My Dantian is a world

Chapter 88 What, Qi Xu sneaked into the kitchen team?

Luo Qiuchan, Wu Ruqing and Shen Zhibai also got off the bus one after another.

As soon as they got off the bus, a man and a woman were greeted by two soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and saluted Qi Xu and others.

When Qi Xu saw this, he quickly replied.

Although it’s not very standard, it’s enough to make sense.

The male soldier took a step forward and said to Qi Xu and Shen Zhibai: "Hello, welcome to Chengyun Mountain. The next step is to collect the items. Boys, please follow me. Girls follow the other one and leave."

Qi Xu nodded, and after looking at each other with Luo Qiuchan, they divided themselves into two sides in a tacit understanding, and followed the two soldiers forward.

That's the rule, there's nothing to break.

"The Eastern Conference will start in two days. During these days, everyone needs to stay in the dormitory and not move around. Daily required exercise can be done at a nearby training ground. If you have any further ideas, you can also mention it to us. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.”

The soldier led the way and introduced the situation here.

Along the way, we saw a lot of soldiers, with various trenches emerging one after another, hidden behind simple bunkers, and many of them had professional-level warriors on standby.

Soon, under the leadership of the soldiers, Qi Xu and Shen Zhibai also came to a vast open space.

Many military tents had been set up on the ground. Looking around, Qi Xu saw many students about the same age as himself, who seemed to be contestants participating in this Eastern Conference.

There were many tents, as well as some simple temporary toilets. In the center of the tent, there were several soldiers who seemed to be from the cooking squad cooking. As soon as they arrived, Qi Xu smelled a strong fragrance.

Thank you, I'm hungry already.

Qi Xu was very interested in the food in the cooking class.

"That's it for now. Each group will stay in a tent. If you know the contestants from other groups, you can also visit...but don't cause conflicts. Any grudges will be resolved after entering."

The soldier paused and took Qi Xu and Shen Zhibai to the front and rear of a tent. He then opened his mouth to the two of them and said, "When dinner is served later, go and eat by yourself. We have to prepare it here today and tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be A great master will take action and send you into the mountains and forests to start the competition."

"If you have any questions, you can ask the soldiers around you nearby. I wish you a perfect result in the next competition."

After that, the soldiers saluted Qi Xu and Shen Zhibai again, and then left, leaving only Qi Xu and Shen Zhibai looking at each other.

After putting the luggage in the tent, Shen Zhibai was already a little confused about what to do, and then asked Qi Xu: "What should we... do next?"


After Qi Xu also placed his personal belongings, he said to Shen Zhibai: "Of course it's time to eat. Didn't you see the meal time?"

After saying that, he walked out of the tent very naturally and walked towards the cooking class in the middle.

very natural.

Looking forward to it too.

Shen Zhibai:?

Seeing Qi Xu acting so naturally, Shen Zhibai couldn't be bothered.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that this was also the case, so Shen Zhibai did not hesitate and followed Qi Xu towards the direction of the cooking class.

I got the dinner plate and went to make rice. The food was very good. Large pieces of chicken appeared on the dinner plate in order. The chicken was very big. The potato and chicken were covered with rice. It was really mouth-watering.

"Thank you. Is this a feather-scaled chicken?"

After Qi Xu politely thanked the chef, he asked again.

According to Qi Xu’s eating experience, this should be feather-scale chicken.

But the meat seems to be larger than the feather-scale chicken that I usually eat.

"No, can you tell that from feather-scale chicken?" Shen Zhibai screamed in surprise at first, but soon felt that it was no big deal, "Yes, after all, the only common chicken in the east is feather-scale chicken... "

"They are wild feather-scaled chickens. Sheshan usually raises some free-range chickens."

After the chef finished serving Qi Xu's meal, he also answered Qi Xu's questions.

Hearing this, Qi Xu nodded thoughtfully, and Shen Zhibai didn't hold back. After serving the food, he immediately found a place to squat down and eat the food.

However, Qi Xu did not leave. Instead, he squatted near the cooking squad and chatted with the soldiers in the cooking squad.

There weren't many people who arrived two days in advance. In addition, many people hadn't figured out the situation yet and didn't like to move around, so no one came to eat.

