My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 822: Who is he waiting for

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Seeing him, Leng Zhiyu had been lingering for a long time, "Ye ... Ziyi, why ... are you back?"

Ye Ziyi smiled warmly. "Ziyi, what's the problem with you, Hong Kong is my half hometown, I will come and walk around whenever I have time. I just came back in the afternoon, I didn't expect to meet you so coincidentally, you changed Great. "


Leng Zhiyu looked down at herself, dark-colored clothes, not a woman's dress at all, it was like many years ago, her character was cold and lonely, and she always looked like a boy. Classmates used alternative Looking at her, she didn't care at all, until one day he appeared ...

He was so warm and elegant, just like Prince Charming descended from the sky, because of him, she knew what it meant to be ... inferiority ...

She felt her face a little red, and raised her hand to hook a strand of hair on her cheek behind her ear. She pursed her lips and smiled, "Did I ... become uglier?"

"No, kite, you're beautiful, really beautiful."

After hearing his compliment, she looked up at him. Ye Ziyi's eyes were as warm as those of him. When he was so sincere and boastful, he looked particularly gentle.

Man's tenderness.

Leng Zhiyu put her hands in front of her, and shook her head a bit shyly. She laughed at the neon lights on the street.

Ye Ziyi was also laughing.

Across the street, Zhou Yao looked at the two men over there. He almost doubted his dazzling eyes. The woman was wild in front of him, but she burst her hair in front of the man in the white sweater and pursed her lips ...

He never knew she would behave like this girl, shy.

It's not her.

As if the man in the white sweater was her favorite candy gourd.

Zhou Yao felt that all the blood was rushing into his brain. This feeling was strange, angry and sour. It was as if someone had lighted a fire in his heart and burned him all.

Who is that man?

What does she have to do with him?

Are you old?

After she slapped him, she ran out to date another man. What did she think of him?

Zhou Yao turned around twice and pulled out his mobile phone from his pants pocket angrily. He dialed out the familiar mobile phone number.

The phone in Leng Zhiyu's pocket soon rang, and she took it out to look at it again, Zhou Yao's.

The smile on the corner of her mouth stalled, and she was a little dazed.

At this moment "Yi Zi, Yi Jie ..." Ye Ziyi was calling her.

"Huh?" She looked back, looking up hastily.

"Zhi, what's wrong with you, I told you several times and you didn't answer. Whose phone is it? Why didn't you answer it?" Ye Ziyi glanced at her mobile phone and asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay, a friend ..." She turned and connected the phone. "Hey ..."

"Hey, where are you now?" The man's tone was hard and punchy, and he opened her mouth and questioned her.

Leng Zhiyu's face also cooled down, "I've made myself clear, I don't care where I am now."

"You!" Zhou Yao gritted his teeth. "I ask you the last sentence, will you come back with me?"

"Don't follow! Let's go, I don't want to see you again!" Her words were ruthless in her mouth.

"Okay, this is what your cold kite said. I'm leaving now. You think I'm rare, huh!" He cut off the phone indignantly.

Listening to the "beep" sound at that end, Leng Zhiyu stared down at her toes. At this moment, Ye Ziyi stepped forward and said, "Zijie, have you finished the phone call? There are several restaurants there that have good food, I invite you for supper. "

Leng Zhiyu looked back at Ye Ziyi, and sometimes she thought she was ridiculous. Didn't she always like this type like Ye Ziyi, why did she like ... Zhou Yao?

Zhou Yao and Ye Ziyi are two very different people.

"Okay, let's go." Leng Zhiyu chuckled and smiled.


The soldiers in the army know that their major general Zhou has a bad temper recently. They used to make a mistake when training and will kick their butts. Now the major general still beats them, but the major general ’s feet are too strong and they will be directly They were miserable until they turned two heads in the air.

Zhou Yao was still smoking in the house. In the morning, the door opened in his room, and there was a smoky smell of cigarettes on the floor. All cigarette butts on the ground were forbidden to smoke in the army.

Zhou Yao didn't quarrel or quarrel or speak, and he was casual. The whole man lay down on the cold floor, shaking his Erlang legs. Head Yang shook his head frequently, and didn't know what he was crazy about.

An adjuvant came to the door that day, "Major General, I have checked what you asked me to check."

Zhou Yao drew a piece of grass in his mouth and put his arms behind his head with no expression on his face. "How do you say?"

"That man was Ye Ziyi. His life was more complicated. He grew up in an orphanage from a young age. He was very sensible when he was very young. He helped the dean to clean up the house and clean up. His positive performance eventually gave back. A big family adopted him. "

"This big family is from Hong Kong. When he moved with Ye Ziyi, he became a neighbor of Xunzi. Xie Zi and Ye Ziyi were two years behind, but in a middle school, Ye Ziyi had excellent grades and played well. Good piano, he was so handsome, he quickly captured the hearts of the girls in the school and became a recognized senior. "

"Two years later, Ye Ziyi suddenly left Hong Kong because his biological father found him. It turned out that Ye Ziyi was the third son of the Ye Family in the capital. Ye Family had a large family. Ye Father married a few wives, Ye Ziyi came from a humble background, and he became a victim in the battle of concubines, so he became an orphan. Perhaps Ye Ziyi's outstanding performance in these years has made Ye Fu look amazing, so Ye Ye took Ye Zi Yi back. "

"Ye Ziyi is very thoughtful and young and promising. He did not disappoint anyone. He passed the first-class prestigious school, and after graduation, he entered the senior management of C government. It is rumored that Ye Ziyi is the next powerful commander of C government. The candidate, even Yefu, had the intention to hand over Yejia to Yeziyi, and I heard that the two sisters in Yejia now had to look at Yeziyi's face. "

Zhou Yao listened quietly, no matter how he heard it, he felt that this was a particularly inspirational legend. A big family's sister-in-law was relying on his own ability and step-by-step planning to win a splendid future for himself.

Ye Ziyi seems to be only 27 years old. He is the same age as him and he is indeed a great figure.

He sneered, and the woman's vision was not bad.

"Is Ye Ziyi married?"

"No, Ye Ziyi is single so far, and there are many famous ladies around him, but he has no scandals. It is reported that he will often go to Hong Kong. Presumably this time I met her sister-in-law."

By chance?

A man like Ye Ziyi's life experience is 27 years old and unmarried, either because of some unseen reasons, or because he is waiting for a woman.

Who is he waiting for?

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