My Daoist Life

Chapter 241: Blood witch

I am going back to Bajiao Village during the New Year. (∞wW.pP12) The old people in the village have returned to Bajiao Village one after another. They are getting older and cannot find anything to do outside. Not adapting to life in the city. The crops that my grandfather planted in Bajiao Village are still good. Lao Huang followed his grandfather back to Bajiao Village. Hongqiu and Hongri also took the family back to the Octagonal Mountains. There is their paradise. Heidou also followed back home.

Although many animals and plants died and the dead spirit was gone, many plants came back to life. The plants came back to life, and the animals came back slowly.

The martial arts hall in Jincheng is now taken care of by Li Lijuan's grandparents. Huang Shulang, Ma Jindong and Li Lijuan are responsible for coaching matters. After I am going to have winter vacation, I will go to Jincheng first.

"My sister still has work on hand, so I can't go home with you for the time being. Maybe it's too late this year and won't go home for the New Year." My sister looked at my report card and was very happy. At the same time, it is also a look of regret.

"What's the problem? I have nothing to do these days, so I will go to your research institute with you. I want to see what your research is." I said.

The last time my sister brought some oracle bone artifacts back, I saw that something was not right. Later, because I was too busy every day, I forgot about it. Now it's the end of the term, just remembered

"Also." My sister did not resist my help either.

Early the next morning, we went to my sister's research room together. The research conditions that Yan University gave to her sister were pretty good. The research room is the size of a classroom, and my sister also has a separate office. The conditions inside are very comfortable. There are many things in the filing cabinet in the research room. Some archaeological materials sent for research are also kept in these cabinets.

"Jingyang, would you like to look at our recent research results first? Then look at the original oracle bone inscriptions?" My sister went and poured me a cup of tea.

"Look at the original first. Show me your research results, and I don't quite understand." I don't want to be affected by their research results. I am confident that I know more about Oracle than any current Oracle expert. Because my method of studying Oracle data is completely different from them.

"Alright." My sister opened the cabinet and took out a lot of things from it and placed them on the platform in the center of the research room. I'm very familiar with reading materials.

After a while, my brows were already frowning.

"Sister, have you got preliminary results in your research this time?" I stopped and asked.

My sister heard what I said, put down the data in her hand, looked up and said, "Our research has found very inconsistent results. But I tend to think that this is a data that is different from all previous Oracle data. I feel that this is in A special ceremony is held. But the form of this ceremony is completely different from the rituals seen in the past. We have never seen some Oracle symbols. The previous information is almost completely useless here, and this is also the problem of our project. One of the main reasons for this. What? Have you discovered anything?"

I shook my head, "Not yet, it just feels a little strange."

"Let's talk. I'm not three-year-old filial piety, I am not afraid of being scared." My sister laughed.

I smiled and said, "You should end this subject as soon as possible. I guess there are some things in it that you must not touch. Things will happen. The last time such a big thing happened was not an accident, but inevitable."

"What's inside is terrible?" My sister's expression also became serious. At that time, the archaeological excavation site, but an archaeological team went down and did not come out again.

"This is not a general sacrifice, but an ancient sacrifice, using one's own flesh and blood to sacrifice to the gods. In exchange for infinite power. This kind of witch is called a blood witch, which is equivalent to what we are now becoming righteous and cults. Blood witches are also very unpopular in witches, even rejected by all witches. These things are left with vicious curses. This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is left over from the scene. Sacrifice formation. I estimate that the formation can still operate as usual. Those who go down have become sacrifices. I suspect that the witch who arranged this formation even wants to pass this sacrifice formation and obtain it in thousands of years. Rebirth." I'm really a little scared. If I didn't stop my sister from going there, I was afraid that my sister and I would be separated by Yin and Yang.

