My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1365: Four months pregnant

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"Oh, I'm okay. I probably ate cool stuff tonight." Bai Beibei quickly explained that she was afraid he knew she might be pregnant.

"Then I'll pour a cup of hot water for you." Miyazaki got out of bed and poured a cup of hot water into her palm.

Bai Beibei was greedy for his tenderness, "Thank you."

Miyazaki leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Fool, thank you, we will be one after the other, drink water, and rest early."



In the hospital.

Bai Beibei came to the hospital early in the morning. In order not to be recognized, she also wore a mask.

The doctor asked, "Little girl, where is your health?"

Bai Beibei couldn't face the doctor's eyes squarely, she said rudely, "I seem to be pregnant."

The doctor looked at her lower abdomen. "How long haven't you come to the cycle?"

"It's been almost four months."

"Four months? Then why did you come to check up so late?"

Bai Beibei cannot answer this question.

"Where's your boyfriend?"

Bai Beibei lowered her head and did not speak.

"How old are you?"


The doctor sighed, this little girl is so young, she is still a flowering season girl, and she was pregnant without expecting it.

The doctor prescribed a list, "First take blood to see if you are pregnant."

"Thank you doctor." Bai Beibei went out with the list and paid.

The nurse pumped her a tube of blood. "You wait first, and the result will be about half an hour later."

So Bai Beibei sat on a bench in the corridor and waited for ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour. This time seemed to her a long century.

Finally, it was time, and she went to get the report.

The report showed that she was pregnant.


Really pregnant!

The news hit Bai Beibei's head like a thunderbolt. Two little hands clung to the report, and she wanted to see a hole in it.

Really pregnant, what should she do?

At the doctor's office, the doctor looked at the list and said, "Girl, you have been pregnant for almost four months."

It's been four months ...

Bai Beibei thought about it for a while, and it wasn't wrong. The child was the man that night. She still doesn't know who he is.

He is just a stranger to her buyer.

"Girl, it seems that all indicators are normal and the baby is developing well, but are you planning to give birth?"

born to…

Bebe has not considered this issue.

"Girl, you should be still at school at your age. What about your parents, haven't they accompanied you?"

Bai Beibei shook her head, and she whispered, "I have no family."

She really has no family, she has no father, no mother, and even her mother-in-law is gone.

The doctor smashed his mouth and said earnestly, "The child will be responsible for her when she is born. Do you have the financial means to support her? But it will also hurt if you give birth for four months, and it is an innocent life You think about it yourself. "

Bai Beibeihunhun walked out of the doctor's office. She touched her lower abdomen with her little hand. She didn't feel any fetal movement. The child was very good.

She's been pregnant for so long, she hasn't felt it, and now she has morning sickness.

Is the child going to stay?

This child is a strange man. What's the point of having her born?

Bai Beibei looked down at the diamond ring on her hand. Yesterday she promised Miyazaki's marriage proposal. She is about to become Mrs. Miya, and she will live a happy life in the future. If Miyazaki knew the existence of this child, he would How to do it?

He is a good man, and he won't let her give birth, but can she be so selfish, she gave birth to other men's children for him to raise, which is a man's shame.

She can't be so cruel to him, he is already very tolerant of her, and she is so treacherous that he has never hated her.

Moreover, happiness is already in her hands, she really wants to seize it.

"Doctor, I don't want this child, I don't need it anymore. Please help me arrange a baby operation."

The doctor looked up at the girl who broke in suddenly. "Okay, now that you have decided, I'll arrange it for you. The family name is forbidden to live tonight and come over tomorrow morning."


In the apartment, Bai Beibei returned home.

Miyazaki called and said that he would come back later in the evening. She ate something herself and then took a shower and went to bed.

She had a nightmare.

She dreamed of a little girl with pink carvings. The little girl chased after her and called her mother.

But she didn't want her, and she turned away.

So the little girl cried heart-to-heart and kept asking her, Mom, why don't you want me, Mom, what did I do wrong?

"Babe, babe."

Bai Beibei was awakened by a low-alcoholic gentle voice. She slowly opened her eyes, tears covered her little face, and the towel was wet.

Miyazaki stretched her arms to protect her soft waist, and kissed her from behind, "Babe, what's wrong with you, are you having nightmares, crying so hard."

Miyazaki leaned down and kissed the teardrops on her face.

Bai Beibei moved, turned around and reached out and hugged his waist, and then buried himself in his warm arms. He had just taken a shower, and he still had a faint shower fragrance on his body, which smelled good.

"Well, I have nightmares."

"What a nightmare, tell me."

Bai Beibei shook her head. "I don't remember."

Miyazaki stretched her hands and squeezed her face. "A lot of things have happened recently. I know that you are frightened and in a bad mood. I will accompany you more when I'm busy with the things at hand. And, in a few days, the American mental arithmetic contest It's about to start. When I take you to the United States, my friends will be in the United States. They will be very happy to see you. "

He wanted to introduce her to his little friends. The little friends would be shocked and surprised when they saw her, because they wanted to send her into his room and let them meet and know each other.

What a wonderful fate.

But Miyazaki thought of another question. Would he tell her he was the man that night?

When I went to the United States, this matter couldn't be overwhelmed. She would know it sooner or later. Why not confess now?

Miyazaki retreated again, remembering her fear and rejection of the man that night, he had no courage to tell her now.

Bai Beibei didn't say anything. She didn't have any mood to think about the contest now. She thought about the child in her belly and the man that night.

At this moment, the eyes were dark, and Miyazaki kissed her cherry-colored mouth.

He kissed softly, teasing carefully with her little mouth, and Bai Beibei opened her eyes wide, because she felt a fiery stick under the quilt passed to her belly, he wanted it.

"Miyazaki." She called his name quickly.

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