My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 866: Heaven is for the quilt and the ground is for the coal. I will be good to you all my l

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Go out for a walk ...

Isn't this exactly what he wants?

Leng Zhiyu looked at Zhou Yao. The one-meter-nine-tall man leaned against the door with his hands in his trousers pockets. His height was too high and he had reached the roof beam. It looked dignified and noble. .

Aware of her gaze, he squinted it, not that he didn't know she was shy, and he was waiting for her.

"Ama, let's go for a walk." He pulled his long legs away and took her little hand.

Cold Kite refused, and retracted.

At this moment Grandma laughed, "OK, you go out."

Cold kite, ...

Zhou Yao dragged her out.


The two walked hand in hand in the mountain village. The mountain village was very quiet at night. Through the window, you can see the lights of Wanjia. The cold kite looked at it and felt that the mood slowly relaxed.

Zhou Yao squeezed her hand, "Like walking?"

"Well, I usually don't like shopping. I'll go out and walk alone."

Zhou Yao glanced at Qingshan in the distance. "I'm on standby 24 hours, probably not so much free time, but I will accompany you as soon as it becomes available."

Unwilling to hear Leng Zhiyue's heart, she hummed immediately, "It seems that I still want to thank you? Not so free time, then how can I see you free to go shopping with Han Xuan?"

She saw it in Hong Kong that night.

As soon as Zhou Yao stopped, her sharp black eyes shot on her face. "When did you see me shopping with Han Xuan? I didn't accompany her, except that she had been in Hong Kong two months ago. birthday…"

His eyes flashed and he wanted to understand, "Did you see me and Han Xuan on the street that night? No wonder you looked like a different person. When I went to see you, you closed your door and told me We're just cooperating and trading, and then the gossip of returning from bridge to bridge, Mrs. Zhou, are you jealous? "

Not doubt, but affirmation.

Leng Zhiyu realized that she had leaked the word. She didn't plan to say it in her whole life. Now she really broke her mouth. She shook off his big palm, snorted and went forward.

Zhou Yao quickly caught up with her and reached out to pull her little hand. His mood was very happy, with a smile in his voice, "Mrs. Zhou, why don't you ask me? You are so sullen, angry, and jealous about your body not good."

He was teasing her.

Leng Zhiyu couldn't wait to find a hole to drill, because her lady was embarrassed. "I like to be jealous. If you don't like it, go to Han Xuan!"

At this time, her slim waist was fastened by a healthy arm. Zhou Yao pushed her into the woods half-push and half-push. The delicate back pressed against a large rock. The man pressed down and said pettingly, "Why is vinegar so strong?"

It was very dark here, only a little bit of moonlight, but his eyes shone like Ye Mingzhu, trapped her with a tall and tall body, and he reached out and rubbed her hair, like a cowardly child.

She pursed her lips and refused to speak.

"Mrs. Zhou, are you embarrassed to say me? Then what happened to you, that day I went to your brother's villa to find you. You kept throwing your face at me and gave me a slap, but as soon as I turned around, I saw You date Ye Ziyi on the street. "

When Leng Zhiyu was stagnant, she quickly thought of the day when she was so angry that she gave him a slap. At that time, he thundered violently, his angry face was iron and blue, and he fell away on the spot.

How did she know that she had met Ye Ziyi?

Did he not leave, but returned, and quietly followed her.

Leng Zhiyu's embarrassment and unevenness disappeared without a trace. She felt that she and him were big fools, super big fools.

She beaked her red lips and smashed him with her fist. "What date, I met Ye Ziyi on the street, we haven't contacted for many years."

"Huh," Zhou Yao snorted. "Even if it was a coincidence, what happened on Valentine's Day that night, you didn't go to my appointment, and you took Ye Ziyi's rose in your hand, and took the cable car with him."

How could he remember so clearly, stingy!

Sorry to say she, isn't it terrible that he jealous himself?

"That French restaurant has no mood, no fountain, no piano, and no wind chimes at the door. It's nothing compared to the cafe that Ye Ziyi invited me to. Major General, your taste is worse than Ye Zizi. More than one level ... "

Before he finished speaking, he pressed his heavy and oppressive body directly, pressing her against the stone, and the two were tightly closed together. He opened his mouth and took a sip of her red lips, "You Go? Have you made an appointment with me? "

Leng Jie forced her small head sideways and ignored him.

She waited for him for half an hour, and now she feels wronged in retrospect.

"Mrs. Zhou, honestly tell me, when did you like me? Why not say that I'm chasing after you like a fool, and almost offered you as my aunt." He excitedly lowered the curse.

"What are you talking about? Shouldn't you chase me? I'm your aunt!" She kicked him outright.

"You are my aunt and grandma, my aunt can agree? I will not agree, you are my daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law!" Zhou Yao held her back and kissed hard.

He hasn't shaved these days, and there is a circle of green residue on his jaw, which is very poking. When he kissed, she felt the tender skin was sore and itchy. She pushed him with both hands, and she twisted uncoordinately. "Go away!"

"Go away now, when you're not a man?" His big palm slid down her beautiful neck.

Leng Zhiyu's whole body froze and she was not relaxed at all. She hurriedly said, "Zhou Yao, don't ... I'm not ready yet ..."

"You don't need to prepare for this, just hand yourself to me." There was a low stone next to it, Zhou Yao held her up, and then started to untie his belt.

The cold kite refused, she looked at the surrounding environment, it was dark, the other person was either a candlelight dinner or a flower, and at least there was a high-temperature hotbed. What was she?

"Zhou Yao, I don't!"

"Oh, don't say anything else, you have to." He took off his coat and laid it on the stone, and then pressed her down. The stone was cold. He thoughtfully covered it with a strong arm to make her lie comfortably. In his arms, he undressed her clothes with his right hand, and he began to kiss her, murmuring softly, "Tonight we use the sky as the quilt, the ground as the medium, and the moon is our testimony, we are united at this moment, In the future, Zhou Yao will be good to you forever. "

Leng Zhiyu felt weak and she didn't know whether he was kissed or whether he listened to these love words he said?

She squeezed his strong arm tightly with both hands, did she really want to hand herself over?

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