"No wonder, after studying the originals of these oracle bone inscriptions, I had endless nightmares when I went back, just like I had just arrived in Bajiao Village before. It turned out that these oracle bone inscriptions were doing the blame." My sister said the truth. For a while, my sister looked a little wrong because she was secretly studying these oracle bones. For fear of being known by me, even if something happens, she dare not tell me. However, she paused the study. Research has only recently begun. As a result, the symptoms came back again. She had long suspected that there was a problem with this batch of Oracles. But so much unheard of information made her a little bit reluctant to let go.

"You are really fate. If you study this every day, the trouble will be great." I gave my sister angrily. My sister stuck her tongue out at me and made a face.

The blood witch Tao Xing who left thoughts was even higher than that. The thoughts he left have been tempered over the years, and my spiritual consciousness will not be afraid of him. But I really don't have a good way of the formation he arranged. The oracle bone inscriptions used by the blood witches are not the same system as the normal witches. This is the reason why my sister's research team has nothing to do with these new types of Oracle. But I can learn this new Oracle from the ideas on these original Oracles.

I blended my divine consciousness into the thoughts of oracle bone inscriptions, to absorb their memories, and then erase the thoughts. After processing in this way, the Oracle can be handed over to professionals like my sister.

But when my spiritual consciousness merged into the sea of ​​thoughts, I found that everything was not as simple as I thought. The thoughts I have come into contact with before are all well-intentioned thoughts. Although they contain a huge amount of information, the thoughts that I have come into contact with now are all malicious thoughts. Therefore, when I was attacked, these thoughts merged with each other and finally merged into one. Seeing my consciousness enter the sea of ​​thoughts, these thoughts immediately attacked me. They want to devour me.

These thoughts actually have self-consciousness. I don't know whether they were conscious in the first place, or they were slowly formed over so many years. But their attacks are indeed fierce. Fortunately, I met me. If I met my sisters and others at the same level, the consciousness would fall into such a sea of ​​thoughts, but it would really be impossible to pull it out. But they can't trap me.

Countless thoughts suddenly merged together, and turned into a huge blood pelvic mouth, opened, seeming to be able to swallow my bones at any time.


The blood basin screamed at me.

But I didn't rush, a seven-star sword appeared in front of me, the blade flashed, and the big mouth of the blood basin composed of thoughts immediately retreated.

"Huh! I know now that I'm afraid? It's too late, and I won't leave you here and hurt people here." I smiled coldly, and the seven-star sword in my hand struck a dazzling arc of light in the air. The big mouth of the blood basin was immediately scattered by the sword qi. But there are too many thoughts in the sea of ​​thoughts. After being broken up by me, they soon came together again. Then he leaped towards me without fear.

If I want to quit, it is a very simple matter, but I want to eliminate the problem of the sea of ​​thoughts at once. I kept wielding the seven-star sword, breaking my thoughts time and time again. Every time you disperse, although these thoughts cannot be completely eliminated, it can weaken the power of these thoughts. But every time, I am also consuming.


There was a huge roar. What I didn't expect was that all the thoughts on the oracle bones had come together to form an unprecedentedly powerful thought. This huge thought was opened wide, like a huge mouth with a big blood bowl. With an open mouth, it seems that the upper part can touch the sky and the lower part can be grounded. Let me have nowhere to escape, and let me have nowhere to attack.

I was taken aback. The situation was really critical. But I won't succumb to this, I summon the vitality charm that has been contained in my dantian. These vitality charms are different from ordinary vitality charms. After my luck has accumulated for more than half a year, the power of these vitality charms is naturally extraordinary. I activated almost all the vitality charms at once, and then smashed them into the big mouth of the blood basin.


With a loud noise, the vitality charm burst suddenly in the sea of ​​thoughts.

A strong hurricane suddenly formed in the sea of ​​thoughts, and those thoughts were rolled up by the violent wind and turned into a strong vortex. Everything shook up, my sight was shaken by this huge vitality, and I couldn't see anything clearly. I can hear it, those countless thoughts wailing and fleeing in all directions.

