My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 964: But that was his life

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Zhou Yao rushed back to City T on the third day, and when he was out of the airport lobby, he took out his mobile phone and called.

"Beep" ringing, but no one answered.

What is she doing?

When he woke up yesterday morning, there was no figure of her in the tent. After asking Xiaozhi, she knew that she was returning by a special plane at five in the morning.

Why did she go so hurriedly without notifying him?

He was so angry and itchy that he couldn't wait to grab her and slap her on the buttocks.

There were four or five phone calls and no one answered.

Zhou Yao frowned, and he had an ominous hunch.

The jeep outside was waiting. He jumped into the front passenger seat and closed the door with a bang. He commanded in a deep voice, "Go to Lengjia Villa, fast!"


The jeep quickly stopped in front of the Lengjia Villa, and Zhou Yao jumped out of the car. At this time, he saw a familiar figure outside the villa door, Ye Ziyi.

Ye Ziyi was also knocking on the door, looking very anxious.

"Yesi, I haven't seen you in a long time." Zhou Yao stepped forward to say hello.

"Major General, hello."

"Yes, who are you looking for?"

"Oh, I'm looking for Kitty. I haven't been able to contact Kitty since yesterday morning. She seems to have disappeared. I'm worried, so come and see."

Zhou Yao frowned for Jianmei, Ye Ziyi didn't contact her?

At this moment the door of the villa opened, and a maid appeared by the door.

Ye Ziyi immediately said, "Hello, may I have your lady?"

The maid shook her head. "Miss has been away for a few days. My younger grandmother and younger grandmother took my grandfather back to Hong Kong for treatment yesterday. I heard that there is a famous doctor there."

"So, thank you."

"You're welcome." The maid closed the door.

Zhou Yao was listening, did Leng Hao and Ye Xiaotao return to Hong Kong, and then the kite went back to Hong Kong together. If she saw her father, she would go back, but why did n’t she even answer the phone?

"Major General Zhou, since Ziyu is not here, then I will go first." Ye Ziyi said goodbye.

"OK." Zhou Yao nodded.

Ye Ziyi turned to the luxury car and got into the driver's seat. He looked at Zhou Yao's tall back through the rearview mirror, and slowly raised his lips.

Stepping on the accelerator, the luxury car galloped away.

What Ye Ziyi didn't know was that when he retracted his eyes, Zhou Yao's narrow and deep narrow eyes were staring at him.


In the team.

Zhou Yao's heavy military boots stepped into the data room, Xiaozhi stood up and performed a military salute, "Major general!"

"Well," Zhou Yao nodded, and he glanced at Xiaozhi's information. "How's it going?"

Xiao Zhi passed the information to him, "Major General, this is all the archives of Ye Ziyi's life. It looks clean and there is no problem."

Zhou Yao took the information and looked at it. He glanced quickly and it was really clean.

But the more clean things are, the more likely it is to have problems. He has always regarded Ye Ziyi as his own foe. The authorities are confused, and he may have overlooked many key points.

"Major, why did you suddenly check Ye Ziyi? Ye Ziyi is the person above, his information cannot be moved. If it had not been for a while, he seemed to have been suspended from all rights. We would not have been able to find his complete information. of."

Zhou Yao quickly grasped the key point, "Overhead rights? Why?"

Xiao Zhi shook his head. "I don't know ... but I heard that the political situation above has changed a lot. A line was pulled out, and Ye Ziyi was probably affected ..."

"When did this happen?"

"Yeziyi's suspension was after ... Xunzi left the prison, and the line was torn off during the time of ... Major General's surgery, the time is very close."

Zhou Yao's pupils shrank, and a lot of imaginations suddenly appeared in his head. A line appeared faintly in the water. In the prison incident, Leng Zhiyu once called the name of the night child Yi, and then Ye Ziyi ... Suspended, and then a line was pulled down ...

After she left him, she immediately went to Ye Ziyi's side, and finally the scorpion's lair was found out.

Why is this series of things related to Ye Ziyi and her?

She lay in his arms yesterday morning. She told him that she hadn't been good with Ye Ziyi. She also said that she always wanted to be with him. Then why did she still have frequent contact with Ye Ziyi?

Zhou Yao murmured, he could not wait to throw himself two slaps. Why did he not think of these problems before?

What did the woman hide from him?

"Xi Zhi, quickly initiate a first-level alert with my order. All special forces enter the standby state at any time, search Ye Ziyi's whereabouts, and close all traffic facilities on the air route. Be sure to arrest Ye Ziyi as soon as possible!"

"Yes." Xiaozhi hurriedly left.

Zhou Yao paced with his hands on his hips, his brain was running fast, who is Ye Ziyi, is he ... a scorpion?

Do not.

Zhou Yao quickly denied the thought in his heart. Even though he was 100% sure that Ye Ziyi was a scorpion, he was unwilling to admit it, because Ye Ziyi was a scorpion, where was the cold kite now?

What about his woman?

Now think about Ye Ziyi's appearance in that castle in Tibet, when Ye Ziyi's knife hit her neck, but he didn't kill her, and she rushed back to T city alone in the early morning to find Ye Ziyi. Now, there is a feeling of unclearness between the two men.

Why didn't she tell him?

Where is she now?

When Zhou Yao's head was muddy, Xiao Zhi hurriedly came, "Major General, found Ye Ziyi."


More than a dozen jeep cars were parked on the pier, all of them were waiting for the special forces gate. The front passenger door of the jeep was pulled open, and a handsome man jumped down.

Zhou Yao quickly came to the river, he looked at the calm water in front of him.

The dock owner has been escorted over, he trembled and explained, "Sir ... sir, you are late, the ship has left, and according to the positioning, the ship has left the original track and entered into what we do not know Field, it's nowhere to be found ... "

Coming late ...

Zhou Yao knew it was late.

But what should I do?

What should I do?

Ye Ziyi broke away from the boundaries of China. This earth is so big. Where can he find it? He stretched out his rough palm and wiped his face, Cold Kite, his daughter-in-law?

"Major general, sister-in-law ... must have been taken away by Ye Ziyi."

Well, Zhou Yao nodded. He knew that he knew that he had deduced everything that happened in the past few months all the way just now. The woman he looked at was playing with politics and planning, and Ye Ziyi liked it too.

Who doesn't like amazing women who are amazing and unparalleled in the world?

But that was his life!

That woman is his life!

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