My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 996: She doesn't know who she is

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No one knows, in fact, her memory is incomplete, because she can't remember many things, she can't remember who she is, where her home is, and she knows nothing about what happened in the past.

Her memory began four years ago. When she opened her eyes, she was thrown into a barren mountain and wild mountain, and she felt sore, extreme pain, especially her stomach.

She opened her clothes and saw that there was a long scar on her belly. It was like having undergone a surgery and someone helped her stitch it, but it was so ugly that the scar was like a twisted little The bug is crawling.

Ugly and ridiculous.

She suspected that the doctor who had stitched her had resentment against her, intentionally.

Later, she left the barren mountains and mountains and began to discuss life. She found that she could not do the same. Apart from her skill, she also thought absurdly whether she was a lady of a certain gang family. If she had not touched oil and salt, she would have a little martial arts. .

These are nowhere to be considered, because she has no memory, life continues, and life needs money, so she wants to make money.

But making money is hard. She can't do anything. She can't be a company employee. Because she is not beautiful, those fast-growing occupations do n’t have her. When she finds out that she even does basic housework like washing clothes and cooking When not, her life is really desperate.

She didn't know how she grew up.

After drifting in other cities for two or three years, she accidentally came to the whole city. She was lucky and entered the Baijia Martial Arts Museum. The owner named her Bai Qi. Although the martial arts museum did not make much money, she could maintain her life. Now, and the owner and people in the museum are very kind to her, she feels warmth.

This was the first warmth she felt in four years, and she wanted to keep it.


Bai Qi lowered her head, and she slowly raised her horns. For four years, her lower abdomen was flat and tight, but the pale pink twisted scar did not fade away.

always there.

Bai Qi stretched out her white fingertips and slowly stroked from the scar. She suddenly felt that her heart was sour and full, as if something important had come to her life, but she lost again ...

Bai Qi felt a headache. She reached out and covered her head. She would have headaches one after another in the past four years. She could not recall the past.

A bunch of cell phone rings rang and she called.

"Hey, the curator ..." She connected.

"Hey, Bai Qi, how's the matter going? It's dawn, and we won't sleep all night. Are you flattened out, what if those people really come to drive us away?" The owner was worried. The voice came over.

Bai Qi ripped the corner of his mouth, and then whispered softly, "Library owner, don't worry, I've ... flattened it out."

"Really? That's great ..."

Bai Qi hung up the phone.

Holding the phone tightly in the palm of her hand, Bai Qi took a deep breath, and she turned up a telephone number, which she wanted from the producer yesterday.

She dialed the number.

Ten seconds or so, the phone at that end was connected, and the man's low magnetic voice came over, "Hey ..."

If Bai Qi doesn't know this person and only hears his voice, maybe she will really be fascinated by his voice. His voice is very nice and sexy.

But this person is a devil!

Bai Qi held her phone tight. "I promise you."

The end was silent for a few seconds, and then the man laughed, very low, "Oh ..."

Bai Qi trembled. The laughter seemed to be a mockery of civilians by the master. She felt deeply shame.

Taking a deep breath, she asked, "Where? Hotel?"

"No, I'll drive over and contact you then." The man hung up.

Listening to the "beep" busy tone at the other end, Bai Qi could not wait to drop her mobile phone, but she did not fall, she was reluctant to buy it, and tossed herself.

Bai Qi looked up at herself in the mirror. She suddenly felt better again. In fact, she was not beautiful and she was not too young. It was twenty-nine or nine. It was as tender as Liu Chengcheng when she was 20 years old, and she It wasn't clear whether she was dealing with it, maybe it wasn't.

What is she doing?

What happens when your eyes are closed and opened is equivalent to being bitten by a dog.

Bai Qi had originally planned to pack her three layers inside and outside, but she thought about it, but she had to take it off. She had to take off the bag no matter how stern she was. She was more direct and straightforward. She also chose a skirt to put on.


In the autumn morning, at 6:30, it is very early, and there are very few pedestrians on the street. At this time, there is a cold, shiny car parked on the side of the road.

The window of the driver's seat was slid down, revealing a handsome and extraordinary face, a large palm with a sharp bone extended, a cigarette between the index finger and middle finger, Zhou Yao squinting his eyes narrowly and taking two casually. .

A graceful figure quickly appeared in his sight. Bai Qi came, and today she wore a cyan chiffon shirt and a black leather skirt with a waist below.

Zhou Yao's smoking palm was stiffened, and there was a momentary confusion in his eyes. He felt like his most beloved woman came towards him.

I don't know if this woman is too similar to her. Since seeing her in the crew, he has always had this illusion.

The front passenger's door opened, and Bai Qi sat in expressionlessly.

He didn't speak, and Bai Qi didn't say anything. The air in the car was very cold. Suddenly the man next to him smoked the last cigarette and the window was slid on.

The car is completely closed.

Bai Qi's two small hands resting on his knees tightened his fists instantly.

Zhou Yao looked at Bai Qi side by side. This face was strange and common, but he was also willing to look at it because of her pair of eyes. At the moment, her face was very white and she had no blood.

His gaze fell on her fisted little hand, and she was forbearing.

"Come on," he said indifferently.

Bai Qi raised her hand. She unbuttoned the chiffon shirt one by one, and then took off the chiffon shirt. She also had a white vest inside. She repeatedly told herself that she would be well soon. She was a dead person, but when the cool air swept her upper body, she was still a bit delayed.

Did she just give up?

Is it irreparable?

"Remorse?" At this moment, the man was over, and the clean and masculine smell of his body mixed with the smell of tobacco immediately attacked her senses.

The smell on him was very gloomy. The pure man was masculine and very aggressive. Bai Qi wanted to escape subconsciously, and she avoided the car window.

"It's too late to regret it now?"

The words fell, and a large palm fell on her black leather skirt.

Bai Qi was shocked, then her legs were cold, and her black leather skirt was lifted up.

She closed her eyes quickly and closed tightly. She kept comforting herself, and soon it was okay, and soon okay.

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