My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 860: I am optimistic about you

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After having dinner, Han Xuan was imprisoned in a small prison. She faintly felt that she would be sent to Russia tomorrow.

Brother Zhou has no news, she doesn't want to die.

She is going to live.

The prison door next door was opened and a doctor in a white coat was pushed in.

"Miss Han," Ye Ziyi said with a gentle and friendly smile. "This time I really grieved you. The murderer has been caught. It turned out that this private doctor had injected a dose of medicine. Major General Zhou was arresting this person The medicine was brought back at that time, and our medical staff woke up the patient. Every morning, this private doctor will be detained back to Russia for trial, and Miss Han is innocent, and I can release you tomorrow. "

Han Xuan's face was overjoyed, she said with excitement, "Great, I knew Brother Zhou would save me, Brother Zhou would not leave me ..."

As Han Xuan stood up, she peered out of her head and looked out, "Brother Zhou, why didn't Brother Zhou come to see me?"

"Miss Han, Major General Zhou returned to his room after I returned. I guess he was in a hurry to meet his wife."

The joy on Han Xuan's face quickly turned cold. Brother Zhou didn't come to see her, and he was anxious to see Leng Yiyu as soon as he returned.

"Miss Han, I'm wronged tonight, I'll go first." Ye Ziyi left.


Han Xuan walked into the corner and sat down on the ground holding her knees. She had a piece of skin broken at the corner of Lone Kite this morning, and she knew how much he and Lone Kite had in private.

What did the two of them do where she didn't know?

She felt her heart was densely covered with a needle, and there was a fire to burn her. She was envious, envious, and hated.

At this moment, a murmured voice sounded in my ear, "Huh, you are the dead ghost."

Han Xuan looked up and looked at the private doctor in the prison next door.

The private doctor dropped Sven's mask, his face was bleak, "This time my plan is foolproof, and when it comes to big things, you will surely be pushed out to be a dead ghost, but there must be a secret in the hundred secrets. The woman named Leng Zhifang turned so fast The investigation that started was my message, and she caught me by surprise. "

Han Xuan stunned, "What, cold kite?"

"Haha, why, you still don't know. Although it was Zhou Yao who saved you this time, but there was no Leng Jiu, how did Zhou Yao save you? In the final analysis, Leng Jiu is your life-saving benefactor."

Han Xuan's face was so pale that she was dead and should not accept the favor of that woman.

"I didn't expect Leng Zhiyu to be so cruel, no wonder it was the woman whom Zhou Yao looked after. It was really poisonous! I heard that you and Leng Zhiyu are love rivals, but Leng Zhiyu is willing to save you for Zhou Yao. He also willingly put down his body when necessary. Now Zhou Yao must have been conquered thoroughly from the inside out. Zhou Yao was so anxious to go back to see her and must have some affection for her. "The private doctor smiled very warily.

Han Xuan felt that her hands and feet were cold. It turned out to be the case. Leng Zhiyu saved her and persuaded her to eat. Brother Zhou would definitely appreciate her appreciation for her more like her.

Leng Jie's deep thoughts, she suffered here, but did not expect that it would eventually be Leng Jie.

Cold Kite is the biggest winner!

She just stepped on her and climbed up.

Han Xuan felt itchy.

At this time, I only heard a gloomy smile from the private doctor. "It's a pity that the good days of the cold kite have come to an end. This woman who made me lose a lot of money, even if I am a ghost, I won't let her go."

Han Xuan listened to her heart, what she faintly felt, and quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

The private doctor projected his eyes on Han Xuan's face. "This beauty has loved heroes since ancient times. It seems that you are also an infatuation. I don't know what you mean. You will be the real winner in the end. I am optimistic about you."

The private doctor reached out and pointed at Han Xuan's heart.

Han Xuan was immediately confused, and the finger across her seemed to poke her heart with a sword, trying to dig out a lot of hidden thoughts in her heart.

She shook her head in shock, no, no ...

She looked up and looked at the private doctor, who had closed her eyes and rested.

Han Xuan shrank in the corner, and she buried her face in her knee in pain.


Early the next morning.

The door of the room opened, and Zhou Yao took Leng Zhiyu's little hand and came out.

There was no one in the corridor, and Leng Zhiyu lowered her head and shook off his big palm, and hurried forward.

Zhou Yao caught her lips to catch up with her, and held her little hand again, "Well, Mrs. Zhou, don't get angry, you worked hard last night, your hands are sour, so can I feed you today?"

He's also slippery!

Leng Zhiyu stared at him fiercely, and wanted to shake his palm again.

At this moment "Major general, sister-in-law." Xiao Zhi ran over.

Zhou Yao quickly clasped her shoulders to keep her from moving. "What's the matter?"

"Major general, sister-in-law, the plane is here, and preparations are being made over there. Ms. Xuan Xuan is about to be released. The private doctor is being escorted to the plane."

Zhou Yao's complexion suddenly became serious. He let go of Leng Zhiyu's shoulder, "Go, look."

"Zhou Yao!" Leng Zhiyu stopped him quickly, "I want to go too."

"What are you going to do, stay in the room and wait for me."

"Don't be bored in the room. I'll just stand there and look at you without disturbing you."

For some reason, Leng Zhiyu felt that her right eyelid was jumping. She was very upset and always felt that something was about to happen.

Zhou Yao frowned, apparently disagreeing.

Leng Zhiyu took the first two steps, she took the initiative to hold his big palm, and shook her coquettishly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi quickly covered his eyes. Is the sister-in-law spoiling to Major General? These two people are legendary in his heart. I did not expect that they would be as tired and crooked as ordinary couples in private. Xiaozhi only felt spicy eyes!

Seeing her like this, Zhou Yao's firm eyebrows softened and wrapped her little hand in his palm. He cursed lowly, "So sticky, I will tie you to my belt in the future!"


After exiting the gate of the base, the cold wind outside rushed forward, the plane docked on the ground, the private doctor was released by four special police officers with guns, Ye Ziyi walked out, followed by Han Xuan.

"Major General Zhou, thank you for your cooperation this time. The matter can be resolved satisfactorily, and Miss Han can also let it go." Ye Ziyi said gently to Zhou Yao.

Zhou Yao nodded and looked at Han Xuan.

The moment Han Xuan saw Zhou Yao was rejoicing, but when she saw the cold kite standing behind Zhou Yao, her entire face sank.

At this moment, Ye Ziyi made a gesture, and the special policeman pressed the private doctor and went to the plane.

Leng Zhiyu looked at the private doctor's back. Has this matter been resolved so smoothly?

"Boom", an explosion sounded, and the scene exploded.

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