Therefore, it was not a big deal for Qi Xu to chat with the soldiers from the cooking squad nearby.

"Will we have this kind of meal three times a day from now on?"

"If I had known it would be so rich, I would have come a long time ago."

"There is still a gap in information."


After knowing that all three meals here were provided free of charge, Qi Xu felt very regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would have come here at least half a month in advance, not to mention one and a half months in advance!

Faced with Qi Xu's situation, the leader of the cooking squad couldn't deal with it. He looked at Qi Xu and asked speechlessly: "We just received the order five days ago and rushed over to set up a temporary gathering place. You have to wait six days to set up a temporary gathering place." There is nothing here. You are a contestant, do you want to give up half a month of training opportunity for this reason? "

"If possible, I would really like to."

Qi Xu chuckled and finished the meal. Soon, a line of small gold-plated characters appeared in front of him.

[You devoured the flesh and blood of the feather-scale chicken, the number of feather-scale chickens +1, the talent 'Feather Blade' progress increased by 0.23%, the current progress is: 95.47%]

Looking at the feather-scale chicken talent in front of him that was about to reach full value, Qi Xu sighed.

In the past forty days, Qi Xu had been busy eating monster meat.

Mainly warm fragrant pigs, feather-scale chickens, blue water fish, ice crystal shrimps and red shell crabs.

After all, apart from these most common ones, other monster species are hard to see in Qingjiang.

The talent of the feather-scale chicken has now reached 95.47%, the talent of the warm fragrant pig has only reached 57.19%, and the talent of the red shell crab has reached 77.41%.

And the talent of the ice crystal shrimp, which Qi Xu is most satisfied with, has reached 98.57%.

Now, only the feather-scale chicken and ice crystal shrimp are about to reach 100% progress.

Previously, when Qi Xu ate the feather-scale chicken, the growth rate had become about 0.1%.

In this case, the growth rate of eating wild feather-scale chickens here was 0.2%, which made Qi Xu very surprised. He wanted to eat as much as possible in the next few meals.

After eating, Qi Xu also looked at the monitor very naturally and asked, "Hello, can I have another portion?"

Seeing this scene, the monitor was stunned.


Most of those who can play in the Eastern Conference are rich children, right? Even if they are not rich children, they are all talented teenagers. Shouldn't they not have a second portion even if they are hungry after eating?

It's not that the monitor has a stereotype, but he has traveled all over the country over the years, and all the "future stars" he has seen are like this, or young people are like this.

He is so face-saving.

It's rare to want another portion like Qi Xu.

It's quite likable.

Although thinking this way, the squad leader shook his head: "There is a rule that each person can only have one serving."

Hearing this, Qi Xu couldn't help feeling a little melancholy. Just as he was sighing, he suddenly thought of something, and then asked shamelessly: "Is there any way for me to eat one more serving?"

Hearing Qi Xu's words, the squad leader thought about it, and then said: "How about this, you take time every day to help our kitchen team, cut some vegetables, pluck some hair, etc., so that you can have another meal with us after the meal, which is considered voluntary work?"

After hearing the squad leader's words, Qi Xu stood at attention without hesitation: "Second-class Qi Xu, loyalty!"

Squad leader: ? ? ?

"What are you talking about, what second-class soldier? You are a volunteer, without a rank." The squad leader was speechless.

Qi Xu scratched his head awkwardly, and then said: "Sorry, sorry, I subconsciously thought of this, mine."

The squad leader had no doubts about Qi Xu's sudden madness.

After all, he is old and doesn't understand the situation of young people.

So, after a pleasant discussion, Qi Xu successfully joined the "Temporary Command and Dispatch Center of the Event Group" as a "volunteer" and became a glorious vegetable cutter and chef.

Qi Xu has his own unique insights on serving vegetables.

No matter what, your hands must shake, just like Parkinson's patients.

After being busy for half an hour, Master Qi finally cut the side dishes and moved the boxes of potatoes over. Then Qi Xu heard the words of the squad leader: "Pack up and get ready to ring the bell for dinner!"

"Ah? Did you just ring the bell for dinner?" Qi Xu was surprised.


The squad leader nodded: "When you and your companions came early, we were stunned for a while. We thought the time was advanced."

