My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 917: The way to save him

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The black shirt was wet with blood, because with a button attached, the cold kite could clearly see that he had scratched himself again, and those streaked pale pink scars had new wounds and blood stains.

Leng Zhiyu came to the bed, Zhou Yao closed her eyes tightly, his breath was very light, but the undulations under his chest were very strong, giving people peace of mind.

She plucked her legs and walked to the shower room, holding out a basin.

Wet the towel in warm water and squeeze it out. She sat by the bed and gently wiped his face.

Zhou Yao's two rows of thick and hard long eyelashes fluttered, and the throat knot rolled, and he slowly raised his hand and held her little hand.

He clenched her little hand tightly, and hugged it against his cheek, like a coquettish nostalgia.

The tears in Leng Zhiyu's eyes came out again, but she didn't wipe and tried to evoke the corners of her lips. She asked softly, "Is it okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

"It's fine."

"Wife, let me hug you."

Hug ...

Leng Zhiyu bent down and buried her little head in his neck. She kissed him twice, and hot tears flowed into his skin.

He held her shoulder in one hand, and touched her face with the other big palm, and wiped the tears gently for her, "Don't cry, just stay with me like this. I just had a bad pain just now. I was thinking, when I do n’t have any pain, I can see you and I can hold you like I do now ... ”

The cold kite shivered with red lips and whimpered lowly, "I will ... always stay with you ..."

"Well!" Zhou Yao held her tightly.


Four days passed, and Zhou Yao became ill every night during the four days. The entire Zhou family was laughing and laughing every day. As the night fell, the Zhou family was in hell.

Leng Zhiyu always waited outside the door. Every time his illness was over, she felt her heart was numb. But the next night, her numb heart was stung again and it hurt again.

The wounds on his body were treated by her personally the first three nights, but on the third night he had a low fever, and the wound became infected. The doctor rushed over to see his wound, and then shook his head. The old injury added new injuries, not only The wound will become infected and his skin will fester quickly.

On the fourth night, he would not let her enter the room, and he would not allow her to see the wound. The doctor would deal with him and she waited outside obediently.

On the fifth day and the sixth day, Zhou Yao did not have any symptoms in these two days, but he became thinner and his eye sockets were sunken, more severe and deep.

Leng Zhiyu and the people of the Zhou family all know that this is not a good phenomenon.

On the seventh morning, Leng Zhiyu's cell phone rang and it was a familiar call.

"Hey ..." she picked up.

"Hey, Miss Leng, how's Brother Zhou?" Han Xuan.

Leng Zhiyu didn't conceal, "He is in a bad condition. He developed symptoms for four days, but these two days seem to be suddenly better, but his people are not good."

"Well, these two days are back to light, no accidents, Brother Zhou's time is today or tomorrow." Han Xuan said with a smile, "Thanks to Brother Zhou's good physical fitness, he changed to an ordinary person and spent three days Can't live. "

Leng Zhiyu froze her lips. "Miss Han, what is the purpose of this call? Let's talk straight."

"Oh, Ms. Leng, I have to admit that you are really smart, then I'll say it straight. I have found a way to rescue Brother Zhou."

"Really? Did you make a knowing medicine?" Leng Zhiyue's eyes brightened.

"It's not an antidote. Brother Zhou's poison can't be solved. I just found a way."

"any solution?"

"Change blood."

"Who's blood?"

"Mine. Through testing, my blood molecular genes are exactly the same as Brother Zhou's, that is, his blood can be fused in my body. This is very rare in medicine. Miss Leng, how about it, do you think Even Heaven helped me? "

Leng Zhiyu shook her lips, "Han Xuan, do you know what the consequences of a blood exchange will be for you?"

"I know that the toxin from Brother Zhou will be transmitted to me. I don't know the specific consequences. Maybe this toxin was developed based on Brother Zhou's body. It will not have such a strong disease on me, but after all It's very toxic, it's crippled, or it's dead. "

Leng Zhiyu stopped talking, Han Xuan was a doctor, and she knew the consequences of transfusion better than anyone.

"Ms. Leng, I won't exchange blood for Brother Zhou in vain, or that request, I want you to leave him, and I want him to marry me. I have already told you about this method, Brother Zhou will not agree, so it depends Miss Leng is yours, I'll wait for your news. "

Han Xuan hung up.

Leng Zhijie held her mobile phone in her hand, she looked down, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this moment Zhou Yao came in, "Wife, what are you doing?"

Leng Zhiyu looked up, and she smiled and lifted up the mobile phone in her hand. "Big brother just called and said he and Xiao Tao were already on their way. Today they came to our house as a guest."

"Welcome." Zhou Yao walked over and took her little hand. "We go downstairs to meet the big brother."

"How's your body ... how about it? Let me see." Leng Zhiyu wanted to lift up the thin sweater on his body to see.

But Zhou Yao quickly clasped her little hand, and he raised his sword and eyebrows and smiled uncontrollably, "It's ugly, don't look at it, I hope I will always look so handsome in your heart."

Leng Zhiyu's heart was sour, but she quickly retorted, "How handsome, why didn't I see it?"

"Blind?" He frowned immediately, trying to grab her.

"Ah!" Leng Zhiyu screamed and ran away with a smile.

"Wife, don't run!"


Leng Zhiyu ran down the steps, Zhou Yao had caught up with him, he took her into his arms from behind, bite her little lobe badly, and he cursed, "Small thing, dare to run again?"

At this time, Mr. Zhou, Father Zhou, and Mother Zhou were all on the lawn. Today, the sky is clear and the sun is shining. The three of them smiled. Looking at this, Mother Zhou said, "Zhou Yao, be careful, don't fall the kite. . "

Zhou Yao hugged her soft waist steadily. "Rest assured, my daughter-in-law can I still fall?"

The cold kite flushed.

At this time, the outside door was pulled open, a luxury car came in, and Leng Hao and Ye Xiaotao came.

Zhou Yao loosened her soft waist and took her little hand instead. "Brother, are you here?"

"Well." Leng Hao reached out and patted Zhou Yao's shoulder. Men don't need verbal greetings.

"Sister Leng." Ye Xiaotao was still so happy, she jumped to Leng Zhiyu's side and held her arm, muttered, "Sister Leng, you moved back. I'm so boring. I can finally come out today. Breathable. "

At this time, Mr. Zhou beckoned everyone over there, "Come on, come today, today is a happy day, let us have fun."

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