My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 825: Just like it

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"In the kitchen?" Mother Zhou immediately lifted her feet and walked into the kitchen. "Ye, kite, what are you doing, there is a cook at home, how did you cook? Have you been ... frying poached eggs? You see your two hands There were so many bubbles on it, come on! "

Exclaimed Zhou mother anger.

Leng Zhiyu sat on the sofa in the living room, and Mother Zhou took the needle to pick up the blisters on her hand, and while she was picking Zhou Mother, she reprimanded the humane, "Grandma's hand was injured, you just stand like that?"

The subordinates sweated and explained rudely, "Madam, younger ... Master will not let ... let us in ..."

"Misunderstanding!" Father Zhou glared at Zhou Yao with a stern character, and he raised a cane and beat him on the back. "Unfilial son, you have to make such a smoky and suffocating family and see that I will not kill you ! "

A heavy muffled sound rang, and Zhou Yao was hit with three sticks on his back immediately.

Seeing that his son was indeed too much, Mother Zhou didn't want to persuade him. Father Zhou was afraid that Mr. Zhou would hurt his body, and stretched out his hand. "Dad, all right, this time it is indeed Zhou Yao's bad, let him kneel down." "

"Then what are you waiting for? Would you like me to invite you? Go to the shrine to reflect on your grandma!" Grandpa Zhou shouted.

Zhou Yao got up, and the three sticks fell on his back. He looked like nothing, it didn't hurt. He pulled out his long legs and walked to the side hall. He passed by the living room and glanced at Leng's hand, A dozen red and large blisters splashed on her fair little hands.

His heart tightened, like a big hand pinching his heart, and he had a slight pain.

Looking at her delicate side, she comforted his mother softly, and her amazing features showed softness ...

He thought she deserved it, if she would do it to him ...

Even if she was not so gentle, she could throw the poached egg on his face as before, and then compete with him, but now her attitude made it clear that she did not want to talk to him and regarded him as air.

She was violently cold against him.

He hates cold violence the most.

"Huh!" He snorted coldly, pulled out his long legs and walked into the ancestral hall.

"This child!" Mother Zhou had nothing to say.

The cold kite slowly looked up, looking at his back and forth ...


Zhou Yao sat cross-legged directly on the ground of the shrine. Anyway, he was bored. He began to meditate until the door of the shrine was opened at night. Zhou mother came in with a basket.

Mother Zhou looked very bad, but how could her son not hurt, and put the basket on the ground, she squatted down to check Zhou Yao's back injury, "Don't move, let me see!"

"Mom, it doesn't hurt." Zhou Yao did not let Zhou mother touch.

"You move again!" Zhou mother reached out and choked Zhou Yao's ear.

Zhou Yao is most afraid of others' ears. Of course, only his mother can pinch his ears in this life. He suddenly didn't move, "Mom, let go."

Mother Zhou just let go. She lifted up Zhou Yao's clothes. There were three red marks on his back. Zhou mother opened the medicinal liquor and helped him rub the medicine.

"Son, not mom said you, this time you did something wrong, you tried everything to get her kite back, why should you be angry with her?"

"When did I get her back, it's you and grandpa ..."

"Okay, don't quibble. You are the flesh that fell from me. I still don't know what ghost idea you have? How old are you? 27, why do you have trouble with Kite today like a child? ? "

Zhou Yao stopped talking, and now think carefully about his behavior is really low, he might as well return to the army when he has time.

"Son, mom knows that you like kite, so mom can rest assured, mom knows that since something happened to Chief Han, you have closed your heart ..."

"Mom!" Zhou Yao interrupted, this is a restricted area in his heart, and no one can mention it.

Mother Zhou sighed, and then said, "Son, Kite is a good girl. Don't look at her as cold, but her heart is very hot. As long as you are good to her, she will come more than any girl in this world. You do n’t have to be awkward anymore. The manly husband likes what a person is afraid of, and bravely confess to go after him. ”

Zhou Yao listened disdain, he would not chase the girl, usually watching those men chasing people who are trying to give flowers and chocolates, he felt arrogant and idle.

Like it or not, isn't it a word?

Just like it together.

Does she like him?

Suddenly he suddenly became cheerful. After Grandma Tomorrow's sacrifice, he asked her whether she liked him or not. If you like it, then go for it. If you don't like it, forget it. The twisted melon is not sweet. .


In the cemetery, Father Zhou and Father Zhou were chatting with the elders of the same family of the Zhou family, and Mother Zhou knelt on the gravestone with a cold kite to burn paper money.

Today Lone Kite wore a black dress, her hair turned up, and a small white flower was worn in her ear. She threw a piece of paper money into the brazier.

At this time, my hands were cold and it was raining.

"Come on, get your umbrella." The servants ran away.

Leng Zhiyu didn't move. At this moment, a pair of black leather boots appeared in her eyes, and someone held an umbrella on her head.

She looked up along the leather boots, two long legs that could no longer be straightened, a blue V-neck thin sweater, and a black cotton jacket. Zhou Yao stood with an umbrella in her hand.

"It's raining." He looked down at her, his lips slightly tickled.

He looked a bit high, and Leng Zhiyu needed to look up at him. Her angle was his perfect and slender figure. His neck and neck were very three-dimensional, and his throat was more bulging than the average man, showing a bit of sharpness. .

She bumped into his smiling eyes, and he was looking at her tenderly.

The cold kite froze, then looked away and continued to burn the paper.

The maid took the umbrella and continued to hold it. Zhou Yao knelt beside her. He took a few sheets of paper and threw it into the brazier in front of her. "Grandma, this is your granddaughter, are you satisfied?"

He teased.

Leng Zhiyu didn't know what he was thinking about. The man who returned the gunpowder tube suddenly changed his temperament yesterday. At this moment, his cold right hand was held by him. "Are you better?"

She wants to withdraw her hand.

At this moment "Zhou Yao," Grandpa Zhou yelled in the distance, "come over."

"Wait for me, I have something to tell you." He whispered into her ear, "I didn't finish that night, I want to finish it to you."

Zhou Yao got up and left.

After burning the paper money, Cold Kitty and Zhou Mother stood in a corridor to shelter from the rain. They were waiting for the Zhou's man.

Leng Zhiyu looked at Zhou Yao. He was standing in the wind and rain and talking to the elders. The topic was probably boring. He showed a little carelessness. Perhaps he noticed her gaze and looked at him.

When their eyes hit, he tickled the corners of his lips and raised an eyebrow at her.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Mother Zhou hurriedly covered her mouth and grinned.

Leng Zhiyu quickly looked away, she looked away, but she knew her heart was beating again.

It was as if someone had dropped a stone on her calm lake.

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