My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 807: My dad and your grandpa lied to me

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of billions of husbands too dangerous!

Leng Mu's phone was quickly connected, "Hey, kite, this call is just right, I plan to call you too, Hong Kong is busy, my brother and I will return to Hong Kong first, I wish you a happy wedding . "

"Dad, Zhou Yao has gone to the army, and I want to start work."

Leng Mu froze here, then "haha" laughed, "Okay, since you and Major General Zhou are not planning to have a honeymoon, then you can resume work. There is a task here, and there will be a car to pick you up later."

"it is good."…

After half an hour, Leng Mu's car came quickly, and Leng Jiuli jumped into the car, and the car galloped away.

She had made a plan early. She and Zhou Yao were both on the task at any time. After marriage, they could be selective together, preferably not together. After spending three months in peace, she disappeared and recovered. free.


The car stopped after more than an hour, and the men opened the rear door, respectfully, "Miss, here."

Leng Zhiyu came out, she stood straight up and looked up, and her face changed. What was this place?


"Did you make a mistake, my father ..." Leng Zhihui turned to speak, but the car she had just sent to her had disappeared.

Leng Zhiyu's heart sank, and she immediately understood Dad's intention. Dad sent her to Zhou Yao's door!

Cold kite, ...

At this time, the door of the army opened, and Chief Yang came out with the two soldiers. Chief Yang laughed happily. "Xiang, Brother Zhou just called and said that you will come to me in a while and let me take care of you. I came out and saw that you are here. "

Cold kite, ...

"Xiang Ye, Xian Nie is the pillar of our army. He ca n’t do without his red flames, so I ca n’t take much of his wedding leave, but Xian Ye is assured. I know that your newlyweds are reluctant to separate, so I have ordered someone to be yours. Prepare a spacious room, close to where he trains, and I guarantee he can't leave your sight for a moment. "

Cold kite, ...

Chief Yang winked at the soldiers, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and bring your sister-in-law back to your residence."


Leng Zhiyu was taken to a bungalow and pushed open the room. There was a room, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The sun was strong, clean and tidy. It was prepared for the young couple at a glance.

"Sister-in-law, Major-General is working in the team right now, and may not be back at night. Everything here is full. If you are missing something, please tell us directly." Xiaobing has never seen a woman as beautiful as Lone Kite. They are the newly married wife of Major General Zhou, so the soldiers are blushing and embarrassed to look at her.

The cold kite's complexion was not so good-looking, she didn't speak.

"Zongzi, these are the freshly picked vegetables and fruits today, as well as some meat. You can use it for dinner. If the zongzi is all right, I will leave."

Leng Zhiyu glanced back at the vegetable basket. It did contain a lot of fresh vegetables and meat, but did she hear that right? She came to make dinner?

What the hell?

She has never been in the kitchen until she was so old, and she didn't even wash her clothes.

She is different from special forces like Zhou Yao. She has to go where the mission is. She is the jewel of the Leng family. Those in difficult conditions, Leng Mu, never let her go. Every time she goes out, she must be full of support. To do the task, she is a young lady with pride and respect.

When the soldier saw her not talking, she touched her head and went out. Leng Zhiyu sat on the sofa with a butt, and she realized that she was sold by her own father.

Because she was bored, she picked up a red apple from the vegetable basket and took a sip. Two straight slim legs were on the back of the chair. She lay down with her head behind her head. She simply closed her eyes to sleep.

She fell asleep until the night, and she opened her eyes lazily. There was no one in the room. Zhou Yao didn't come back. She touched her belly, what if she was hungry?

She stood up and walked twice in the room. The army must not be called a takeaway. Does she really want to cook by herself?

Leng Zhiyu had compromised, and her belly had been "grumbling". She reached out to pick up a handful of green vegetables and a noodle from the basket. Let's eat the next noodles.

She walked into the kitchen, and the gas cooker worked well. She simply washed the vegetables and put water in the pot. Then she hesitated. Should I put the vegetables first or the noodles?

Mix it all up.

She put all the unsliced ​​vegetables and noodles in cold water, and then set it on fire.

Opening the window, she stretched her head out and sniffed the air outside. The air was fresh and smelled of green olives, like the smell of that bastard.

Why did she think of him again?

Leng Zhiyu shook her head and shook off the handsome and unruly face in her head. He was probably too annoying. She was the most annoying person in her life, so she often thought of him.

This must be the case.

There must be a cry in Leng Zhiyu's heart, at this time I heard some sounds, and when I looked back, the soup in the pot was burnt, and all of it had spilled.


Cold Kitty hurried forward and reached for the lid.

But her fingertips were burned a bit, and she accidentally overturned the pan when she retracted her hands, and the whole pan fell off the cooktop with a “sweet nut”.

"Ah!" Leng Zhiyu took a step back in fright, she stared at a messy ground in a panic.

At this moment, the door squeaked open.

A cold autumn wind came in, and an extremely tall figure appeared at the door. "What's wrong?"

Leng Zhiyu looked up and saw Zhou Yao returned. He wore a camouflage uniform, wide shoulders and a narrow waist. The perfect figure proportion was undoubted. He also wore cold wind and frost, which lined his features. Fortitude and fortitude.

Leng Zhiyu saw her wearing military uniform for the first time, and she couldn't help but shocked. Then she saw him glance at her face, and then fixedly looked at the ground.

She immediately felt complacent. Why did he always run into all her wolf howls?

"Major, do you want supper in the kitchen?" Someone asked outside.

Leng Zhiyu was shocked. She made a mess in the kitchen. At this time, of course, she didn't want anyone to come in. Her self-esteem was strong.

She stared at Zhou Yao with sparkling eyes.

Zhou Yao glanced at her, then turned to the door and said, "Go, your sister-in-law is here today, do I still need kitchen preparation for my supper?"

He banged and closed the door.


Zhou Yao came in, and the tall figure stopped at the coffee table in the living room. He reached out and tore off the black belt around his waist and threw it into the sofa.

Leng Zhiyu found the atmosphere a little awkward. Although she was a little grateful to him, she coughed and said, "It was my father and your grandfather who conspired to deceive me ...

"I just heard the voice outside and thought it was someone who was embarrassed by Mrs. Zhou's beauty. I came in to look at it and later I realized that it turned out that a little wild cat was hungry and was looking for food." He glanced slowly. To her.

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