My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 941: You are my destiny

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"Okay, donor, please here, please incense first." Xiao Shami handed the three incense sticks to the cold kite.

Leng Zhiyu knelt on the futon, she looked at the statue of the Buddha in front, and clasped her three heads reverently. If the bodhisattva really worked, please tell her if she and Zhou Yao have ...

She is not unconfused, she is not afraid, she doesn't want to let go of the man's hand, she wants to follow him all the way.

Bodhisattva, is she too greedy?

"Giver, here you are, you can draw lots." Xiao Shami handed a bamboo tube to the cold kite.

Leng Zhiyu took it in her hand, and then slowly shook the bamboo tube. At this moment, a "slap" and a bamboo stick fell to the ground.

This is her signature.

Leng Zhiyu stared at her sign. She came to ask for a sign. She wanted to get a hint and a spirit of encouragement when she was confused, even if it was false, but looking at her sign at the moment, she did not pick up .

Suddenly ... she didn't dare.

She didn't have the courage to win back.

Think about how ridiculous she really is. Isn't her and his ending predestined, what is she still asking for?

Deceive yourself.

At this moment, Zhou Yao shouted in his ear, "Daughter-in-law! Dear daughter-in-law, where are you?"

Leng Zhiyu returned quickly, he would buy water, but she came here to ask for a sign, he should not be able to find her.

She rose quickly and ran out of the temple.

"Hey, donor, your lottery ..." Xiao Shami picked up the lottery on the ground, but Leng Zhiyu had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, "Emitabha Blessing", the master of Xiao Sami, the abbot of this temple came.

Xiao Shami suddenly respectfully saluted, "Master."

With a kind face, the abbot of the breeze breeze nodded, and then said, "What happened, I heard your call from a distance."

"Master, just now a female donor came to ask for a sign, but after the sign was good, she ran away."

"Really?" The abbot took the sign in his hand, and he opened it and glanced.

"Master, what does this sign say?"

"Where did that female donor go?"


The abbot looked in the direction of Xiao Sami's finger. There was no one there. The abbot pinched a beard and said, "The female donor asked for the lottery, and the fate of the marriage signature."

"Destiny? Master, I don't understand."

The abbot showed a kind and deep smile, and he explained, "The destiny sign, a rare occasion, it is difficult for anyone to draw. This sign means that you are my destiny!"


Leng Zhiyu ran out, and she saw Zhou Yao looking for her back from a distance. She hurried forward, "Zhou Yao, I'm here."

Zhou Yao turned back quickly, he glanced up and down at the woman and said darkly, "Where did you go again? I disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Cold Kitty came forward and took his arm, coquettishly softly, "Don't be angry, I'm going to the toilet."

This reason made Zhou Yao speechless. He reached out and rubbed her black hair, then unscrewed the bottle cap, and passed the water in his hand, "Drink."

"Oh." Cold Kitty took two sips, then passed him water. "You're thirsty, too, you take a sip."

Zhou Yao looked at the bright smile on her mouth, then looked up and took a sip of water.

Leng Zhijie's heart is sweet. In fact, the romance between lovers is very simple. There is no need to deliberately go to the camp. Like two people drinking a bottle of water now, he doesn't hate her drool.

"Having climbed only halfway up the mountain, can you insist on climbing to the top of the mountain? Let's watch the evening sunset together."

Leng Zhiyu looked down at the high heels on her feet, they came out too hastily, and did not consider that she should change to a pair of flat shoes when climbing the mountain, now her heels are almost grinding out bubbles.

She twisted her eyebrows and murmured, "My feet hurt."

"Then I carry you?"

"Okay." Cold Kitty quickly threw off her high heels, and her bare white feet stood on the cobblestone floor.

Zhou Yao bent down and picked up her heels in her hand, then stood with her back to her. He patted his back, "jump up."

Cold Kitty jumped quickly onto his back, and he extended her wide palm to support her honey-buttocks.

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

"Then we set off."

Zhou Yao was carrying Lian Jie all the way, which envied those couples who climbed the mountain. The girls saw Zhou Yao being tall and strong. He walked on the road with Leng Jie without panting, his The pace was still so steady and strong, and the girls complained about their boyfriends ---

"You see how good his boyfriend is. No, I'm almost exhausted. You should memorize it."

"My dear, the top of the mountain is so high that Chen Ye can't do it, so please forgive me!" ...

Leng Zhiyu listened to the insults from the back and raised the corners of her lips. She clenched Zhou Yao's neck with two small hands and kissed his tough cheek hard. She asked, "Are you tired?"

"Not tired."

Leng Zhiyu touched his forehead and did not sweat. She couldn't help but lie on his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "I only found the benefit of being with a soldier now, Zhou Yao, you are great Oh."

Zhou Yao glanced back at her, and smiled coddly, "Did you find out now?"

"I discovered it early on, otherwise why would so many women like you?"

Leng Zhiyu was very unintentional, but said that the eyes of both of them flashed, because they both remembered ... Han Xuan.

"I didn't mean that ..." she wanted to explain.

At this moment the man turned his head, opened his mouth and forced her red lips, and he leaned against the tip of her nose, "I know, no need to explain."

"Oh." Leng Zhiyu lay back on his shoulder again, she looked at the smooth and firm lines on his side, "Zhou Yao, if I can, I don't want to give you to any woman."

Zhou Yao glanced at the top of the mountain that had already reached, "In my heart, no one can take me in your hands."

He will always be her.


The two reached the top of the mountain. They chose a piece of clean grass and sat down. Zhou Yao stretched out her arms to embrace her incense shoulders, and Leng Yiyu put her small head on his broad shoulders.

"Zhou Yao, it's dusk."

Looking at the sky in the distance, Zhou Yao, the sun has become a gorgeous sunset, it slowly sinks into the sea level line, and at the same time drops a large cloud of faintness. Now they are bathing in this faintness.

His big palm pulled back and squeezed her small shoulder, "Wife, in the future, will you find another man and marry another man?"

Leng Zhiyu nodded, "Yes, I will be fine."

This was the answer Zhou Yao wanted. He couldn't give her happiness anymore. He could only wish her happiness. He raised his lips and spit out a word, "OK."

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