My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 832: I'll go and bring Miss Han Xuan back

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"Yes, sister-in-law, Chief Han had died in order to save Major General, and now Miss Han Xuan has been lurking beside Scorpion for six years, and now she is exposed, we must not ignore her."

"Sister-in-law, you can rest assured that Major General and Ms. Han Xuan are simple friends. Ms. Han Xuan has no threat to you ..." ...

Those red flame soldiers, you persuaded to say a word, I was afraid that she really took the opportunity to abandon Han Xuan and ignored it, and Lian Yiyu sneered.

In their hearts, is she such a person?

After the battle in Houshan, she gained the respect of these people, but this respect is not worthy of comparison with Han Xuan, and she has now become a jealous woman with a heart of poison.

These people have fallen to Han Xuan's side.

No wonder she has been here for more than a month, how long Han Xuan has been, ten years ...

Leng Zhiyu looked directly at Minister Wang, "What else did he say?"

Minister Wang recalled carefully, "Major General Zhou also ... ordered someone to take a small team to hide in the crow forest ..."


"Yes, that's the exit of this stockade."

What Leng Zhiyu thinks he has caught. Now that Zhou Yao has guessed the scorpion's mind, he must have a countermeasure. Although his person is unscrupulous and affectionate for Han Xuan, he will never save Han Xuan at this juncture. Regardless of flowers.

What does he want to do?

What exactly is his plan?

What does Crow Forest mean?

The cold kite flashed, and then he turned to Minister Wang and said, "Mr. Wang, according to Major General Zhou, put those flowers in a packing car and go to the place designated by the scorpion."

Those red flame soldiers rejoiced.

"But after arriving at the place designated by the scorpion, do n’t stop. Hurry up and go to the Eastern Marsh. You will push all the flowers into the marsh to amplify the fire and burn it. return!"

"Good plan!" Minister Wang snapped at the table immediately, "but, Han Xuan ..."

"Well, Miss Leng, you still expose your mind, you want Miss Xuan Xuan to die at all!" A Dong shouted flushed. He rushed to Leng Xie's face and wanted to do something to her.

"Adong!" The Red Flame soldiers took hold.

"Protect the young lady!" At this time, Achen had pulled out the rob, and he was protecting in front of the cold kite. The two men suddenly drew their swords, and when they saw it, they would fight.

"Xunzi, you must not be accountable to the major general for such a decision, I hope you think twice." Xiao Zhi was full of disappointment.

"sister in law…"

"sister in law…"

Other Red Flame soldiers were also full of disappointment.

Leng Zhiyu's indifferent and sharp eyes swept across the crowd, "You are soldiers, and the soldiers must obey orders. Now I am not your sister-in-law, this is an order, understand?"

"Yes!" The Red Flame soldiers walked on their feet and performed a military salute.

Except for Adong, of course.

"I'm starting to send troops now. The 2nd team leads a team in the south to surround the designated place of the scorpion ..." ...

When the order was over, Xiao Zhi didn't send the task, he immediately said, "Sister-in-law, what about my task?"

Leng Zhiyu glanced at Adong, and Adong stared at her with red eyes, as if she was about to rush to tear her off in the next second. She tickled her lips sarcastically, "Your task is to show me this Man, if he dares to take a step out of the camp, he will be killed immediately! "

Xiao Zhi froze, but nodded quickly, "Yes!"


Leng Zhiyu walked out of the camp, and Minister Wang hurriedly chased behind her. Did he look, "Miss Leng, you and Major Zhou have made such subordinates, I ..."

"Mr. Wang, you have been following the scorpion all these years, haven't you found anything about this person?" Leng Zhiyu asked.

Minister Wang did not expect her topic to become so fast. He immediately responded, "The scorpion is a man of scheming and very cautious. Although he has been making troubles all these years, those are under the command of his army division. The scorpion has never been To show up, we don't even know what he looks like. "

Well, Leng Zhijie said that she knew it, but Han Xuan did not know for six years, which is enough to show how deep this scorpion was hiding.

"Isn't Major General Zhou at the age of 18 when he battled the Scorpions at sea?"

"Yes, Major General Zhou is the only person who has seen the real body of the scorpion, but the sea conditions are bad. The scorpion was wearing a mask at the time. Even though Major General Zhou was in charge, he severed the right arm of the scorpion. less."

Leng Zhiyu nodded, and sneered at the corner of her mouth. "Then I can meet this great army division under the scorpion for a while."

"This military division is the first confidant of the scorpion. If this person is eliminated, it will hurt the scorpion more than breaking the right arm of the scorpion. Wait ... Miss Leng, what do you mean?"

A Chen brought a fast horse, Leng Zhiyu walked over, she reached out and threw off her coat to A Chen, then turned on her horse, "A Chen, inform the brothers, gather the crow forest."

"Miss Leng, you are ..."

Leng Zhiyu looked at Minister Wang, and her red lips lightened. "I'll go and bring Miss Han Xuan back! Drive!"

The black fast horse galloped away, and the swift and desolate figure of the cold kite quickly disappeared into sight.


The cottage in winter is especially depressed and embarrassing. It is late at night, except for a few crows, there is no sound at all, and the silence is unusual.

There are a group of hidden men and women in the crow forest, headed by a middle-aged man with a scar on his face.

"Grand Army, why haven't you been moving for so long? Have our people succeeded?" One of his men asked.

The large army division glanced forward, at this time, "bang", the front exploded, and then the sound of gunfire.

"Not good! The situation has changed. Quickly withdraw!" The army division rushed away, and he immediately hung a unconscious woman, Han Xuan.

"Chong!" At this moment, Achen led the men and killed them, and the two sides immediately fell into a scuffle.

The army division broke through the siege after wounding five or six people. He glanced back. All of his manpower was to be folded here tonight. He had a fierce light in his eyes.

He speeded up.

At this moment he suddenly saw a horse parked in the mist in front of him, and immediately sat alone. He slowed down and stopped, and was immediately a woman.

"Big army division, I have been waiting for a long time!" Leng Zhiyu smiled.

The big army division took a look at Leng Zhiyu and laughed, "Zhou Yao is no longer, send a woman?"

"To deal with you, a woman is enough!" Leng Zhiyu stood up immediately, and she hooked a silver thread to Han Xuan, pulling hard.

The army officer did not expect this woman to be so fast, he immediately reached out and held Han Xuan's neck, so as long as the cold kite was pulled hard, Han Xuan was killed.

"Despicable!" Leng Zhiyu yelled, her legs crossed around the neck of the army division to twist his neck. The army division waved hard, and both fell to the ground.

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