My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1390: You really are the first time

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Miyazaki who is said to be "Old Fritters" ...

It was over, he knew he was over, and all his beautiful images in her mind were ruined.


Bai Beibei took Xiaoying Ying out of the apartment, and she saw his little friends at a glance.

She didn't say anything and took Xiaoying Ying forward.

"Lady, wait a minute, we have something to report to you." The little friends chased after her.

"Madam, I heard that you had a fight with boss. It's all our fault. We firmly admit our mistake, but the matter three years ago has nothing to do with boss."

"It was a decision that we made privately. We sent you to the boss's room. This is the first time for our boss. We just thought that if you broke him, he would forget Ye Xiaotao and start again."

"My boss is infatuated and innocent. Do n’t misunderstand the boss. He did n’t touch anyone before he met you. In fact, we thought he would fail that night, but who knows that the boss really touched you and loved you. Madam, who said it wasn't love at first sight? "...

Everyone, you followed me with a word, and attracted the attention of many people. Even if Bai Beibei was still energetic, her face was uncomfortably red.

"Mum, what's the first time Dad Than?" At this moment Xiao Yingying asked curiously, leaning her head.

Bai Beibei wants to drill a hole in the ground, she wants to perfunctory to shift this topic.

But the little friends answered for her, "Little princess, meaning that your dad has no other woman except your mum. It is your mum who turned dad into a real man."

"Oh, I see. Dad is more shy than mom."

White babe, ...

When she was with him, she really didn't care if he was the first time, because she was flawed, and it was already high to be with him.

It's probably the first time that I want to come to him. He didn't have any skills at the beginning, and he also watched that kind of film.

But the first time he was able to make such a request, it was enough to show that his heart was also evil.

Is it true of men?

Bai Beibei's unhappiness was slowly replaced by sweetness. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. It was the first time that both of them belonged. It was such a wonderful thing.

Destiny is so!

She always thought that she was abandoned by God, but who knew that God gave him to her, and after the storm she ushered in her own rainbow.

"Boss, you can quickly say a few words to coax the boss lady." The little friends pushed Miyazaki forward.

Gong Yan also held a rose in his hand. He heard every word of his friend clearly. His fair and handsome face was a little red, and it was a little embarrassed.

"Bebe, don't be angry, forgive me, I will behave well in the future." He looked at Bai Beibei indulgedly and helplessly.

"Madam, please forgive the boss. When you left without saying goodbye three years ago, the boss drove to chase you, and there was a car accident."

Car accident?

Bai Beibei was startled. "What's going on?"

The little friends saw that she was so nervous, and quickly said something about it. Got it, tens of millions of Lamborghini were hit and scrapped! "

"Actually, the boss is lucky. When the driver hits, the truck driver also missed the steering wheel. Otherwise, the boss will not be able to stand still and wait for you for three years."

"Yes, doctors say how lucky the boss is, no disfigurement, no missing arms and broken legs." ...

Bai Beibei's complexion turned pale, and she stared at Gong Yan dullly.

"What are you talking about? Don't scare her!" Gong Yan quickly interrupted the companion.

At this moment, Bai Beibei rushed forward and hugged him directly.

The palace held by the bear froze for a moment, then joy and tenderness flowed out of his eyes, holding the flower with one hand, and he wrapped her in his arms with one arm.

"Little Princess Sakura, let Dad talk to Mommy for a while, and the Shushu take you to play."

"Okay." Sakura nodded well.

So the little friends took Xiaoyingying's little hand and took her away.


"Have you been in a car accident, why not tell me?" Bai Beibei hugged him tightly, and as soon as he wanted him, something happened, and her legs trembled.

She couldn't accept life without him.

"I'm not good now, if there is anything to say, I knew it would scare you." Miyazaki kissed her hair.

"Sorry, it's all me ..."

"Don't say sorry, the person who should say sorry is me, it was me who hurt you and Sakura Sakura, and if I told you that thing earlier, you wouldn't leave me."

To this day, what else can I care about? Bai Beibei raised her red lips, gently hammered him, and cursed, "You are the worst!"

"Why am I broken?" Gong Yan raised his eyebrows.

"You're embarrassed to ask, that day in the shower, you ... you let me do that ..."

Miyazaki hugged her, then whispered in her ear, "Whether you believe it or not, I have to argue for myself, I didn't buy a woman, I Miyazaki couldn't do such a thing, I didn't want you, But looking at your little body in a white skirt, I'm a wicked fire. Your mouth is so seductive. Not only do I **** and want to kiss you, but you grit your teeth and just don't let me in. "

The memory of that night was very bleak for her, but now that he knew him, and was told by him again, Bai Beibei inexplicably felt sweet.

"So are you ... the first time?"

"As a man, if I say it's my first time, is it too shameful?"

Bai Beibei was amused by him and smiled "giggle".

"Can I accept my roses now?" Miyazaki passed the bright roses.

Bai Beibei accepted, "I will forgive you this time, but I will not make the same mistake again!"

"Observe, my wife!"

Miyazaki held her little hand.

"Yes, what's going on with you and Bai Qi?"

"I have nothing to do with Bai Qi, Beibei, I've been waiting for you." Gong Yan was afraid to step on the thunder, clever and simple.

Bai Beibei understands that she left without leaving a grudge, and with the impulse of the father of the palace, he perfunctoryly engaged with Bai Qi.

Still, she was uncomfortable.

"In the future, except me, we are not allowed to approach any other woman."

Miyazaki thought about it, "I need to think about this."

Bai Beibei froze and stomped angrily, "What, you have to consider?"

"Because there are many female employees in the company, I will have unnecessary contact with them. So, come to the company early to supervise me, and there is a boss woman, and they are definitely afraid to approach me.

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