My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 876: Isn't it that you still remember that night

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Ye Xiaotao screamed all the way, because Leng Hao stepped on the throttle all the way to the end, she was dizzy and her whole body was soft like a roller coaster.

Finally, the car stopped, and it took a long time to look like a century. She was busy swallowing two saliva to adjust her breathing. At this moment, the front passenger seat door was pulled open, and Leng Hao's black charcoal cheek appeared in her sight. Here, "Get off!"

"No way!" She scolded with an angry cross on her hips. "Leng Hao, you drive the car so fast, do you want to go to the shit, you don't think the **** is okay, please do n’t pull me on, please, my young and beautiful girl ... Ah!"

She had been carried on Leng Hao's shoulders.

"Hey, Lenghao, what are you doing? Put me down. My stomach hurts on your shoulders, I feel dizzy, and I'm going to vomit." She squeezed two small powder punches and beat him with two thin legs. Still stroking in the air.

Leng Hao was expressionless. He carried her into the hospital and went straight to the operating theatre.

The doctors and passers-by in the hospital were stunned. They hurriedly avoided the corner and stared at this fierce man with a stunned face. The little **** the man's shoulder scolded and chattered. The two were in the hospital. A spectacle.

At this time, the flow surgery room was just opened, and the doctor in white sent away the girl who had just finished the operation to remove the white mask. At this moment, a cold wind blew in, and a little girl was banged on the operating table. Operate her, immediately, immediately! "

The doctor looked up in shock at the man in front of him, and saw the man glaring at her, as if she was slow to take her life. The doctor stuttered, "You, you ..."

"What are you doing? Surgery! Help her remove the baby in her belly!"

"Why?" Without control Ye Xiaotao sat up suddenly from the operating table, she was about to explode, and those big watery eyes turned black and sullen, "You didn't mean that the child in my stomach was not you Yes? This child is another man, what qualifications do you have to decide his life or death? "

Leng Hao looked down at this beautiful and energetic little face. He tightened his fists, "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

"Well, you are so anxious to kill the child in my stomach that you don't want to cover up the facts. I urge you to accept the reality. The reality is --- I used to be stronger than you!"

"Shut up! You slutty woman!" Leng Hao kicked the medical frame around him, then bent down and propped his palms on the operating table on both sides of Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao's petite body suddenly seemed to be in his arms. If someone saw him, he would think they were lovers. However, the reality was that the two were staring at each other in disgust, and their faces were close together. Ye Xiaotao bravely and fearlessly met his clear blue eyes, and suddenly his eyebrows were bent, and he smiled sweetly, "Oh, Mr. Leng, how do you know if I'm sullen and unsettled, it won't be ... you remember that night ... ? "

Leng Hao's tall body shook, and the uncontrollable mind surfaced the picture of that night. There was no light in the room. He was drunk and fell asleep in bed.

Suddenly, a slight noise sounded in his ear, as if the window was opened, and then a heavy weight hit his waist, and someone rode on him.

He is a martial artist. If no one can approach him on weekdays, but he is so drunk that night, he shakes her off a few times and wants to get out of bed, but there is a body attached on the back, soft and fragrant. Human ... blood surges.

Thinking of this, Leng Hao thought that his throat was inexplicably dry, and his clear blue eyes swept across the small mouth of Ye Xiaotao's faint cherry, and his complexion was more blue.

At that moment the doctor opened his mouth, "You, you ..."

"Who made you talk!" Leng Hao and Ye Xiaotao stared at the doctor at the same time.


So tacit!

Leng Hao and Ye Xiaotao realized that they had said the same thing, and stared at each other fiercely. At this moment, the knock of the door rang, "Master Leng, miss ...

"Get me out!" Lenghao and Ye Xiaotao yelled at the same time.

This roar, both were stagnant, and saw a group of black bodyguards outside the operating room door. The housekeeper of the night house respectfully stood by the door, and the night father came.

Leng Hao stood straight and looked at Yev.

Ye Xiaotao scrambled down from the operating table in a panic. She didn't dare to look at her dad. "Daddy, haha, when are you ... here?"

Ye Ye's "hehe" two responses are regarded as a response, and then his eyes are clear, "Not sooner or later, knowing when you are pregnant!"

Ye Xiaotao, ...


Leng Zhiyu had been staying in the villa, and it was dark in a blink of an eye. The elder brother had not returned yet. I wonder how he and Ye Xiaotao handled the matter.

Bai Lingyun left early. The strong woman answered a phone call and said something was happening in the company. Leng Zhiyu smiled and didn't stay.

At seven o'clock in the evening, she came out of the room, only to hear the sound of glass breaking in the study, and the roar of Leng Mu's impetuous, "Get out!"

"Yes, sir." The maid packed up the broken glass on the ground and hurried out.

Leng Zhiyu stopped the maid outside the door. "When will my father be back?"

"Miss Hui, Master has just come back soon."

Leng Zhiyu glanced at the maid's hand. The maid's hand turned red, as if burned. It is estimated that when the father lost his temper, the hot coffee was spilled on the maid's hand.

She felt weird. This wasn't the case with Dad before. Dad was very kind to the servants at home. Even if he lost his temper, he would not be angry with the servants.

What's wrong with Dad now?

"Does my father lose his temper lately?"

"Master has been very irritable lately, and will be furious when he encounters a little discomfort," the servant answered honestly.

"Well," Leng Zhijie nodded and said that she knew, "you go down and apply some ointment, and let you take a day off tomorrow."

"Thank you, Miss." The maid resigned thankfully.


Leng Zhiyu came to the door of the study. She raised her hand and banged on the door of the study.

"Come in."

Cold kite pushed in the door.

I saw Leng Mu sitting on the desk, and he looked down at the stack of information at his hand, his brows were locked and his face was dignified.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Leng Zhiyu went behind Leng Mu and helped Leng Mu pinch her shoulders.

"There are so many things at home recently, your elder brother is in a mess, and you don't worry about me, too busy." Leng Mu didn't look up and sighed.

Leng Zhiyi felt guilty at once, "Dad, now I'm at home. You can share the work with me, and I will help you share it."

Leng Mu said "Hey", and said with a long heart, "I thought you were married to the Zhou family and He Meimei. Girls are not suitable for killing and killing. After you get married, I plan to let you slowly exit To live a normal life, Dad doesn't ask you much. I just hope that you will be happy and peaceful, so that I can be regarded as your mother under Jiuquan. "

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