My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 881: You hit the bullet on my dad

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The backup ships rushed over, and Zhou Yao and the Red Flame soldiers all landed. This time the battle was a complete victory. They did not have any casualties.

The fog on the shore is very thin and does not affect the sight, but it is now seven o'clock in the evening and the sky is very dark.

There was a cordon all around, and Zhou Yao stepped ashore. At this moment, a strong beam of lights from a distance came over. Zhou Yao looked up and a car stopped.

The door opened and an exquisite figure appeared in sight.

Zhou Yao's eyes changed, and it all came too quickly. He had come before he had thought about how to face this woman.

Leng Zhiyu wanted to come over, but the people around the cordon blocked her. She immediately looked up at Zhou Yao here.

Zhou Yao nodded to the staff member, and Leng Zhiyu ran over quickly.

"Zhou Yao!" Leng Zhiyu ran over and hugged him.

In the past few days, the tenderness that he has been missing has returned to his arms, Zhou Yao froze, then slowly reached out and hugged her shoulder, buried her head in her long hair and sniffed, he closed his eyes contentedly "I'm still wet, it's cold, and holding me will catch a cold."

Leng Zhiyu kissed his cheek. "Zhou Yao, I've always been uneasy these days. It feels like someone's going to go wrong. I'm so worried and scared. I'm afraid you're hurt."

"I'm fine." Zhou Yao embraced her even more.

At this moment, Leng Zhiyu suddenly pushed him away, and she looked nervously at Zhou Yao. "Zhou Yao, I want to ask you something, do you see my father?"

Zhou Yao's thinned lips suddenly became a white line, he didn't speak.

"Zhou Yao, I found that my father has behaved abnormally recently. His character has become extremely irritable, and he has been out of control all day. My father has disappeared since yesterday morning. I can't find any information about him, but look at this ... Leng Zhiyu unfolded a piece of paper in his pocket and showed him, "Is this a picture of Binzhou Island, I saw it in your hand that night."

"Zui ..." Zhou Yao held her shoulder. "Calm down first."

Leng Zhiyu calmed down quickly, her beautiful gray eyes looked at Zhou Yao expectantly, "Did you see my dad? I know I shouldn't bother you, but I only have one dad. If something goes wrong I ... I don't know what to do, Zhou Yao, can you help me? "

Facing the woman's shiny gray eyes, Zhou Yao stretched her tongue and licked her dry thin lips. This is her dependence on expecting her. What should he say?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi aside said, "Sister-in-law."

"Huh?" Leng Zhiyu looked at her.

This look happened to see several staff members carrying a stretcher from the boat, and a person lying on the stretcher ...

Leng Zhiyu slowly released Zhou Yao, and she stepped forward.

"Kite!" Zhou Yao reached out and clasped her slender wrist.

Leng Zhiyu turned her head back, and she pointed at the person on the stretcher in doubt and confusion, "Who is that person? It is too far away to see the face, but ... it feels familiar and familiar ..."

At this moment Zhou Yao can't wait to hold her in his arms and rub it into the bones. He didn't want her to see this scene. He knew it and always knew it. Her father was very kind to her. Leng Mu, being both a father and a mother, pulled her up, fearing she would be a little bit wronged.

Parents always want to give their children the best things in the world.

Don't look at her like a little hedgehog. In fact, she is a little girl who has not grown up in her life. Her emotions in her life are more pure than anyone.

She couldn't stand the blow.

Can't stand it.

Zhou Yao didn't speak, Leng Zhiyu looked at his face and felt strange. She looked back at the stretcher again, and felt something vaguely in her heart. She immediately let go of his hand and strode forward.

"Kite!" He caught up.

She stared back at him, asking simply and directly, "Who is that? Isn't it ... my dad?"

In the cold wind, her flexible and straight body showed some weakness at such a moment, and her eyes stared at him gradually becoming red.

Zhou Yao was silent directly.

Cold Kitty turned around and walked to the stretcher.

When looking at Leng Mu lying on the stretcher, Leng Zhiyu's body still shook, her two hands hanging to her side shivered uncontrollably.

"Dad ..." She slowly reached out her hand, leaning into Leng Mu's breath.

When her finger was under Leng Mu's nose, Leng Zhiyu closed her eyes again, her slender eyelashes were shaking so much that it seemed that the whole person would not breathe.


and also…

Her dad is still breathing!

Leng Zhiyu opened her eyes quickly, and she breathed quickly. Fortunately, her father was alive.

She took her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed a phone number, "Hey, Ah Chen, help me prepare the hospital ..."

At this moment, "Zhao Jiu", Zhou Yao stepped forward, and gently held the hand of Leng Jiu holding the mobile phone.

Leng Zhiyu looked up, her eyes collided with Zhou Yao, and she understood instantly.

She didn't have any extra gestures or expressions. She hung up the phone. Although her face was as white as her face, her expression was calm and calm. I know, I ca n’t take my dad away. My dad's every move is now under your surveillance. I can cooperate, but my dad is going to the hospital for treatment now. I want to keep my dad's life! "

"Rest assured, we will go to the hospital now." Zhou Yao waved his hand to the staff member, and the staff member carried the stretcher and left.

Leng Zhiyu also pulled her leg forward, Zhou Yao quickly chased after him, "Ziyi, go with me."

Leng Zhiyu looked back, "You hit the bullet on my father?"

Zhou Yao froze and even stopped.

There was obvious dampness in Leng Zhiyu's eyes, but she lifted her eyelids quickly, and the corner of her mouth evoked an indifferent and self-deprecating arc. She looked at him and said, "Although I can understand you, I am really disappointed in you ... . "

Leng Zhiyu got into her car and followed the ambulance away.

Zhou Yao stood in place, his two big hands hanging down to his side gradually clenched into fists, curled up thick and hard curly eyelashes, and rolled his throat knot.

At this time, Xiao Zhi stepped forward, "Major General, I went to tell Xunzi that this shot was fired by me and has nothing to do with Major General. I believe Xunzi can forgive."

Zhou Yao glanced at Xiaozhi, "It doesn't make a difference whether you fired this gun or me!"

He pulled his leg into the car.


In the hospital.

Leng Zhiyu stood outside the operating room like an ice cellar. All the words of the doctor were like her final sentence. "After the operation, the bullet at the patient's heart has been taken out and my life has been saved, but I'm sorry to inform you The patient will go into a dormant state for a long time and cannot wake up, which is what we call a vegetative person, and the patient will lie on the bed for the rest of his life. "

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