My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 895: It hurts for you, little things

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Watching Leng Hao go, the room was closed with a "bang", Ye Xiaotao jumped up quickly, and she compared her two "yeah" with her hands.

Yeah yeah!

She finally kicked the stinky stone away.

She turned and ran to the big bed, then lay comfortably on the soft quilt. She happily rolled a few laps. Great, the room problem was finally solved.

Did he go to bed?

Let's go to sleep in the room!

Ye Xiaotao went to dreamland beautifully.


In the early morning of the next day, Leng Zhiyu slowly opened her eyes, her side was empty, and Zhou Yao had already got up.

She sat up and felt refreshed. She slept very well in his arms last night and had no dreams overnight.

It's only six o'clock now. Did he get up and run?

Cold Kitty got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash.

Taking out the toothbrush and squeezing some toothpaste, she suddenly saw a black short in the bamboo basket beside her, Zhou Yao's.

He should have changed clothes after taking a bath last night. Every morning, the maid will take away the dirty clothes. Why is there another short in the bamboo basket?

She had sharp eyes and noticed some abnormal wetness on the shorts ...

She blushed all over her face, he ...

I heard that a man has been stunned for too long, and will be lost in his sleep when he thinks hard. Is he like that last night?

This is bad for men's health.

When the cold kite burst, the room door was opened and Zhou Yao returned.

He wore a white vest to run, sweating all over, seeing her standing in the bath room, he went in and looked, and then lip smiled, "Wife, what are you looking at?"

Leng Jie looked at him. Just after running, he was exuding a hormonal healthy body smell. Sweat beads ran across his arms like hair, black short hair stood wet, leaning against the wall leisurely. Her face looked at her playfully.

He looked like a cricket again.

Leng Zhiyu knew that he was knowingly asking, and she went out, "I didn't see anything."

"Oh." Zhou Yao chuckled as she looked at her back. He pulled out his long legs and went into the bathroom. Then he put the dirty underwear into a basin and washed it by himself.

"Wife, I couldn't control it last night."

Leng Zhiyu felt that her ears were burning. She glanced sideways at him and looked at him quietly. The tall man measuring 1.9 meters looked very crowded in the bathroom. At this moment, he bowed his waist and wiped his well-defined palm Lightly soap, scrubbing his inner library.

At this time he was quite like a soldier, with a little nagging in the simplicity.

She looked at his side face, the lines were smooth, the sword eyebrows entered, and Zhou Zhengqi with iron bones was very clean.

At this time, Zhou Yao turned her head to look at her, just caught her and stared at him. He immediately laughed joyfully, "Daughter, are you willing to let me down? Otherwise, you will come to me tonight?"

Knowing that he was not at ease, Leng Zhiyu snorted and turned away, ignoring him.

Zhou Yao diligently washed the inner warehouse, and those who served as soldiers would do these rough jobs, do it themselves, and get plenty of food.

At this time, a drop of warm liquid suddenly dropped on his hand, and his hand was stiff, watching the liquid on the hand quickly melt into the basin.

Followed by the second, third, fourth ...

Zhou Yao raised his head and looked at the mirror in front of him. He had a nosebleed.

The sharp red blood dripped from the tip of his nose.

He reached out and wiped it, all stained red on his fingertips.

Seeing suddenly there was no movement behind Leng Zhiyue, she turned to look at it, and saw that the man stiffened in front of the washstand, and his raised right hand was full of blood.

"Zhou Yao!" Her pupils shrank, and quickly ran forward and wiped the blood in her fingertips with her hands. She looked up and found that there was blood under his nose.

"Zhou Yao, what's wrong with you?" She immediately tiptoeed and covered his nose with his sleeves.

Zhou Yao looked at the woman. The woman looked pale and scared. She was looking at him with a pair of grey eyes worried and panic. She seemed unable to breathe.

He slowly raised his lips, and laughed, "Let's not follow me, that's all right, the internal fire is too big, I have a nosebleed. Daughter-in-law, we should be in the same room."

Leng Zhiyu's fright is undecided. His body has always been very good. Even if he is injured by a flesh, he will be well soon. How could he have a nosebleed?

But now that he heard the phrase "The internal fire is too big", she didn't know if she should be angry or laugh, and took back her hand. She turned and left, "Ignore you!"

"Hey, daughter-in-law!" Zhou Yao immediately stretched out her long arms to wrap her thin waist, and hugged her into her arms from behind. He raised his eyebrows and sniffed her long hair, "Just a joke, do not be angry."

"Can this joke be messed up? You scared me!" She was furious.

Zhou Yao pulled a towel to wipe the blood under his nose. The blood had stopped. He threw the dirty towel on the washstand and hugged her. He closed his eyes and said softly, "Daughter, don't move, Let me hug. "

He felt ... dark and dizzy.

The cold kite really didn't move, let him hold him obediently, and she asked uneasily, "Are you really inflamed? Have you felt uncomfortable? Nosebleeds can be big or small, wait a while Let's go to the hospital together. "

"It's okay, I'm not clear about my health. Today I'm going to the team. I don't have time to go to the hospital. I know you are not assured. There are medics in the team. Let me have a look when I go." He kissed her. Cheek.

Leng Zhiyu felt relieved. "Don't forget it."

"Well, I won't forget." Said Zhou Yao reached out and touched her little face. "Wife, will you be tonight?"

"Why are you thinking about this?" She stomped.

"I miss you, and the body thinks you think of perm hair, what can you do to me, eh? Mother, don't you feel bad for me? I used to hurt you, little things!" He was like a coquettish puppy Scratch her face.

Leng Zhiyu's face quickly turned red like a red apple, and she stopped talking.

Zhou Yao knew that she had agreed and compromised. He had a nosebleed just now. She should have been frightened and dare not hit him any more. His handsome features fell into a tender feeling. "Wife, I want to be good with you, lifetime."


Zhou Yao left, Leng Zhiyu stood by the gate and watched his car leave. When the car completely disappeared into sight, she turned back to the villa's living room.

"Where's my elder brother?"

"Miss Hui, Grand Master went out early in the morning."

"What about Madam?"

"Mrs. Young seems to have just got up."

Leng Zhiyu nodded and said that she knew, she lifted her feet and went upstairs.

At this time, I saw a maid starting from the guest room. It seemed as if she had just finished cleaning. Leng Zhiyu glanced to know that her elder brother had slept in the guest room last night, and Xiao Tao slept in the master bedroom that night.

Leng Zhiyu glanced at the master bedroom. The door of the master bedroom was open. There was no Ye Xiaotao in it.

What about her?

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