My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 856: Zhou Yao, her man

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She slightly raised her eyebrows, feeling like an ant crawling on her lips, and her fragile neck in his palm. When he pressed it, she could only open her mouth and let him in to kiss.

Leng Zhiyu's body was weak. She has always been accustomed to her behavior. She does not like men, looks down on men, does not need men, and she never expected that one day she would be conquered by a man like this.

Soft in his palm.

The little hand dragging his shirt slowly climbed up to the shoulder blades on both sides of him. His body was straight, and the roots were everywhere, and the roots were full of red. Especially, it expanded to the sides, full of men's strength.

There was pain in his lips. He was plundering frantically. When she twisted her eyebrows, she stroked him here, Zhou Yao, her man.

At this moment a melodious bell rang, and his cell phone in his pants rang.

Zhou Yao frowned immediately, apparently displeased, holding the bag with his left hand resting on the wall to trap her, pulling out his mobile phone in his trouser pocket with his right hand, and withdrawing from her mouth, but reluctant to leave her red lips, he panted The turbulent thick gas pecked her lips like a dragonfly, connected the phone, "Hey ..."

The cold kite gathers its long eyelashes. Once he withdraws, she will breathe in the fresh air, but what he breathes in is only the strong masculinity in him.

She opened on the side.

Zhou Yao began to kiss along her face and kissed her pink neck while listening to the phone.

Leng Zhiyu plucked the wall with her hand and slipped. The feeling of kissing him tossed her to death. She looked up and let him kiss freely, but thought that he was listening to the phone, maybe there was a business, but they both ...

She pushed him again.

The man froze when pushed onto his chest, and Zhou Yao slowly raised his head from her chest.

Leng Zhiyu quickly found out that he was wrong. Her stunning cheeks were flushed with flushing, and she breathed smoothly. She looked at him and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

Zhou Yao picked up the phone and his voice was very hoarse. "Xizhi just called and said Han Xuan was taken away by the security control bureau."



The two rushed to the medical base of the Security Control Bureau together, and Xiaozhi hurried over. "Major, sister-in-law, you are here."

"What's going on?" Zhou Yao asked directly.

"This morning we were training in the army as usual, but suddenly a group of high-level personnel came with the above arrest warrant. They named Miss Xuan Xuan. I don't know the specific reason. The matter is closed ..."

The three entered the base together. At this time, four or five people happened to come face to face, with blue cards hanging around their necks. The person in front of them was gentle and elegant.

Leng Zhiyu's footsteps stagnated, she looked at the man, Ye Ziyi.

Ye Ziyi also saw them, and he came up and walked with a gentle smile, "Major General Zhou, kite."

Leng Zhiyu nodded faintly, she did not expect that the person in charge of Han Xuan's case turned out to be Ye Ziyi, which was really ... coincidentally.

"Yesi, what crime did Han Xuan commit, and why did you arrest her?" Zhou Yao asked.

"Major General Zhou, is Han Xuan the undercover guy you are lurking around?"


"Last time in the first battle in Yunnan, Han Xuan gave you a tube of reagents, saying that the extracts from special flowers can treat the acute infectious diseases maliciously created by scorpions?"


"It was this tube of reagent that went wrong. One of the patients was a Russian and had a special identity. He was in a coma after taking Han Xuan's reagent, so we had to bring Han Xuan back for questioning."

"Oh," Zhou Yao sneered, "Yesi, this tube of reagent is not taken by this Russian. I saw with my own eyes that several patients recovered quickly after taking this tube of reagent. How did you conclude that Han Xuan was guilty? "

"General Zhou," Ye Ziyi frowned slightly. He lowered his voice and solemnly said, "I have reminded you that this Russian is a special person. He was infected with an infectious disease which is a scorpion problem, but now he is because of the tube reagent. What happened is Han Xuan's problem. Han Xuan's identity is sensitive. If she handles it incorrectly, it will likely affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries ... "

"Yesi," Zhou Yao interrupted him, ruthlessly sarcastically, "when there is a problem, you don't solve the problem, but let a woman be a scapegoat. Is this your purpose?"

Ye Ziyi had a meal, and his mild complexion became ugly. "Major Zhou, don't blame me for not reminding you. Military and government have not interfered since ancient times. If you rescue Han Xuan like this, you will not only involve the army, but even your Zhou family. Ca n’t wash it. Do you think it ’s worth it for Han Xuan? ”

Zhou Yao's eyes were clear, he slowly shook his head, "I'm not for a Han Xuan, but for the sake of justice, you take care of the overall situation like this, I apologize for the behavior of abandoning the army and protecting the commander!"

"Major General Zhou, you!"

"Yeji," Leng Zhiyu took a step forward and was in the middle of the two. She said, "This matter can be discussed slowly. Even if you hand over Han Xuan to the Russian, it will take a few days. What? Where is Han Xuan, can we meet? "

Looking at the cold kite, Ye Ziyi's complexion became gentle again. He nodded, "It can be seen."


The three came to an interrogation room. Leng Zhiyu and Ye Ziyi stood looking out the window. The staff with the blue card opened the door and Zhou Yao went in alone.

Han Xuan was sitting in a white dress in a wrecked chair, her hair was loosely messed up, blocking her beautiful face, and when she heard the sound, she looked up.

When she saw Zhou Yao, her eyes brightened, "Brother Zhou ..."

Soon the light in her eyes faded again, and she smiled with a cold face, "What are you doing here now, look at my joke? Come on, let's go to your merry days with Leng Jie, I Don't worry about it. If I die just by taking advantage of your will, I will no longer be your burden. I will be with my brother under Huang Quan. "

Zhou Yao pulled his long legs forward and came to Han Xuan. He looked down at Han Xuan's pale complexion and said, "Han Xuan, don't make a bad temper at this time, life is your own ..."

"Get off, I don't want you to preach in front of you, get off on me!" Han Xuan stood up suddenly, screaming at the emotionally out of control by the door.

Zhou Yao's handsome features became iron-blue, his thin lips froze, and he turned and left.

After seeing him go, Han Xuan quickly caught up and hugged his waist and abdomen from behind. The tears in her eyes "brushed out", "Brother Zhou, I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak to you like that ... Sorry, don't go ... "

Zhou Yao kept silent for two seconds, then reached out to grip her wrist, trying to pull her apart.

But Han Xuan held on tightly, "Brother Zhou, don't leave me, I'm so scared, I'm really scared ... Please don't leave me alone, I don't have an elder brother anymore, I can't live without you ..."

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