My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 958: Scorpion Appears

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"Kuangshan has very abundant resources and is very suitable for the production of large-scale firearms and ammunition. The terrain is very difficult, and even the locals rarely go in. It is quite hidden and the best place to hide. And our informant provided A valuable clue, I have every reason to suspect that it is a den of scorpions. "

Said Achen opened the map on the tablet, "Miss, we set the target here."

"Well," Leng Zhiyu nodded. "Are the planes ready?"

"Ready, we can take off now. The other manpower sent by the young master has already rushed to Kuangshan. We will meet there."

"Okay, go!"


Kuangshan, Tibet.

Leng Zhiyu rushed to a dense forest, and everyone's hands had gathered here. "Miss, we have explored the road for four hours, but there seems to be no entrance here."

No entrance?

Leng Zhiyu looked around. There must be an entrance, but it was not found.

There are a few mountains ahead. Leng Zhiyu looked at the arrangement of the mountains and said to Achen, "Take gunpowder and blow up the mountain in front."


With the "bang", the mountain in front was blown up. When the smoke passed, a dark road appeared in the cave, and no side was visible.

Ah Chen said, "Miss, how do you know that the entrance is in this mountain?"

Leng Zhiyu raised her foot to the cave. "These mountains are not formed naturally, but processed the day after tomorrow. They are arranged according to the five elements and the gossip, and the mountain in the middle is the entrance."

Chen admired.

"Miss, we just threw a torch in, it's dark inside, it looks like there's water."

have water?

There is a shortage of water here in Tibet, and it is even more unlikely that there is water in the caves. This is all abnormal, but the more abnormal it is, the more she proves that she has come to the right place.

"Bring a torch! I'll go first. Two-thirds of your staff will follow me in. There must be danger inside, everyone be careful. Ah Chen, you lead the rest of the people to block the exit of this forest. This time we Come and catch it. "

"Yes, miss."

Holding a torch in Leng Zhiyu's hand, she led her hand into the cave.


There was indeed water in the cave. The deeper it went, the more the water had flowed over the knees, the water was very cold, and the surroundings were still silent. There was a weird breath everywhere.

Suddenly Leng Zhiyu left, she raised the torch to illuminate the front, there was no way ahead, because a gray castle appeared in front of her.


There was a surprise in the eyes of the cold kite. No wonder the den of the scorpion has not been found in these years, and no one can hide it here.

"Be careful!" She said alertly.

As soon as the voice dropped, a "bang" bullet sounded, and many people in black appeared around them. They attacked here with weapons.

The two sides quickly battled together. It was very difficult to fight here. The brightness of the torch couldn't tell the enemy and the friend. The cold kite solved a few people flying to the castle. She had to make a quick decision.

No one could stop her. With a bang, she reached out and pushed open the gate of the castle.

Even though she had guessed what was in the castle, she was still shocked at the moment. The castle is a set of high-tech equipment. The guns and ammunition coming out of the assembly line are neatly placed in the corner. The scene is amazing.

Leng Zhiyu had to say that although the scorpion was a pervert, he was also a genius.


With an extra silver thread in her hand, she flew to the front and placed a time bomb in the center of the castle. She flew outside with a button.

She's going to blow up here.

Flying out to a safe distance, she was going to ring the time bomb. At this moment, a cold cold wind was blowing around her, and someone hit her chest.

Leng Jiu's alertness was very high, she avoided it sideways, just avoided, and extended a long leg out of the dark, with a black boot directly hitting her right leg knee.

Leng Zhiyu was sweating a lot. Who this man is, he is so fast that she can't beat it.

The dark shadow came out again, hitting her heavenly cover directly, and Cold Kite stretched her legs toward his chin, and he avoided it. She quickly retreated into the corner without moving, and the dark shadow had already reached her. Beside her, a cold and sharp knife hit her neck.

The cold mouth kite breathed breathily against the wall. At this moment, this person was in front of her. He was all black, and the torches outside were probably in the water and could not ignite the fire. She could not see his face clearly.

His face was covered with a black cloth, but only a pair of eyes were left, and Cold Kite looked at those eyes, she was somewhat familiar.

Is it ... him?

The man in black was holding a knife in one hand against her neck, and the other hand spread out in front of her.

Leng Zhiyu knew what he meant, and he wanted the explosive button in her hand.

She didn't move, didn't give.

There was a pain in the neck, and the sharp blade slowly cut into her skin, pushing it a bit, she even felt her warm blood hitting his cold blade.

Leng Jie's face turned pale, but she slowly raised her lips.

The forefinger pressed the explode button, "banged", and the castle blew up.

Gorgeous explosive sparks sprang up in front of the two of them. At this moment, Cold Kitty clearly saw the person in front of him. It was a man, and his eyes were staring at her fierce and cold frost.

Leng Zhiyu smiled at him. She had blown up the castle. His decades of hard work, and now her life is in his hands, as long as he gently moved the knife in his hand.

Both were silent, at this moment Leng Zhiyu felt a looseness in her neck, and the knife was pulled away.

He doesn't kill her?

For a moment, the bun of Cold Kite was a strong cold wind blowing around her. When she looked up at her bleeding neck, she saw a tall and erect figure already fighting with the man in black.

It's Zhou Yao!

Leng Zhiyu looked at Zhou Yao and knew that he was here.

She wanted to speak, but her neck was sore and she was still bleeding. She quickly tore off a piece of cloth from her body and wrapped the wound around her neck, and she leaned against the wall to look.

The Red Flame soldiers came, and they broke through the wall and quickly battled with the men in black. This batch of teams honed in the battlefield and blood quickly grasped the overall situation.

The big rock in Leng Zhiyu's heart fell down, and there is no need to worry about the strength of Leng's family being here when the Red Flame Soldier is here.

When she broke into the tiger's hole in Longtan this time, she made a plan to retreat, and now the man in black appeared. She had already dared to conclude that this was the scorpion. When her life was in his blade just now, she thought she would be finished. The soldiers will finish.

Now Zhou Yao is here.

No matter how he came, now his arrival is like a warm wind blowing from her life. She believes in him, and he has always had a reassuring power.

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