My Daoist Life

Chapter 245: select

"Ms. Lin, we finally applied for this project. Isn't it a pity to give up at this time?" Although my sister was willing to give up such a big subject, some colleagues in her research group were somewhat reluctant.

"Han Qing, there is a reason why I gave up this subject. I am not convenient to tell you the specific reasons. However, I hope you can trust me. It is good for us to give up this subject. And I will apply for it soon. New topic." My sister explained patiently to her colleague.

When Han Qing saw her sister still insisting on her point of view, she was even more anxious, "Mr. Lin, although you are the person in charge of this subject, you should not give up on this subject, and you can’t have the final say. The school will not agree. You did this. I will report to the school. But then, the research group will not be able to continue in the future. Teacher Lin, you are very capable and very friendly to colleagues. We are all very convinced by you. But here In terms of handling this matter, I think you have handled it very inappropriately. For such a large subject, it is not just to give up. We have studied for such a long time, although little progress has been made, some research results have been achieved. "

I feel that Han Qing's tone is starting to be a little wrong. My sister’s face suddenly sank, “Han Qing, when you joined my research group, I had already made it clear to you and the school. I decided on the research direction of the research group. Absolute right to speak. Now, are you telling me this? I still said that, if you don’t feel like staying in my research group anymore, you can leave at any time. I will never stay. The rest is the same. If you want to leave, I I don’t want to stay. I don’t want to leave. I can’t influence my decision-making. I have decided to give up on this subject, and the expression report has been submitted. The above has been approved. If you feel that your strength is sufficient to carry out this subject, you can completely do it yourself. Go apply. I remember that when this project started to progress, you hadn't joined in. It's not a long time now, and you haven't spent too much time on this project. It's too late to quit."

Han Qing resolutely said. "Quit and withdraw. If there is no subject, who do you think would be willing to stay here!"

I only found out later. In school, unlike in the research institute, the research group leader of the research institute is very binding on the members of the research group. But it's different in colleges. Because everyone's job is still teaching, scientific research is the second place. This kind of scientific research team is very loose. Others can hang in the sister's team or leave the sister's team at any time. Han Qing and others are willing to attach themselves to her sister's team because her sister often gives them some research directions. Let them, who usually lack research funds, also conduct research. But now my sister’s subject is gone, and others are leaving. It is indeed understandable.

"Well, you can withdraw. As for you, if you have the same plan as Teacher Han, I will not stop it. But there is one thing I want to explain. The reason why I terminated the project is because the project has a very serious problem. An archaeological team has disappeared at the ruins before. I discovered some anomalies during the research process. Out of being responsible to the team, I terminated the research on this subject. Take Mr. Han, I remember her being very gentle before , But she has been very emotionally unstable recently. I am not sure if she has been affected by some of the material on this subject. But if you think about it carefully, you should be able to find some subtle changes in your own body. Anyway. Everyone has been together. I have had very good cooperation. If you want to withdraw, I will not blame you. If you do not withdraw, I will continue to work hard to declare the project." My sister called all the team members over.

"Teacher Lin. I really feel a little bit when you say this. I have been very irritable recently. My wife said that I was like a different person. After I went home, I often scolded my children, sometimes even I still want to do it. I think my emotions may be affected. We have spent a lot of time and energy on this subject, but we have not achieved any results. Now hearing what you say, I think it is better to terminate this subject. Let us There is no need to risk your wealth and life. I will stay in Teacher Lin's research group in the future," said a man in his 30s.

"Liu En, of course you don’t care. But I think we paid so much and gave up when we said we gave up. What should we do if we encounter this situation in the future? Should we seek your opinions in this situation? This time , I admit it, but I am not going to continue. Let me quit." A young man in his thirties packed his belongings into a cardboard box. I walked out of my sister's research room with a cardboard box.

Another man of about the same age also hesitated. Still counted all the items and left the research room. In the end, only Liu Enthal and two others remained.

My sister's face is a bit unpleasant. Not enough, she never tried to discourage those who wanted to leave. The other two who stayed are actually master students brought by my sister. The others are all gone. Both of them have to stay.

