My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1330: Hit you with money

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It ’s not a big deal for your lady to watch the drama, she encouraged Qian Landao, "Mrs. Bai, you really can take this breath. Grandma Gong's position originally belonged to your family Kiki, but was grabbed by this Ono Go, now everyone is saying that Qiqi is not as powerful as Bai Beibei, everyone is watching Kiki's joke. "

Of course, Qian Lan knew that Madam was provoking her, but Qian Lan couldn't swallow her breath. She wanted to break out long ago. Now Bai Beibei works in this cafe, and Gong Shao is not around her. It's a great opportunity.

Qian Lan's eyes flashed a vicious light.

Then the waiter came with the plate. "Madam, this is your coffee."

"Slow!" Qian Lan said suddenly, and she squinted at the waiter. "Who are you? Give us some coffee!"

The waiter froze and smiled politely, "Madam, who do you want?"

"Just her." Qian Lan pointed her finger at Bai Beibei.

"Ma'am, it's like this, Babe is our cashier here, not a waiter, let me serve you."

"What kind of service are you here? Hurry up and ask Bai Beibei to come, or I will complain to you!" Qian Lan shot the table hard.


Bai Beibei noticed the movement here. She looked up and suddenly saw Qian Lan and Madame Qian, who looked at her with discomfort.

Obviously find fault.

The enemy is narrow and Bai Beibei doesn't want to make trouble here. She is very happy here. Everyone takes care of her like this.

So she stepped forward and took the plate in the waiter's hand, "I'll come."

The waiter had to retreat.

"Ma'am, I'll give you coffee, be careful." Bai Beibei carefully placed the coffee on the plate in front of Qian Lan.

At this moment Qian Lan waved his hand, and the coffee in the cup was immediately spilled on Bai Beibei's little hand, all her hands were hot.

"His," Bai Beibei frowned.

"Oops", Qian Lan sue first. "How do you do things, even the coffee is unstable, even spilled, you see, my clothes are dirty, my clothes are expensive, but Ten thousand dollars, can you afford it? "

"Yes, do you deserve it? Look at your poor sourness, it's estimated that you won't be able to get it for a thousand." Lady Madam covered her mouth and grinned.

Qian Lan relented and chased while he was winning, "Where is your boss, please call out your boss. I will not leave today without giving me a statement. I want your boss to fire her!"

Bai Beibei looked at Qian Lan's bitter appearance, she really looked like a shrew on the street.

"No need to find my boss, what do you want to do, say it." Bai Beibei directly said.

Qian Lan snorted with his nose and pointed to the ground. "You kneel down and pay for my sins, and I don't care."

kneel down?

Bai Beibei's little face flushed.

At this moment, an elegant voice sounded, "You let Babe kneel on you, are you heaven or earth or her parents?"

Bai Beibei looked up and Wang Xue came.

"Lady lady ..." She blinked.

Qian Lan turned around, and she saw Wang Xue, Wang Xue in an elegant long dress, a 36-year-old woman who looked like she was in her early 30s, quite young and beautiful, and graceful.

Qian Lan does not like this woman subconsciously.

"Who are you? Are you qualified to speak?"

Wang Xue hooked his lips and looked at Qian Lan. "Ma'am, aren't you looking for me, I'm the owner of this coffee shop."

Is she?

"Then you are here. This white babe has stained my clothes. She either lost money or you fired her." Qian Lan was arrogant.

"How much is your clothes worth?" Wang Xue asked.

"Ten thousand yuan!" Qian Lan was so troubled that she didn't believe that the boss lady would cover Bai Beibei.

Wang Xue didn't change her expression. She raised her hand, and the manager of the coffee shop came quickly, holding a new stack of banknotes in her hand.

"Madam, here."

Wang Xue reached out to take it, and then handed it to Qian Lan with a smile, "Ten thousand yuan, you count."

Seeing this, Bai Beibei stepped forward and took Wang Xue's arm, she shook her head, "Lady, don't give her money."

Wang Xue held Bai Beibei's small hand, which meant --- just be calm and not impatient.

Qian Lan didn't expect that the boss lady really gave her money. Today, she can't cure this white babe, but she delivered it to her home for 10,000 yuan.

She reached for it.

However, with a wave of Wang Xue's hand, 10,000 yuan was smashed into Qian Lan's face.

Qian Lan was attacked, his eyes widened in shock, "You, what are you doing?"

"Smash you with money." Wang Xue calmly answered.

"You, how dare you treat me like that, I will definitely sue you."

"Okay, I'm always waiting. This coffee shop has monitoring everywhere. Is it because Babe missed it or did you deliberately look for it, and you will know at a glance. Madam, this is my lesson for you to learn well. If you don't mind, you can pick up the 10,000 pieces under my feet. It's my fault to give you a treat, and it's pitiful to see your dog biting people. "

Qian Lan almost spit out blood, and she has never dared to humiliate her in this arrogant life.

"You wait for me, I won't let you go!" Qian Lan walked away and left.

The lady also watched, and hurried back, "Mrs. Bai, wait for me."


The two troublemakers went away, but Bai Beibei couldn't get up. She was very worried. "Madam, you shouldn't protect me. This Qian Lan came for me. Today you treat her like this, she definitely won't Will do it well. "

Wang Xue smiled softly, "Bebe, don't be afraid."

"Yeah, babe, there is a boss, no one can bully you." Both the manager and the waiter came around. "The boss is really nice to us. We are like a big family here, all the people who bully us, The boss lady solved it with two brushes, so she was strong and domineering! "

The atmosphere was suddenly lively.

Bai Beibei felt very warm. She looked at Wang Xue. She really liked the boss lady. She was not only beautiful, elegant, kind, and sense of justice, she was the incarnation of a goddess, perfect.

"Well, don't brag about me anymore. I'm leaving now. I'll leave it to you here, Beibei, and put the ledger in my office after tonight." Wang Xue explained.

"Well, okay." Baibei nodded hard.

Wang Xue left with a bag.

At nine o'clock, the coffee shop was closed.

Bai Beibe sorted out the ledger and sent it to Wang Xue's office.

Turning on the lights in the office and putting the ledger on the desk, she wanted to turn away and leave, but at this moment, she was attracted by something.

It's a hand-knitted scarf.

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