My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 925: Waiting for me in bed

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After listening to Han Xuan's situation was not so bad, Leng Zhiyu was relieved. Although she did not like Han Xuan and she was not a loving mother, but if something happened to Han Xuan, Zhou Yao would be uneasy for life. At this point, she didn't want Han Xuan to do anything.

"Xiaozhi, something happened to your major general during this time, and you worked hard."

Xiaozhi shook his head, "I'm not at all hard ... I just worry for the major general ... I can tell that major general can't live without you, but Miss Han Xuan can't live without major general ..."

This complicated relationship frowned Xiaozhi, and frowned.

"Boat to bridgehead is naturally straight, everything will be solved easily, don't worry too much." Leng Zhifang said.

"Well, sister-in-law, you have to eat while you're hot, I'll go out first."

Xiao Zhi went out, Leng Zhiyu sat at the table to eat, and the white rice filled a large bowl. She had no appetite and ate a little.

After a good meal, she got up, and everything came to rest, and now it was night, she was going to sleep, there was no condition in the room, there was no bath, so she washed herself with a little water in the washbasin.

When she came out of the bathroom, she walked to the side of the bed. At that moment, she creaked, and the door of the room was opened.

Leng Zhiyu quickly looked back and Zhou Yao returned.

"You're back?" She stepped forward and tipped her toes to help him take off the black leather coat.

"Well." Zhou Yao responded. There were not many emotions on his handsome face. A man used to being restrained in emotions, but his facial features were tight, and his deep eyebrows were tired.

Soon after he woke up, he was still a patient but had to take care of another patient.

Leng Zhiyu held his black leather jacket in his arms. The two sleeves of the leather jacket had deep drag marks. It was probably Han Xuan who caught him in pain. His leather jacket had a long black hair.

Han Xuan's.

She turned her back, stretched out her long hair, and threw it into the trash can near her feet.

At this time, the warm embrace was stuck from behind, and the man buried his head in her hair and sniffed deeply. His voice was a little hoarse, but more gentle, "Han Xuan would hurt himself, so ... Got her ... "

Is he explaining?

Because he saw her take off the long hair left by Han Xuan.

Leng Zhiyu couldn't help laughing, this explanation is not a good explanation for a woman, it might as well not explain it, his mouth is really stupid.

But also honest.

"I see, I won't mind this little thing ..." Leng Zhiyu hung his leather coat on a hanger, and asked, "Did you eat?"

"Not yet. Have you eaten it?"

"Have eaten ... then let Xiaozhi give you another dinner ..."

Zhou Yao glanced at the table. Most of the rice and vegetables on the table were left. She moved only a little. He frowned and looked at her, "Why eat so little?"

"Because ... the food here is not delicious ..."

She lied casually. In fact, the food was delicious, except that she had something in her heart and could not eat it. She didn't want to worry him.

Zhou Yao heard the words and raised his eyebrows. He reached out and rubbed her hair. His eyes were pitying. "The conditions are limited here. Our lady Miss Leng will bear it for now. After this time, I will take you out to eat meal."

Leng Zhiyu was amused, she looked at him with bright eyes, nodded affirmatively, "Large!"

Zhou Yao smiled. He took her by the shoulders and took her to the table. Then he sat on the chair himself. He picked up her bowl and started to eat.

"Ah, Zhou Yao, that's what I eat."

"It's okay, I don't dislike you."

Leng Zhiyu had to watch him eat. Although he was a famous person and had a special person to serve him, he never picked it up. Instead, he had been a soldier for a long time. He had a lot of simple virtues.

That said, she should not waste food next time, so that she can keep up with him.

Soon Zhou Yao ate up most of the bowl of rice. Leng Zhijie was distressed by him and asked, "The food is cold. Would you like someone to send you some hot soup?"

"No more." Zhou Yao put down his chopsticks and stood up. "It's the same with soup and soup. You don't have to drink it ..." Then he glanced at her, "Have you washed it?"

His topic changed a little bit quickly, and Leng Zhiyu nodded after a moment's sleep, "Well, I washed it."

He pulled out his long legs and walked to the bathroom. "Then I'll wash it. You'll wait for me in bed."

Is he going to sleep?

Also, after eating, there is nothing else to do. The next step is to sleep. Seeing how he lacks sleep, these two days he is very tired.

Leng Zhiyu stretched out her two little hands and patted her face, her face was already red because of his phrase "Waiting for me in bed", she spurned herself in her heart, what was she thinking? ?

He didn't have that mind at all, he only had surgery for two days, a patient!


Leng Zhiyu went to bed, the bed was not big, but it was not a problem to barely sleep two people. As soon as she sat on the bed, Zhou Yao came out of the bathroom.

He washed his face, and a short slick of hair dipped in some water on his eyelids. The black T-shirt was replaced with a black shirt, and two buttons were buttoned. Here, as long as he took off his military uniform, he couldn't hide his bad bones, but he was also romantic.

Zhou Yao went to bed a few steps, because of his weight, the bed collapsed a lot, and he threw a bottle of ointment in his hand to her, "Help me."

He turned his back and took off his black shirt.

"Oh." Leng Zhiyu answered, then opened the bottle of ointment, she looked at his back. The intricate wounds on his back had all been scarred, and many of them had faded, but there were too many wounds. People looked shocked.

Suddenly Leng Zhiyu was distressed, she felt the eyes were very hot, and she put a little ointment on her hand. She gently wiped his back. "What does this ointment do?"


"Removing scars?" It's true that so many wounds of different depths on his body are likely to have scars in the future, but with his personality ... "When have you been so scent?"

"I don't care, but do you look scared?"


"Now my body is not me, it's yours."

Leng Zhiyu was stagnant and quickly understood what he meant. Was he afraid that she would be scared and uncomfortable looking at the scars on him in the future?

She hammered him with her fist. "Be serious!"

Zhou Yao raised his eyebrows uncontrollably, and then turned around. He patted his chest and motioned that she should wipe the front. "It's boring to be serious with my daughter-in-law."

Leng Zhijie's face was hot. She couldn't talk about this topic, so she stopped talking and concentrated on giving him medicine.

At this moment it was dark, and the man kissed overwhelmingly.

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