"Ms. Lin, we have delayed such a long time on this topic, and it may be too late to do other topics. Then, what about the graduation thesis?" one of the girls asked worriedly.

"Gao Ya, what are you worried about? Teacher Lin publishes so many papers every year, even if this subject is not terminated, we will not be able to find any results. If we do not change the subject now, it will be troublesome. I heard that we have a major Brother, I studied a topic for two or three years, only to find that I had entered a dead end, and finally got the diploma after a two-year delay. Although we delayed a little time, it was still too late. But Teacher Lin, you can get it. Give us a good guide. Give us a topic that is easy to produce results." The other boy laughed.

"Ma Chenxi, you can still laugh at a loss. If you can't wait to finish your career, what should you do?" Gao Ya said worriedly.

"Don’t quarrel with you two. If you are going to graduate school just to graduate, I will give you some research results. You can use it to graduate, but does it make sense? You didn’t really learn anything at this stage. If you go out of Yanda University, you You will find that you were wasting your most precious time." My sister frowned when she looked at the two students.

"However, now that this subject has ended, what can we do?" Gao Ya asked.

"Please take a look at these materials. Summarize your thoughts and hand them to me in two days. I will arrange things for you to do." My sister handed over a bunch of materials to the two students.

"Teacher Lin, can I take a look?" Liu Yan asked.

"No problem. I will send the e-file to your mailbox, and you can print a copy yourself." My sister said.

These materials are indeed my sister's new direction. With Ma Juyun's line, my sister can apply for a new topic soon after terminating the topic. And it will not be affected in any way. Because before his sister terminated the subject, Ma Juyun had already sent a letter requesting that the excavation of the site be terminated and the excavation work should be stopped as soon as possible.

Ma Juyun's excuse is also very simple, that is, he caught the disappearance of archaeological team members at the excavation site, and asked to understand the situation of these archaeological team members first, and was considering restarting excavation work. Otherwise, the bureau will not consider restarting the excavation.

But Ma Juyun's decision caused a strong backlash, and many people strongly protested. Absolutely, Ma Juyun's decision was wrong. There are many scientific research institutes participating in the activity, and in the end even the high-level officials are alarmed. Under pressure from all quarters, Ma Juyun announced in principle that all scientific research institutes should stop excavation, thoroughly investigate the cause of the disappearance of archaeologists, and require all archaeological teams to strengthen safety education. Rational science archeology. Don't joke about the lives of scientific researchers.

My sister's rapid retreat is also considered to comply with the requirements of the superior department. Therefore, abandoning the subject will not affect the future application of the subject by my sister.

Instead, Ma Juyun hinted intentionally or unintentionally that his sister could apply for the subject from them, and he would give priority to it appropriately.

Originally, my sister gave up the subject, which aroused intense discussion at Yan University. The leaders of the department have even talked to her sister and severely criticized her for taking away the hard-to-follow subjects privately. There are no substantive penalties.

But I heard from my sister’s two graduate students that those colleagues in my sister’s research group were talking bad about my sister everywhere. It even involves personal attacks.

"Mr. Han said everywhere that the main reason for Lin's abandonment of the subject was that she was incapable of learning. All her auras were obtained through improper means. Lin's actual ability was very poor. She even suggested to the school~ My sister’s postgraduate tutor qualification should be cancelled.” Ma Chenxi said very indignantly.

"Even if the school doesn't take any measures against Teacher Lin, it will be difficult for Teacher Lin to apply for the project in the future. If nothing else, the school will not be able to get out of this level." Gao Ya said worriedly.

"Have you read all the materials my sister asked you to read?" I asked.

"I have seen it, but what's the use of it? We have no subject, no funds, and no related items. Our research is completely a castle in the air. It is impossible to achieve." Gao Ya didn't pay much attention to what I said. , After all, my age is not too old.

"Who said it is impossible to achieve?" My sister walked in from the outside and placed a large pile of materials in her hands on the table in the research room.

"Ms. Liu, our research group has a meeting." My sister said.

"Hey." Liu Yan sat over.

"This is our newly declared subject, and it should be able to come down soon. Starting today, this is the recent task of our team." My sister opened the information on the table. (To be continued.)

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