My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 818: He accompanied a girl shopping

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"Well?" He responded unhurriedly, without the humiliation of peeping, and raised his eyes to look at her.

His shamelessness is no longer what she can express in words. She gritted her teeth and said, "You are a stinky hooligan! If you dare to peep at me, I will dig your eyes."

"Peeking? I'm looking upright and bright."


He reached out and touched her eyes. Leng Zhiyu hit his hand with a "snap", but kept it up, but couldn't keep it down. Her lips were soft and he kissed her.

"My bastard!" She raised her right leg and kicked him.

Zhou Yao lifted her jerky legs back, and then raised her two small hands against the wall. He squinted and smiled in a good mood. "Men like to look at beautiful women, you are usually so conservative It ’s so hard to wear a skirt today, I must look at it twice more. You are content, I do n’t know how many women have taken off and brought it to me. I ca n’t bother moving my eyes, I like to see you alone . "

I like to see you alone ...

What does it mean that Leng Zhiyu stopped struggling?

Zhou Yao pressed it down, rubbed her skin with the tip of her nose, and whispered, "Mrs. Zhou, for me, you're a little special ..."

Lilly's heart jumped, she looked at his dark eyes, and there was a glow under his eyes ...


Zhou Yao looked at her confused and beautiful gray eyes, cursing lowly in her heart, stupid woman, he said that she didn't understand? What does he want to say?

He never said this.

"You ..." He was going to speak.

But at this moment, the knock of the door rang, and the servant said outside the door, "Master, there's a call in the living room. I'm looking for you."

Zhou Yao silent for two seconds, and then spoke, "I see."

He let go of her little hand, turned and walked towards the door. He looked back at her before leaving, "Wait for me, huh?"


Zhou Yao left, but he didn't return all night. Leng Zhiyu stayed at Zhou's house for three days, but he disappeared without any news.

Mr. Zhou said that he was probably going to do something, she thought to herself, what was so urgent, and it was too late to leave a word for her?

Three days later, she received a call from her father, Leng Mu, and something happened to Leng's family. The elder brother, Leng Hao, who had already given the gift, suddenly retired because the elder brother was playing outside with other women.

At this time, she would definitely go home. Father Zhou asked the secretary to air ticket for her, and the driver took her to the airport. She flew back to Hong Kong on the plane.

Hong Kong.

In the past two years, Leng Hao has not lived with Leng Mu. He has his own villa. Leng Zhiyu got off the plane and Leng Hao's car came to pick her up. She went directly to Leng Hao Villa.

I didn't see Leng Hao when I entered the villa hall. Leng Zhiyu asked the servant, "What about my brother?"

"Miss, master is in the study."

The cold kite ran upstairs and pushed open the door of the study. The curtains of the study were closed. The airtightness was dark and there was a smoky smell in it.

Leng Hao was sitting on the sofa and smoking, but he didn't go out for a few days. He had accumulated scum and looked decadent.

"Brother, don't smoke," Leng Zhiyu stepped forward and snatched the cigarette from Lenghao's hand. "If you really like that girl, you can explain it and chase it."

"Oh, how to explain, I did sleep with other women, I have nothing to say."

"Brother, this is your fault. You are a fiancee, and fiancee is also a person you like. In this case, why are you messing around outside?"

"Let p, it's the woman who slept with me!" Lenghao growled.

When Leng Zhiyu stagnates, she didn't realize the truth, she was surprised, "Brother, are you ... woman ... strong?"

Brothers and sisters in the Leng family have excellent genes. Leng Zhijie is stunning. Leng Hao is also half-breed and tall. However, compared with Zhou Yao, he has less of Zhou Yao's righteousness, and is more handsome and handsome.

He impatiently recalled, "I drank too much that night, and opened a room for me, and I fell asleep ... at night a woman suddenly climbed onto my bed, rode on me, and took off my pants. ... "

Leng Zhiyu couldn't imagine that the woman who was lying on her brother's pants ... would it be a flower picker?

Of course she wouldn't say this, "Brother, who is that woman, shouldn't I always love you secretly?"

"Huh," Lenghao sneered, and then re-taped a Hong Kong dollar on the coffee table. "Look!"

Leng Zhiyu picked Hong Kong dollars in her hands, one thousand Hong Kong dollars, and a line of scribbled letters on the top --- I'm sorry, I slept wrong, a thousand tips, reward you.

Cold kite: ...

Life is full of drama.

"Damn!" Leng Hao kicked the coffee table in front of him, then suddenly got up, he took out his cell phone and called, "Hey, wanted me all over the city, even if I turned the whole Hong Kong over, I would find that woman!" "


Leng Zhiyu will not comfort people, and besides that it is the personal affairs of her eldest brother, she won't be of any help, so she came out of Lenghao's villa at night and planned to go to Dad's.

The two lived close to each other and she chose to walk.

Hong Kong was very cold in winter. She wore a coat and walked alone on the street. She looked up at the bustling street. There were many passersby on both sides of the street, mostly couples. They leaned on their shoulders and talked and laughed together.

Leng Zhiyu exhaled and looked down at her toes. Why did she feel empty inside?

I have been alone for so many years.

Zhou Yao's unruly handsome face emerged in her mind, and she subconsciously pursed her red lips. What did he want to say to her? It was really annoying to leave halfway.

She looked up into the distance, trying to shake the man's face away from her mind.

However, her steps were delayed, and after a street, she saw a familiar figure, still straight and erect.

Zhou Yao!

Zhou Yao wore a black coat today. He walked sideways towards her. There was a girl with long hair beside him. Leng Zhiyu could see the girl's half face and was very beautiful.

The two looked like they were shopping. Zhou Yao wiped his coat pocket with both hands. The girl took a cup of milk tea and raised his head to talk to him. He listened quietly, and there was a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a sprinkler came galloping, and the water was about to splash on the girl. He stretched out his right hand and held the girl's waist to drag her into his arms. The girl smiled sweetly.

The two didn't notice her, they soon disappeared into her sight.

Cold Kitty stood stupidly, she stared blankly at the direction they disappeared ...

Time didn't know how long it was until she felt her cheeks cold, she looked up and it was raining.

She turned to her side and pulled away without expression.

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