Qi Xu couldn't help but laugh.

But soon he didn't have much time to talk to the squad leader.


It's time to serve food!

"Qi Xu, go cut the beans and stew them... After stewing, pluck the feathers of the feathered chickens. They are freshly killed and not even processed. Go quickly."

"In addition to the contestants here, we also have to prepare lunch for the other people in the training group. It's not all right after these few meals. Cheer up!"

Soon, Chef Qi, who claimed to be proficient in cooking, entered a busy working state.

Qi Xu also experienced the difficulty of the cook.

But it's worth it to have an extra meal.

After all, eating this meal outside would cost thousands.

In the camp, there is nothing to do.

Why not do something?

Shen Zhibai, who was practicing boxing in front of the tent, was stunned when he saw Qi Xu busy serving food.

Wait a minute, aren't you a contestant?

How did you get into the kitchen?

“General, nearly two-thirds of the contestants have arrived at the rest area, and several teams from remote urban areas are expected to arrive tomorrow.”

In the command post, Song Zhengquan, a professional sixth-level warrior and three-star lieutenant of the Shenzhou Army who was in charge of the security issues, was reporting to a middle-aged scholar in front of him who looked elegant.

This middle-aged scholar looked gentle and refined, with firmness in his eyes. When he raised his hand, a murderous aura was revealed.

After hearing Song Zhengquan's words, the middle-aged scholar called "General" smiled and nodded, and then suddenly asked: "How are those little guys who were listed as the focus of attention? What was their reaction after arriving at the camp? Do they have any ideas and demands?"


After hearing the general's inquiry, Song Zhengquan couldn't help but hesitate, and then said: "The other people are fine, but there is something strange about the first place in Qingjiang City."

"What's up with him?"

"He went to volunteer in the cooking class."

Middle-aged Confucian scholar:?

"what happened?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar couldn't help but ask: "Why did he sneak into the cooking class?"

Song Zhengquan replied: "I have already asked the squad leader of the cooking class as usual. Qi Xu said he was not full and asked how he could eat one more meal. The squad leader told him that he could eat one more meal if he was a volunteer, so he went to become a volunteer. ”

After hearing these words, the middle-aged Confucian scholar was silent for a moment and then chuckled: "It seems that Qi Xu still has some sense."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged Confucian scholar, Song Zhengquan couldn't help but was startled, but he soon realized something and said: "General, you think Qi Xu deliberately approached the cooking class and wanted to enter the cooking class as a 'volunteer' Doing business and spying on the participating teams in each city?"

"if not."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar just asked a slight question, and then said: "He can't really want to have an extra meal, right? Even if he registered to practice "Shocking Dragon Transformation" in the information on the martial arts website, this What’s the use of a meal?”

"If you can explore the personnel information of all other teams without attracting attention, then you can only get a glimpse of the whole situation while eating without being suspected. Otherwise, no matter how you investigate, it will attract the attention of others."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged Confucian scholar, Song Zhengquan couldn't help but ask softly: "General, do you want to drive Qi Xu back to prevent him from spying on intelligence?"

"What are you rushing for? Who forbids contestants not to be volunteers at the same time? Since Qi Xu has this idea, let him do it."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled and then said: "We will arrange for him to go to the girls' group tomorrow to get food. Since he wants to spy on the information, let him spy on it and see what ranking he can get first."

Hearing the middle-aged Confucian scholar's words, Song Zhengquan nodded immediately.

"After pulling out all the information in order, I want to see what this little guy who likes to use his brain thinks, and whether he has any unusual deeds."

After that, the middle-aged Confucian scholar waved his hand and summoned some densely packed files on the bookshelf not far away. With a casual wave of his hand, he found Qingjiang City from the alphabetical order and held a page of neatly ordered files in his hand.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar glanced at it casually, and immediately said in surprise: "Hey."

"The key training talents chosen by Zhiping also found the lost chain of the sea. When he was an amateur, he encountered an attack and defeated five people in a row with one enemy. In the championship match, he was not even close to the professional level, but he turned defeat into victory and defeated A professional opponent..."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar silently pondered everything in Qi Xu's information and remembered Qi Xu's name in his heart.

This is called Qi Sequence, not bad.

It's worth paying attention to.

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