My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 211: Damn it for hurting her!

"Let him come back as quickly as possible." Qin Xun's voice was unbelievably hoarse.

His heart was chaotic, and it was full of Lu Qingqiao.

He will never let her have any trouble!

Those who hurt her should be damned!

"Master, that guy only listens to you." Jiang Tingyun was a little helpless.

Apparently he had contacted him just now, but he said nothing and refused to come back now, saying that he had found something interesting.

Qin Xun took Jiang Tingyun's cell phone and dialed.

It was quickly connected over there, and the man said in a dejected voice: "Old Jiang, don't rush me, I'm busy..."

"It's me." Even though Qin Xun's voice was hoarse, the other party still recognized it.

"Master, what's wrong with your body? Oh, these idiots, even Master can't take care of them well. Just wait, I'll go back tomorrow."

"Come back right away, right away, as fast as you can."

"It's so serious, I'll go back right away."

"The location is sent to Jiang Tingyun, and he will send someone to pick you up."

"it is good."

The mobile phone was returned to Jiang Tingyun, and he left to deal with it.

More than three hours later, Jiang Tingyun arrived in a hurry with a man.

The man was a messy man, his long and messy hair was tied behind his head at will, his complexion was morbidly white, his facial features were clean, and matched with his coat, which was stained to an unknown color, and a messy outfit, Like a dejected handsome man from a beggar team.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" He was busy carrying the bag in his hand and approached Qin Xun.

"Go in and save people." Qin Xun had already communicated with the inside.

"Who to save?" The man was relieved when he saw that it was not Qin Xun's accident.

"My daughter-in-law."

The man sighed in relief and lifted it up again!

The future mistress of the house!

This has to be taken seriously!

The man immediately disinfected and changed into a white coat and entered the operating room.

When Shen Yang, who was wearing a mask during the operation, saw the person coming, he raised his eyebrows slightly. After seeing the other person quickly check the situation, he opened his mouth and drove everyone away, leaving the chief surgeon to assist him.

Shen Yang didn't say much, and quietly listened to his instructions.

Lu Qingqiao was pushed out of the operating room, and the man leaned in front of Qin Xun and said with a smile, "Master, there's nothing wrong with me, I'll be alive and well after taking care of it."

"It's been hard work." Qin Yu said abruptly, caressing Lu Qingqiao's pale face, and accompany her into the ward.

The man who left behind rubbed his stomach and muttered, "I was starving to death after a tossing, and I haven't returned to the capital for a long time, so I just happened to find someone to laugh at."

"Let's go, I invite you, brother." The voice sounded faintly from behind, the man's body shook violently, and he turned back stiffly.

Watching Shen Yang take off his mask, a familiar face appeared.

The man was stunned for a while, then he stretched out his hand to pinch his face, hehe smiled and said, "Little Yangzi, I just said that the method of surgical treatment was very So it was you."

In fact, he still wanted to complain about this trivial matter, there was no problem with Shen Yang at all, and the lord still hurriedly found him back, really...

He finally found something interesting, but unfortunately, he can only travel to the Middle East after a while.

"Senior brother, didn't you say you were hungry? I'll treat you to a late-night snack and have a good chat by the way." Shen Yang's eyes carried a narrow smile.

"No, no, it's not good for you to treat a guest, I have someone invited." The man waved his hand and was about to leave, he was really not interested in chatting with this junior brother.

"There's nothing wrong, please Shige, I'm very happy." Shen Yang grabbed his shoulders and forcibly took him away.


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