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"Happy, of course."

Zhou Yao closed her eyes and opened her mouth to cover the red lips she sent.

He kissed so suddenly, Leng Zhiyu stepped back a little, but his strong arm hooped strong, she failed to win, and opened his eyes to see him, because of her little retreat, the man had already frowned his sword eyebrow .

Leng Zhiyu thought it was funny. She reached out her hand and touched the green scum on his jaw. The green scum was painful and crisp in her tender fingertips, just like ... he felt for her.

She closed her eyes and responded to him.

I don't know how long they kissed, and they let go, Zhou Yao said dumbly, "This is not allowed in the future."


"Although my marksmanship is accurate, what if I make a mistake?" He said stiffly.

"How can that be? You are Major General, no one can match."

He smiled and reached out and squeezed her face, "Say! Come on! Now that you know I am Major General, why don't you treat me like Major General?"

She usually talks, and likes to talk back. When she is angry, she also likes to yell at him and pinch his ears. In front of her, what kind of major is he?

Leng Zhiyu knew that she was not gentle compared to other women, especially compared with Han Xuan. Han Xuan's admiration and admiration for him were written in her eyes.

She embarrassed her tongue.

This is the first time she has done such a little girl's gesture, spitting her tongue, his eyes darkened, and she reached out and pulled her, trying to plug her red lips.

"Don't!" She hid, not letting him do it.

"Wife!" He suddenly turned black.

It was funny to him, Leng Zhiyu giggled and fell into his arms with a smile.

Zhou Yao reluctantly accepted her offer, holding her with both hands, and looking down at her forehead, "Why are you looking for Ye Ziyi?"

She heard the obvious dissatisfaction from his tone. Also, she was the first to find Ye Ziyi, a life-and-death event, and a masculine man like him must not accept it.

She hugged his waist and exhaled, and responded very naturally, "I'm in prison, the two people in Zhou Leng must not be able to move. You said you went to jail, it was you who killed me and pulled me back Ye Ziyi is my only candidate and is the most suitable. He is rigorous and does not leak water, and I believe in him because of our friendship ... "

"Oh," the man interrupted her with a sneer. "What friendship do you have, how do I not know."

Leng Zhiyu muttered in his heart, this jealous man!

She raised her head in his arms, "Hey, what tone do you have, Ye Ziyi and I have n’t known each other better than you and Han Xuan? Now they have saved your wife, how do you say this tone? "

"Then what tone do you want me to do?" He said he was really yin and yang, and whispered, "Oh, Ye Si, thank you for saving my wife?"

Leng Zhiyu immediately squeezed his fist and hammered him, "Just talk about it, I will ignore you if you entangle this problem!"

Zhou Yao stared at her fiercely, and then pulled her into his arms with a cold face, "Don't contact him in the future!"

"But they saved me ..."

"I'll go and thank him, will you?"

"It's almost the same." Leng Zhiyu buried in his chest with satisfaction.

The two hugged quietly. At this time, the silence was better than the sound. The warm sunshine was plated on their faces, adding more tenderness.

"Zhou Yao." She closed his eyes and whispered his name.

"Well?" He answered.

"How's Han Xuan there?"

Zhou Yao's complexion remained unchanged, but his words were perfunctory. "What happened, just like that, she doesn't need to worry about her, she can't bother you."

"Then your illness ..."

"It's dead." He spit out three words casually.

Leng Zhiyu opened her eyes immediately, and she was going to look up at him, but his big palm held her head to keep her from looking up, and he let her lie in his arms like this, listening to his strong heartbeat .

"Do you mean it?" She asked.

"Well." He nodded.

"Han Xuan ..."

"Han Xuan wants me to marry her, do you agree?" He said directly.

The cold eye kite's long eyelashes fell down, she knew it was the case, stretched out a small hand and clasped his waist, she shook her head, "No."

"Well, I don't agree, you are mine, and I am just yours." He kissed her hair vigorously.

"Zhou Yao, shall we wait for you to die slowly?"

"What's so terrible about this?" He squeezed her soft waist, "Afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Don't be **** if you are not afraid. Han Xuan has no way to detoxify me. She can only hold my life. If she really took the last trip, I don't want to be bound by anyone."

Bound ... Bound ...

Leng Zhiyu understands, don't need him to say much.

"Okay, I'll stay with you."


In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Yao was gone when the cold kite got up. There was a note on the bedside table, which was the cursive words of his dragons and phoenixes-my daughter-in-law, I went home and returned soon.

He went back to Zhou's house.

Leng Zhiyu received the note and then simply washed it. The breakfast prepared by the servant was delivered directly to her room. The two men at home were not allowed to move around.

"Where's Madam?" Leng Zhiyu didn't see Ye Xiaotao, so she asked the servant.

"Miss, the young master is afraid that the young lady stayed at home and accidentally bumped into you and harassed you, so the young master brought the young grandma into the car early in the morning and took him away."


Leng Zhiyu thinks that her elder brother looks like Zhou Yao at some point, it's all like that ... rude.

After having breakfast, Cold Kite stayed in the room to rest. She stood on the balcony and looked at the distant scenery.

At this moment, two beeps, Ah Chen came in.


"Well." Leng Zhijie supported the railing with her hands and didn't look back. "How is Ye Ziyi there?"

"Miss, Ye Ziyi is very calm there, but I just got the news that Ye Ziyi originally flew to Africa for a meeting this morning, but Shang Feng suddenly disqualified him temporarily and replaced him with a political enemy to join Africa The meeting. He has been the darling of Shangfeng for the past few years. He has never been so cold-hearted. I am afraid that this African conference is just the beginning. "

Leng Zhiyu's mouth gave a little smile, "Last night, outside the prison, I deliberately called Ye Ziyi's name in front of Yang. In fact, Ye Ziyi did not come. The summit gradually stopped all rights of Ye Ziyi and elevated him for investigation. "

A Chen looked at the back of Leng Jie's back and raised her thumb. "Miss, it's wonderful that you are taking this trick away."

Leng Zhiyu wrapped her arms around her. "Brother is worried that my appearance will regenerate waves. In fact, at this moment, no one dares to regenerate waves. Let's not talk about the two of us. I have written my death certificate by Yang Autographed, I brought Ye Ziyi in again. Ye Ziyi was deeply entrenched in Shangfeng. The forces were complicated. I have disrupted the current situation. Even if the people above deal with me, I dare not start easily. "

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