My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 844: Have you liked me

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Leng Zhiyu slowly pulled back her hand, "Sorry, Zhou Yao and I ... are ... married ..."

"Kite, don't reject me on the pretext of getting married. You are not happy. I will give you time to consider. In short, I will always wait for you."


Soldiers standing guard at night were shot by a strong beam of lights. They blocked their sights and prepared to step down to check the vehicle, but "banged", and the iron gate was knocked down by Bugatti. Bugatti quickly ran from the door. Crushed past and disappeared.

A small soldier was completely dead, and he muttered to himself, "Who is this, cool?"

"What the hell, the team's alarm has automatically sounded. Hurry up and broadcast. Someone broke into the army illegally!"

At this moment an assistant officer came over and quickly stopped to say, "Turn off the alarm, that's the major general's car."

"What?" The soldiers sucked.

The lieutenant shook his head again and again. This time the major general did not know what to lose his temper and made trouble again. The team's alarms were ringing. Chief Yang is estimated to be wearing clothes. On this evening, Chief Yang Baozhun will be black and will call Father Zhou .

At this point Han Xuan had packed the house, and the house in the team was fully equipped. She took off her coat and sweater and was going to take a shower.

But at this moment, the door banged open.

Han Xuan's shirt was almost off, and there was only a white lace sling, so when the door was suddenly opened, she screamed while covering her chest.

Lifting her head, she looked at the man by the door, one meter nine tall, already on the door beam, and the dark night shrouded him, with a cold breath.

Han Xuan's over-stunned face turned red quickly, "Brother Zhou ..."

The two slim arms she put on her chest slowly relaxed. If it was another man, she wouldn't let them see it, but if it was Zhou Yao, she would ...

Han Xuan's heart rammed like a little rabbit. At this moment, a long leg stepped in, and Zhou Yao came to her, "Take it out!"

"What?" Han Xuan stunned.

Zhou Yao ’s handsome and resolute facial features were covered with frost, and the lines on his side face were as sharp as a blade. His words were very simple, “I give Leng Zhifang a Valentine ’s Day gift.”

Han Xuan's flushed face turned white again, and she stepped back and looked at him anxiously.

Zhou Yao ripped the corner of his mouth, smiling, maybe more ... Hey, "Yes, she sued me, and she showed me the text message you sent her."

Han Xuan suddenly felt that a knife was scraping on her face, and all her self-esteem was stepped on the soles of her feet. She did not expect that the cold kite would be so arrogant ...

"She is that kind of person, and never makes herself feel wronged." Zhou Yao's eyes flashed a little tenderness, but soon disappeared, he looked at Han Xuan and repeated, "Take it out."

Han Xuan shuddered. He had never said anything serious to her in the past ten years, but today he has done it so hard.

When he asked her to spend her money, she severely tore her face.

At this moment the man's face had no expression, and he stared at her a little bit sternly and vaguely, as if he would provoke him with a little movement, he would have an attack.

He seemed to be trying to suppress his temper.

Han Xuan turned and took out the bunch of sugar gourds stored in the bookcase, then handed them out, "Brother Zhou ..."

The candy gourd in her hand was immediately taken away, Zhou Yao turned around and left.

"Brother Zhou!"

He didn't look back, leaving only four words, "No case!"

Bugatti drove away again, Han Xuan slowly paralyzed and sat on the ground. She clasped her knees with both hands, and the tears of grievance fell straight.

She called the two most important men in her life.

Chief Han rushed over with a small group of soldiers. His busy clothes didn't even buckle his clothes. "What happened, why did the alarm go off and disappeared?"

The lieutenant's eyes dodged, and he shook his head in embarrassment. "That ... that alarm seems ... broken ..."

At this moment, "Beep", Bugatti shuttled away from the crowd like an arrow, leaving the dust of this crowd's face.

Chief Yang opened his eyes out of the dust with difficulty. He looked forward and saw only the beautiful and arrogant rear of Bugatti, and the license plate number.

"Chief!" The lieutenant said in his heart, and immediately performed a military salute.

"Well, the siren is broken? Then you go to see if the lights in the confinement room are broken!"

Zhou Yao, this kid!

Chief Yang has itchy teeth.


Leng Zhiyu returned to Lenghao's villa, took a bath, and lay on a large soft bed.

However, I can't sleep.

Her head was chaotic and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this moment a melodious ringtone rang and she called.

Looking at the side, Zhou Yao.

She did not answer.

The bell rang twice, and he made two phone calls in a row. She didn't want to ignore him, and stared at the curved ceiling with her eyes blank.

At this moment a low-alcohol shout sounded in the ear, "Cold kite!"

She was startled and quickly sat up from the bed.

"Cold kite, come out!"

It was Zhou Yao's voice, and he should stand downstairs.

"Cold kite, if you don't come out tonight, I will call you until you come out!"

Leng Zhiyu pressed her red lips tightly. She was right. The man was a hooligan. This is the big brother's villa. He called like this at night. He would wake up not only the big brother but also the servant.

Is he shameless?

Leng Zhiyu got up and opened the balcony. She looked down at the man downstairs and said coldly, "Have you made enough trouble?"

Zhou Yao's entire face was tense, and even the words that were spit out were so stiff, "If I said that this rose was for you, do you believe it?"

Leng Jiie grinned.

Zhou Yao nodded, he knew that she didn't believe it!

"Have you made an appointment? My appointment, a French restaurant on Xichuan Road." He asked desperately.

Leng Jiie stared at him expressionlessly, not talking.

"Are you dating Ye Ziyi? Are you getting along with him? Do you really like him?"

Cold Kite still does not speak.

Zhou Yao drew a thick and hard eyelash, and clenched his fist with the big palm hanging down to his side, "Yes, you don't speak, you yell, you are bull, I just ask you a sentence, you like Ever passed me, even a little bit? "

"Zhou Yao," Leng Zhiyu said, "Do you know Han Xuan likes you?"

Zhou Yao's face changed, and he cursed lowly, "Answer my question, don't go far, Han Xuan is Han Xuan ..."

"Zhou Yao, in fact you know that Han Xuan likes you, don't you?" Leng Zhiyu interrupted him, "whether you like her or not, what do you think of her, you know that you have followed her in your life Involved. "

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