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Leng Zhiyu was awakened by the rough touch on her face, and slowly opened her eyes. Zhou Yao's handsome and tough face was enlarged in her sight.

He was holding her face with a big palm, and the thin and fascinated rubbing the tender skin on her face.

She was a little confused, "What time is it? Tired of driving? I'll change you."

She wants to get up.

"No need," he quickly held her shoulder, and grinned. "We're here."

"Are you there?" Leng Zhiyu glanced out the car window, and it was already the next morning, "Oh, why did I sleep so long and you didn't call me?"

Looking at her red lips, Zhou Yao leaned down and kissed her without holding back, "Isn't this calling you?"

"That's different. How tired you are at night driving alone, I can change you ..."

"Oh, look at you as sleepy as a kitten, who is willing to wake you up? Besides, this road is not a problem for me."

He knew it was impossible!

Leng Zhiyu glanced at the sky outside, "So what are we doing now? Why don't you open a room and let you sleep for a while ..."

"No, I just closed my eyes in the car for a while." Then he pecked her face again. "We went to the mall to buy a dress and then went to breakfast. I was hungry."

"Oh, okay." Leng Zhijie reluctantly agreed, and she knew that his decision was definitely not discussed with her.

"Really good!" Zhou Yao reached around her head, and then took off the crystal hairpin she sent, and her silky UFA suddenly fell into his palm.

He bypassed a strand of hair with a long forefinger, and sent it to his nose to sniff.

Really fragrant.

Leng Zhiyu knew that he really had a hair fetish and disappeared for a few days. She sniffed her hair by holding her. She pinched her fist and hammered him, then snatched her show from his index finger. Hair, she opened the door and got off.

Seeing that she got off the car, Zhou Yao quickly opened the door, and he went around and took her hand.


The two walked into the mall together, Zhou Yao's white shirt, white trousers, and cold wedding kite. Because they were still wearing last night's clothes, they walked all the way and attracted all the attention.

The two walked forward hand in hand without squinting. They were people who didn't care about other people's eyes. They came to a clothing store and Zhou Yao said directly to the shopping guide. "Give me two daughters ... dresses, and ... High heels. "

After that, he wiped his trouser pocket with one hand and smiled at her.

Leng Zhiyu was helpless, she knew that he liked to watch her wear dresses, and had always complained about her taste before.

The shopping guide stepped forward enthusiastically, and she asked Xiang Lianyu, "Miss, what kind of dress do you want?"

Leng Zhiyu glanced at Zhou Yao and replied, "This year's most popular and beautiful style, get a few more and let me try it!"

"Good," the shopping guide responded.

Seeing her being so obedient, Zhou Yao looked at her with tenderness and brilliance. Leng Zhiyu took the skirt sent by the shopping guide, and then raised his jaw pretty and proudly, which meant it was not the skirt. Well, you wait, blind your eyes later!

She walked into the dressing room.

Watching the woman disappear into the field of vision, Zhou Yao laughed with a low laugh.

In the end, Cold Kitty picked two dresses, a long dress in a paper bag, and a set on her. She wore a floral shirt and a white fringed hip skirt underneath. She picked again. A pair of white high-heeled sandals were put on, and the thin white straps on the sandals were wrapped around her snow-white ankles, taboo and eye-catching.

Zhou Yao has also changed his clothes. The man ’s clothes are very simple. He changed a burgundy V-neck thin sweater and black slim trousers underneath. He was born with a hanger, wide shoulders and narrow waist. Everything looks like fashion. Male model.

When he came out to see the cold kite, his eyes were really bright. She tied her long hair up and turned into a cute and cute meatball head. His gaze even glanced back and forth on her eye-catching jade legs .

At this moment, the woman was "giggling" laughing, and Leng Zhiyu looked at him with a gorgeous face, "Hey, have you seen enough? Swipe your card when I see enough, I have no money, you pay."

Zhou Yao looked back, he glanced at her little spring face, and walked to the cashier to swipe the card.


The two walked out of the clothing store. Zhou Yao was holding a paper bag in one hand and holding her little hand in one hand. His complexion was not good as he walked because he found that the women around him were too eye-catching, and many men were peeking at her That return rate is almost 100%.

Two of them passed by her and stopped to point to her sturdy back. Zhou Yao's face was dark, and he quickly accelerated his pace.

As soon as he walked, Leng Zhiyu screamed in the back, "Hey, Zhou Yao, go slowly. I just wore high heels and I'm not used to it ..."

Her feet were still limping.

Zhou Yao turned his head and glanced narrowly at her, "Don't wear such high heels without wearing high heels ..."

What does he mean by this? ? ?

The cold kite suddenly burst into flames, "Hey, Zhou Yao, what do you say, who I wear high heels for, you ... have no conscience!"

Zhou Yao felt that he was in a bad position, but he apologized for being a major general and unable to pull his face to apologize. He couldn't say that a few passers-by looked at her more and he was jealous.

He turned awkwardly.

Leng Jiie glanced at him suspiciously, only then did she find that many men were watching her, and she had a flash of light, and probably understood why he was so awkward.

She ran forward, holding his arm, "Zhou Yao, are you jealous?"

"Put p!"

Leng Zhiyu waxed her red lips, and struck him with his strong forearm. "No swearing!"

Zhou Yao was upset, "Hum!"

"Zhou Yao, you are too stingy, can you do this if you look at me a few more times? It is you who wants me to wear a skirt, and now I wear it, and it is you who are unhappy again ... I can't see it ... "


Zhou Yao was struck by the word, "Who dares to touch the woman of Lao Tzu? He won't know how he died ..."

His words came to an abrupt end, because there was a soft touch on the right cheek, and it was Cold Kite who stole his toes and kissed him in public.

The soft coquettling of a woman sounded in her ears, "Well, don't be angry, I'm yours, don't think of anyone."

Zhou Yao hooked his lips, and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms. "It's almost the same!" He leaned over and kissed her face.

Leng Zhiyu quickly resisted, and she smiled in his arms. "Hey, hey, you are such a sloppy and awkward army general in the mall with women, it really hurts the image."

"Go to his image! Lao Tzu is like this!" He squinted and smiled.

Cold kite, ...

"Doesn't it hurt to wear high heels?" He looked down at her pair of jade feet.

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