Everything should be over! I'm a little bit heartbroken. I have stored those vitality charms for half a year. These vitality charms have reached the level of connecting with my mind. If they are not used here, they can be used to save my life at any time. But today there was such a big accident.

The fluctuations slowly calmed down, and everything around became clearer and clearer. A situation that I didn't expect at all happened.

I thought that the sea of ​​thoughts blown by the wind was not really blown away by me. They are still waiting there neatly.


Those thoughts came together again in a very short time. The behemoth formed by thoughts this time is even more vicious than before.

I was really taken aback this time. But there is nothing in my hand that can give this behemoth a fatal blow. With so many vitality charms just now, there is nothing to do with this behemoth. Now what can I do to deal with this big guy?

This behemoth was like a dark cloud covering all fields in the sky, pressed down heavily, making people suffocate.

"I'll run away!" The thought of retreat emerged in my heart. But when my divine consciousness wanted to rush out of the sea of ​​thoughts, I found that all directions had been surrounded by clouds of clouds.

"Oops!" Under the pressure of that group of "dark clouds", I could only fall into the sea of ​​thoughts again.

This one is really bad, and you can't win the fight, and you can't escape.

I can only summon the various vitality charms that have been contained in my sea of ​​consciousness, and want to use the same method to kill this group of "dark clouds" again.

But I was surprised to find that I had lost contact with the outside world, and my spiritual consciousness was cut off by the "dark clouds" all around.

"Don't panic, don't panic. There must be a way." I began to control my emotions. I quickly re-made two seven-star swords, controlling the seven-star sword to break through the barrier of the "dark cloud", but when I entered the "dark cloud", I realized that I couldn't see the way. I rushed through the "dark clouds", but I have never been able to rush out of the "dark clouds". Finally rushed out of the "dark clouds", but I found that I was still in the sea of ​​thoughts.

The dark clouds became more and more solid, like the sky had fallen. I can only rely on two seven-star swords to withstand the pressure from all around.

"Trouble!" I also started to be a little scared, really afraid that I would die here inexplicably. Once my spiritual consciousness is trapped here, my body will become a walking dead or a vegetable.

"No! Absolutely can't be like this, my sister is still waiting for me outside!" I rose up to resist, and I suddenly condensed an extremely mixed element in the air. The vitality of my body was consumed very severely. If this continues, I will It's really dangerous. Although the malicious thoughts of the blood witch are getting more and more fierce, these thoughts still cannot get close to me. But once my vitality is exhausted, I will be in big trouble.

The behemoth formed by malicious thoughts seems to have a high IQ, and it seems to know how to deal with me. They did not attack me immediately, but besieged me instead of attacking. It is to slowly consume my strength.

At the time of the Ju Yuan Talisman, the thought of being slaughtered by me immediately turned into vital energy and was absorbed by the vital energy talisman, and the vital energy I consumed began to slowly be replenished.

In this way, I was finally able to become evenly matched with these thoughts. I finally sighed. Although I cannot escape from the sea of ​​thoughts yet, I am no longer in danger. And as I continue to kill these malicious thoughts, the power of the behemoth will be weakened by me step by step.

This time, it was the turn of this behemoth monster to be! Ooh! Ooh!"

The surrounding "dark clouds" are like iron walls, squeezing towards me from all around.

"It's going to kill again!" At this time, I no longer have the tension that I had at the beginning. Instead, let go a lot. A series of vitality charms condensed in my hand, and even I did not expect that under such great pressure, my level of making vitality charms suddenly rose to such a high level.

Just when the surrounding iron walls were about to squeeze on me, all the vitality charms in my hand were all activated. I shrouded myself in a vitality talisman cover.

A light flashed out of the small space, and the surrounding "iron wall" shook suddenly. Time seems to have stagnated.


With a loud noise, the vitality charms I made finally detonated.

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