go quickly."

Lenghao turned around Ye Xiaotao's slim waist.

Ye Xiaotao didn't worry, he turned around and told him, "Miyazaki, drink less and the wine hurts you."

"I see." Miyazaki smiled softly and harmlessly.

At this moment, "Oops", Ye Xiaotao tripped a small stone under his feet.

Miyazaki was shocked, and immediately wanted to go forward and help her.

However, Ye Xiaotao was steadily guarded in his arms by Leng Hao. He heard Leng Hao's indulging reproach, "Be careful, if you fall, you will hurt your baby."

Ye Xiaotao looked up at his small head and snorted with red lips, soft and coquettish, "What, you know you care about your baby, what about me?"

Leng Hao stunned.

Ye Xiaotao slaps him, "Before the baby is born, you will not have me in your eyes, then when the baby is born, will you not love me?"

"What nonsense?" Lenghao held her in her arms, and he kissed her hair happily. "I love you, I love you, how can you be a mother like this and be jealous with your baby? Just as you cared Shao Gong, I haven't been jealous yet. "

Ye Xiaotao was sweet in her heart. She stole her tiptoe and kissed Lenghao's cheek secretly. "Her husband, don't be jealous, my wife will pay you a crime, and wish you a happy wedding."

Leng Hao looked into her eyes deeply, "I also wish you a happy wedding."

The two men laughed happily and sweetly like little children who got candy.

Gong Yan wanted to help Ye Xiaotao's right hand was still in the air. Looking at the sweet look of the two men, he evoked a dim and lonely smile.

"Song Gong, why are you here?" Someone was talking at this time.

Gong Yan glanced sideways, and it was Ye Father.

Ye Father is a man with a good spirit at every happy event. He happily raised the wine glass in Yang ’s hand. "How about, look at my baby daughter and Leng Hao now being so happy. Isn't it really bad in your heart? Huh, I thought you were at the wedding Running away from marriage has made my night home a laughing stock for the whole of Kyoto, but without you, my daughter is happier now. "

Gong Yan knows that Ye Fu has always hated his escape from marriage, so Ye Fu will naturally not miss this opportunity, and ridicule him freely.

Miyazaki shrugged helplessly and said nothing, "Uncle Ye, I was wrong. Forgive me."

Ye Ye snorted and turned away, and he chose not to forgive.

Miyazaki, ...

"Ah!" He sighed, and drank another glass of wine.

Everything that happened here was taken in by Bai Beibei, and she raised her eyebrows.

No one understands what he let go.

She is so sorry for him.

"Bebe, did you see that? Gong Shao is so devoted to Ye Xiaotao, so don't expect him to like you. In his heart, you can never compare with Ye Xiaotao."

Bai Beibei didn't talk, she didn't want to compare with Ye Xiaotao, and she didn't think he would like her, she just simply liked him.

Like him, that's her own business.


The banquet was over soon, Leng Hao and Ye Xiaotao drove back to Leng's home in a wedding car, followed by many people going to the cave.

Miyazaki didn't follow, he was really drunk.

"Song Gong, how are you, can you go by yourself?" The two friends approached.

Seeing Miyazaki was really drunk, two friends sent him to the presidential suite of the manor.

"Babe, let's go. The room is open. Let's go to rest. Shao Gong is drunk now. Let him sleep for one night. We will fly back tomorrow morning." Li Xiyang hooked Bai Beibei's incense shoulder.

Bai Beibei quickly jumped away, she saw it, this Li Xiyang liked to take advantage of her hands.

"I'll go by myself."

The manor's presidential suite was very luxurious. Leng Hao had all wrapped up here. The waiter opened two rooms. Bai Beibei took a room card.

"Babe, are you afraid of sleeping alone, do you want me to protect you?" Li Xiyang asked with a smile.

Bai Beibe glanced at him fiercely, opened the door of his own room, then closed the room door and locked it alertly.

Li Xiyang laughed, she guarded him as a thief.

He also entered his room.


in the room.

Bai Beibei was sitting by the bed. She didn't want to sleep because her head was full of Miyazaki.

He is drunk. Does anyone care for him?

Bai Beibei stood up and opened the door.

When she walked into the cloister, she looked at the house number, 8026. She knew it was Miyazaki's room, because she saw the two friends took the room card, and the number was on the room card.

She always remembers numbers.

8026, here it is.

Bai Beibei raised her head and knocked on the door.

No one should answer inside.

He is drunk and won't come to open the door.

Thinking of this, Bai Beibei's little hand caught the doorknob and opened the door.

There was a dim light in the room. Miyazaki was lying on the soft big bed, and he slept freely, with a long leg hanging by the bed.

Bai Beibei stepped forward, crouched down, took off the shoes on his feet, and hugged his long legs to the bed.

She went to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water, and then soaked a clean towel.

"Gong Shao, Gong Shao." She stood beside the bed and called him twice.

Miyazaki's sword eyebrows moved, and then squeezed tightly, as if it was uncomfortable.

Bai Beibei is so distressed that he must be in a bad mood today and must be sad.

She stretched out her tiny white hand and slowly touched his handsome face. She touched his exquisite and handsome features with her fingers, and she wanted to comfort him.

But she didn't know what to do, and there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, the man in his sleep suddenly moved. He stretched out his big palm and clasped her little hand into the palm of his hand. He lifted his thin lips, and he called a person's name.

"Little peach, little peach ..."

He is calling Ye Xiaotao.

The little hand held by him seemed to be on fire, and Bai Beibei was going to withdraw it, "Song Gong, I'm not Xiao Tao."

At this moment, the man exerted a force, and she fell directly on the man's chest. His healthy and clean masculinity and a faint scent of wine instantly attacked her senses. Two little hands touched his exquisite waist abruptly, she was red Standing up with a small face.

"Little peach, don't leave me." The man clasped her slim waist tightly, and then found her soft pink lips and opened her mouth to hold it.

Bai Beibei's eyes widened in fright. She stared at the flawless face in front of her. He was kissing her, allowing her lips to fall into her mouth like a delicious sweetheart. Try it first, Reluctant to eat and enjoy a little bit.

She stayed completely at a loss.

At this moment the body turned around and the man rolled over and pressed her underneath.

The long tongue clasped her teeth, she forgot to defend, and he broke in as he wished.

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