My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1346: Break up with Miyazaki

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"I was furious and drove her away. I didn't expect that she would be such a morally corrupt woman with no courtesy and shame. When she returned to the company, I also fired her position of administrative secretary and returned her to that young Clerk, however, she still didn't give up. "

"One night, I worked overtime in the company, and she secretly took the medicine in my coffee, and then ran in and hugged me. It was unbearable. I fired her and Angrily killed her in the same industry, and now she wants to come, she probably went to Bai's house as a servant because she was desperate. "

Father Gong received an excellent education, and his life is full of affection and family. He hates those crazy bees and butterflies, especially women like Sun Xiaoxiao, so 18 years ago, he gave her very painful lesson.

Gong Yan heard it dubious. To be honest, he believed his father from the bottom of his heart. For more than 20 years, his father and son should not lie.

But is Babe's mother such a woman?

He really couldn't imagine that he always thought that Babe's mother was a bumpy woman. She was mad by Bai Shida for 16 years.

The truth now is really unacceptable.

"Dad, what happened to you just now?"

"I didn't say that. I found her and exposed her true colors. She was so angry that she took off her clothes and framed me with a disagreement. This kind of woman is really an underdog." Father Gong was really sick of Sun Xiaoxiao. Already.

Gong pursed her thin lips and felt in a bad mood. He had already predicted that things from the previous generation would spread to him and Baibei.

"Gong Yan, let me tell you, you and Bai Beibei have made a stab at this, and what a daughter Sun Xiaoxiao educated can be a good thing!"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Gong Yan tightened his eyebrows. "She is her and Beibei is Beibei. How can two people be generalized? You can't be biased against Beibei because of Sun Xiaoxiao's affairs."

"Palace of the palace," Father Gong patted at the table, "Don't you see that yet? Sun Xiaoxiao made Baijia's family ruined. The next step is to avenge me, she holds Baibei in her hand, You just happen to be on the web! "

"Dad, I'm not a fool. Whoever fiddles with me also has to see if she has the ability, but Dad, can you leave it to me to handle it myself?"

"No! Palace, I tell you, if you really married Bai Beibei, then you should never step into the palace's door, I will break the father-son relationship with you!"

After that, the palace father walked away.

"Dad ..." Gong Yan looked helplessly at his father's figure, and he knew that his father was real this time.

"Mom ..." Miyazaki looked at her mother.

The mother of the palace sighed and said earnestly, "Miyaji, I believe everything your father said. At first I agreed with you and Bai Beibei, but now I reserve my opinion and hope that you consider it carefully, don't It is not easy for Sun Xiaoxiao to make our family fly.

Miyazaki, ...


In the villa.

Bai Beibei poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Sun Xiaoxiao, "Mom, you're shocked by drinking tea and calm down."

Sun Xiaoxiao took the tea cup and took a sip, "Babe, you are the best mother to you in this world."

"Mom," Bai Beibei sat beside her, "what's going on today, you and Uncle Gong ..."

"Gong Ping is a hypocrite hypocrite!" Sun Xiaoxiao scolded with hate.

"Mum, I have contacted Uncle Gong a few times. I believe he is not like that. Besides, with my current relationship with Gong Shao, Uncle Gong will not act on you, you must be with Uncle Gong. Misunderstanding, we ... "

"Pop!" Sun Xiaoxiao snapped the tea cup on the coffee table, "Babe, are you suspecting that I'm lying?"

Bai Beibei first saw Sun Xiaoxiao with such a big temper. She stared at her with cold and terrible eyes, and Bai Beibei shivered from her heart.

She remembered that when she was very young, her mother looked at her with a rattan, and she would never forget it.


Sun Xiaoxiao quickly realized that she was dysfunctional. She immediately showed a loving expression, and then she held Bai Beibei's small hand. "Babe, did your mother scare you? Sorry, my mother was just too angry."

"Mom, I'm fine." Baibei shook her head.

"Bebe, you were deceived by Gong Ping's appearance. To tell you the truth, I met Gong Ping 18 years ago."

"What?" Bai Beibei was startled.

"18 years ago, I left my mother-in-law and came here, and successfully applied for a Gongshi clerk. Because I had a low education, I worked diligently to work hard. Later, Gong Ping noticed me and he felt that I He was beautiful, so he promoted me to be his administrative secretary. As our contacts gradually increased, he began to be unruly to me. One night he was drunk and wanted to force me. "

Bai Bei Bei Tong Ren shrank.

"I swear by it. He didn't succeed. The next day, he returned me to the former employee. Not only that, he didn't give up. He even gave me that medicine. I threw him a slap in the face. He was completely embarrassed and angry. He fired me and talked to the whole of Kyoto. Since then, no company has dared to hire me. I was forced to desperate, and finally went to Bai's house as a servant.

Talking about Sun Xiaoxiao holding Bai Beibei's little hand tightly, "Babe, Bai Shida is hateful, but Gong Ping is the culprit. He changed my life!"

Bai Beibei was shocked by these things. She was really hard to accept and difficult to digest. Although the father did not like her, she felt that the father would not do these bullying.

But here is her mother, she believes her mother did not lie to her.

"Mom, don't worry, I will contact Gong Shao tomorrow, I believe there must be some misunderstanding, you ..."

"Babe, do you think we have misunderstood? I have said so much, do you still not believe me?"

"Mum, I didn't mean that, I believe your ..."

"Okay, you promised your mother that you would break up with Gong Yan tomorrow, and never with him again!"

Bai Beibei took a short breath. "Mom, what are you talking about, why should I break up with him?"

"Because he is Gong Ping's son!"

"Mom, your reason is really ... ridiculous, how can you deny him because of who his father is? Mom, you don't know how well Miyazaki treats me. I thought when my mother-in-law was still in the hospital, If you did n’t have him, you would n’t have my mother-in-law today. You would n’t do that. "

"Huh!" Sun Xiaoxiao stood up suddenly, and she looked at Bai Beibei coldly. "Then you go to Gong Hui, let me be alone and die for myself. I am also suffering, and now even myself Of my biological daughter don't want me anymore ... "

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