My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1326: The taste of love

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When the coffee shop is not busy, Bai Beibei and Miyazaki text ---

Miyajima --- We haven't got much time together. You have to go to class and live in school. Now you are well. You have to go to odd jobs after class. Where did you leave me?

Bai Beibei ate honey in her mouth, sweet, she returned --- in her heart.

This sentence did not comfort the man --- hum.

--- Okay, don't get angry.

--- How much money can you earn by doing odd jobs?

--50 dollars an hour.

--- I'll give you 100 yuan an hour and move here to live with me.

---. . .

--- Bai Beibei, don't you know that your boyfriend is rich!

The implication is that you don't need to make money like this, just rely on me.

Bai Beibei knows that he is rich, but that is not her money. She wants to be a woman who is relatively independent in economics and thinking, so that she can better fit him.

She wanted to be with him for a long time, and she was afraid that one day he would be tired of her, so she worked hard to enrich herself and wanted to be a woman who would continue to attract him.

She is so contradictory now, in the troubles and pains, heartbeats to him.

Bai Beibei sent another one --- Don't make a noise, I am very happy here, the boss is very kind to me.

--- How's it going?

--- I've been here for a few days. The boss will let me cook delicious steaks for me, and I will make coffee for me. He will tell me to dress more and smile at me ...

Bai Beibei likes this boss very much. In her opinion, the boss is really warm, just like her ... mother.

Soon, the reply from Gong Yan came --- your boss has a son?

Bai Beibei doesn't understand --- what?

--- She wants to buy you as her daughter-in-law.

Bai Beibei smiled. What was he thinking about? He might be a rare person.


She returned one very seriously.

--- That's best, take a leave tonight.


--- I will be traveling tomorrow morning. It will take two weeks. I'll pick you up later and have dinner together.

Is he going on a business trip?

This is the first time since the two men fell in love, Bai Beibei feels reluctant, as if he has already been on a business trip.

--- Well, I'll tell the boss later.

---see you later.

Bai Beibei's entire portrait was bathed in the sun, her body was sweet and warm, and she felt very happy to be able to send text messages to him after work.

I don't know what he is doing now, maybe in the president's office or VIP meeting room, as long as he thinks that a big man like him can take out his mobile phone and patiently spend time on her, she has a feeling of being valued and cared for.

Is this the taste of love?

that's nice.

Bai Beibei cheated in the corner of his lips.

At this moment, "shit", someone hit her cash register counter with her knuckles.

Bai Beibei immediately put down her phone and raised her head. "Sir, hello, do you want to pay?"

This look, froze, because she saw a familiar face, Li Xiyang.

Li Xiyang didn't come by himself. There was a very young and beautiful girl beside him, who was holding his arm intimately.

They are here for coffee.

Maybe she was too focused on texting and didn't notice.

Li Xiyang is in love?

Bai Beibei is not surprised, because she always thinks that he is the kind of playboy, so she is not willing to contact him more.

This young and beautiful girl Bai Beibei has some impressions. I've seen it on a poster, and she's been very hot recently.

He really is a very fancy man.

"Hello, sir, do you want to pay for it? Cash or credit card?" She repeated.

"Well, swipe the card." Li Xiyang handed a gold card.


Bai Beibei took the gold card and swiped it.

Li Xiyang looked at the girl in front of him. Actually, he looked at her as soon as he entered the door, but she didn't see him in her eyes. She seemed to be texting. Don't worry, he knew it was Miyazaki.

Because she laughed so brightly.

The corners of her lips would rise when she smiled, and the small pear vortex on the cheek was looming, pure and sweet, like a newly blooming peony flower, which made people look out of sight.

She never smiled at him like this.

"Sir, it's done, please sign here."

Li Xiyang took the pen and signed his name.

"Thank you, sir, please get your card." Bai Beibei handed him the gold card again.

Li Xiyang reached out to pick it up, and for whatever reason, Jin Ka fell to the ground with a slam.

"Sir, I'm sorry." Bai Beibei quickly got up and bent down to pick up the gold card.

The girl bent down in front of him. She was wearing a wide-mouthed beige sweater today. As soon as she bent down, he saw the spring light inside her, and the white vest wrapped in a small semicircle.

Very small, but tender.

It makes people see that there is a wrapped impulse.

Li Xiyang's eyes darkened, and there was a strong reaction under the trousers.

Bai Beibei didn't know her whole body. She picked up the gold card and handed it to Li Xiyang. "Sir, go slowly, come again next time."

Li Xiyang said nothing and left with a tender model.



Li Xiyang sat in the driver's seat. Instead of driving immediately, he took out a cigarette and lit it quietly.

He glanced down at the coffee shop. In the large window, Bai Beibei was standing in a bright place, bright and warm.

That's who he really wants.

But now, she belongs to Miyazaki.

In fact, he has had a lot of girlfriends over the years, and women have tasted a lot, and know that many tastes are the same. He also has some arrogance in his heart, and thinks that he will not be conquered by any woman in this life.

At first, he just thought that this little white rabbit was very funny and very itchy, but then, after more contacts, her love for Gong Aiyi looked back on the mental arithmetic stage, and he became more and more attracted to her. .

When he couldn't see her, he began to miss her. She belonged to Miyagi, and he was unwilling.

He doesn't accept failures, so he has made a girlfriend again in the past few days, and there are too many girls delivered to his door.

But no.

These days, he is full of her mind.

Seeing her now, he felt full of his heart.

The beautiful female model felt that the mind of the man next to her was not on her body at all. Since drinking coffee, his eyes have not left the little cashier girl.

However, the female model doesn't mind.

"Li Shao, why don't you ignore them, they will be sad." The female model voluntarily walked over her body, and the nails painted with red cardamom tempted to walk on the man's superb chest.

The trousers under Li Xiyang did not go away. He exhaled a smoke and looked at the female model.

The female model was soft in his dark jumping black eyes, and when she looked down to see that he had reacted, she tentatively slid her hands down.

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