My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 317: Don't play with her, play with me

Lu Qingqiao's game experience was not very good. Even teammates praised the tacit understanding between the two. In fact, it was Qin Xun who cooperated with her.

When Qin Xun saw the other party's compliment, he would reply that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and he just wanted to stuff his teammates with dog food.

After winning a few games, the two went back to their room to sleep.

Qin Yunyong and Lu Qingqiao spoke softly: "Sister, will you only play in duos with me in the future? I can play in any position, and you can win as you like."

"Don't play with her, play with me."

Lu Qingqiao's eyes were soft, with a bit of doting.

From the time he grabbed her chin and kissed her when he came back, she could sense his jealousy.

"Children, ace is a woman, and she's married."

It's a little strange that the child is jealous.

Qin Yun rested his chin on her shoulder and said, "I heard that she used to like same-sex, but also because the other party went to the European division to play professional games. At that time, Yu Chuanze shut himself up because he realized this."

Lu Qingqiao is so good, ace will inevitably have feelings for her.

Thinking about it, Qin Xun felt that she really had a lot of rotten peach blossoms, both male and female.

Hearing such a thing, Lu Qingqiao suddenly laughed.

"Little girl, I only tell you that I have the same values ​​as hers, so I will become a good friend. So far I have not noticed that she has other thoughts about me, but if I do, I promise you, I will definitely Stay away from her, okay?"

She said slowly.

Qin Xun pursed his lips and nodded in a muffled voice, "Yes."

Lu Qingqiao was Lu Qingqiao, and he wouldn't force her to stay away from ace just because he was jealous. He told her about this just to make her feel better.

Although he knew that ace was not a mess, he was afraid that ace would be serious. He knew too well how good Lu Qingqiao was. If the previous rumors were true, then...

If the two of them are together by then, it would be useless for him and Yu Chuanze to drown themselves in a vat of vinegar.

"Good." Lu Qingqiao rubbed his hair lightly, touched his ear with his lips, and asked, "What's the matter today, coming back so late?"

She just asked casually and casually, but it made Qin Xun's eyes darken.

"I met an acquaintance I hadn't seen for a long time, and we chatted together for a while. I didn't notice that it was too late."

"Well." Lu Qingqiao was a little sleepy, and after chatting with him for a while, he fell into sleep silently.

Qin Xun noticed that she was asleep, so he changed his position and held her in his arms.

In the darkness, he was thinking with a pair of surly eyes.

Originally, he wanted to spend the winter vacation with Lu Qingqiao, but now he had to deal with some things, so they couldn't spend the first year together.


Lu's Group.

Xu Yanwei came to visit in the afternoon.

Lu Qingqiao met him in the conference The two chatted for a long time. After he left the Lu Group, he was busy again, and then he was called by Father Xu to go home for dinner while he was busy.

Xu Yanwei had no sense of belonging to the Xu family's home.

After his mother died, that home was no longer his home, but Xu Yaozhi's home.

Since he was able to live on campus in high school, he had to go back to that home except for the holidays. He usually refused to take a step, and when he went back during the holidays, he also pretended to be stupid and honest, and pretended to be obedient...

After living under Xu Yaozhi for many years, now the Xu family is gradually under his control, but to him, that home is still not his home.


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