My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 868: Don't be in the name of love

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At the time, it felt like he was pushed down to hell, he was willing to die with Leng Zhiyu, and she was an outsider side by side.

She didn't close her eyes for two or three days. She was tortured by feelings of jealousy, worry, guilt, anxiety, and pain in her heart.

She has decided that if Zhou Yao is really dead, she will not live alone.

Even if he only likes cold kite, she will catch up with Huang Quan and follow him.

She cannot lose him.

Zhou Yao watched Leng Zhiyu leave. He didn't take her eyes off until her figure disappeared into the line of sight. He looked at Han Xuan. He pulled out his long legs and said, "I have something to tell you."

Han Xuan stagnates and quickly raises her heels.


The two came to a small sealed house, and Zhou Yao stood with his hands on his shoulders.

Han Xuan looked at his back in the back, then stepped forward and hugged him. She put her face on his back, "Brother Zhou, I miss you these days, I'm so worried You have an accident ... "

Zhou Yao stood still, "Oh ..." He whispered, "If something really happened, I would also like to thank you."

Han Xuan's face turned pale. She let go of Zhou Yao and trembled, "Brother Zhou, what do you mean?"

Zhou Yao turned slowly, his slender black eyes stared at her beautiful little face like a hawk, "Oh, yes, you just want to die of cold kite, you never thought of meeting Involved me. "

Han Xuan stepped back a few steps, "Brother Zhou, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

"Han Xuan, it's already this time you are still arguing? How much do you hate the cold kite in your heart? You hate her so much that you want her to die!"

"I didn't! Brother Zhou, you must have evidence to speak. So many eyes outside the base are watching. I didn't do anything. It was the soil under the cold kite's feet that loosened. Did she fall in front of you? The lawsuit was filed, did she say bad things about me, she wronged me! "Han Xuan screamed out of control.

"Enough! Did you ****** deliberately let the private doctor hold you, you thought I couldn't see it! Han Xuan, you thought everyone was as stupid as you!" Zhou Yao yelled loudly.

The atmosphere solidified in an instant. The two were looking at each other. His eyes were like a torch. There was disappointment and anger in it. Han Xuan turned her eyes sideways, her eyes became red.

Zhou Yao stepped forward two steps, "Han Xuan, do you still know who you are now? Where did Han Xuan, who lost his brother at the age of 14, live bravely alone? The 18-year-old lurked next to the scorpion and worked hard to study medicine Where did the bright and stubborn Han Xuan go? Han Xuan, I have n’t known you anymore. You have been blinded by jealousy, you have lost your mind, and you have begun the road of no return. Can you justify your brother like this? "

The tears came out of Han Xuan's eyes, yeah, is this still her?

She is despicable now, so unbearable, but she is Han Hong's younger sister. She has to be strong and her bones are still high. How could she be like this now?

"Brother Zhou, do you know why I changed? That's because I love you and can't lose you."

Zhou Yao's thinned lips were a straight line in the forest, and he slowly said, "Don't call your love, no one needs selfish and extreme love like you."

He pulled his leg and left.

"Brother Zhou ..." Han Xuan called him behind his back. "What would you do? Would you expose me and hand me over?"

Although she only intentionally caught the private doctor, once she got involved with these terrorists, her life would be over and her life would be all tainted.

Zhou Yao stopped, but did not look back, he sneered, "Han Hong's reputation, you don't need it anymore, I still want it."

Han Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He meant that she would not turn in her.

"But this is the last time. Pack up. Someone will pick you up tomorrow morning and leave T City. Never return." Zhou Yao left.

Leaving T city ...

Never come back ...

Han Xuan fell to the ground all of a sudden, her hands and feet were cold, as if her whole blood had solidified, he even sent her away.

Although he didn't say anything, he never wanted to see her again.

How could he be so cruel?

Han Xuan burst into tears.


Zhou Yao stepped out, Xiao Zhi stepped forward, "Major General."

"Well, you send someone to check the background of the private doctor."

"Major general, haven't we found out that this private doctor is an international recidivist who specifically solicited contradictions between the two countries and created terrorist attacks. It is not surprising that he chose a Russian with a special identity to start with. Is there any doubt?"

Zhou Yao's eyes flashed, "I wonder if he has anything to do with Scorpion?"

"It's hard to say. We haven't found any information at this time."

Zhou Yao nodded. "The night the private doctor was arrested back to the base, was he held in a place with Han Xuan?"

"Yes, the cells in the base are temporary, in one place."

Zhou Yao was in deep thought. What did Han Xuan have in mind? He still knew a few pounds and a few pounds. When she was attacked, she slammed at him and actually wanted to be caught by a private doctor. Her purpose was very simple. Directly, I want to use the hands of a private doctor to get rid of the cold kite.

So why did Han Xuan decide that the goal of the private doctor was Leng Zhiyu?

The only explanation was that on the night of her detention, Han Xuan had a conversation with a private doctor, who personally guided her and told her.

Then the problem came, and the goal of the private doctor was very clear, which was cold kite.

But why is it kitty?

Really as the private doctor said, was Leng Zhiyu sent someone to find out his bottom line and caught him by surprise, so that he fell short?

He disagrees.

These terrorists say that they want real gold and silver. Every time they make a big move, it is impossible to simply for personal complaints. The base is a copper wall and an iron wall. Private doctors dare to attack outside the base is equivalent to an attack. Suicide, they committed suicide for the cold kite?

However, compared to Leng Jiu, doesn't the private doctor think he should kill more?

He personally arrested the private doctor, but he stood in front of the private doctor, who seemed to treat him like nothing.

What is the real purpose of a private doctor?

Is he a scorpion?

Hard to say.

The scorpion's number one goal is himself, and Leng Liao is his beloved woman.

Zhou Yao felt himself in a huge mist.

"Forget it, you don't need to worry about this, I will check it slowly."


Leng Zhiyu returned to the room. She hasn't been here for a long time, so she stayed for a few days last time.

After looking around, the house was clean and tidy, a quilt with a tofu box stacked on the bed, and a set of men's toiletries in the bathroom.

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