My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 323: more arrogant than

"Qin Xun, I don't need you to do anything for me. I just hope that you can study hard. It's not easy for you to get to where you are today. Don't put your future on hold because of temporary confusion."

Zhang Xiao continued to speak.

"Then, give me a chance..."

"We are about the same age, so I would be more suitable for you than Mr. Lu."

Qin Yun laughed and said, "Who is more suitable for me, I don't need you to tell me."

"Also, can you and Lu Qingqiao have more money than anyone else? You don't seem to be on the same level at all."

"So, I don't need to tell you my choice."

After speaking, he took proud and left.

Zhang Xiao opened her mouth but didn't make a sound, because she couldn't convince herself that she was better than President Lu.

Qin Xun, who was holding proud, returned to Lu Qingqiao. She was reading documents in the study.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulders, watching her flip through the papers in her hands.

"Recently, a zombie movie has a high rating. When you are done with your work, how about we watch a movie?"



Lu Qingqiao started to get busy again. Qin Xun was used to texting her this week before she could return, and he was also used to going home at night and waiting for her to come back from get off work so tired that she lay down and fell asleep quickly after taking a shower.

Sometimes when she washes her hair and blows her hair when she is sleepy, Qin Xun will let her sit on the sofa and rest against the sofa, he will dry her hair for her, and then carry her back to bed to rest.

On this day, Qin Xun came out of school after school and was driving to Lu's house when a car stopped in front of him. A few boys in high school uniforms got off the car and knocked on his window like a gangster.

The car window slowly lowered, Qin Xun looked at them with bad eyes.

Several high school students were a little frightened, but they still relied on the crowd and said rudely to Qin Xun: "You are Qin Xun, right? You have been disliked for a long time. Are you getting off by yourself, or we will get off for you? car?!"

Qin Xun put his arms across the wide open car window, more arrogant than the other party: "If you want me to get out of the car, you can kneel and kowtow three times and call me, "Grandpa," and I will reluctantly get out of the car."

"What are you talking about! I kneel down on you? Who do you think you are!?" With the body in his pockets with his hands, a boy with a shaved lightning-shaped head and temples kicked the body hard, his nostrils blowing out of breath. looking at him.

"Get down quickly, or you won't want this car!"

After the inch-headed lightning man spoke, several other boys threatened to kick the car body and acted in a frightening manner.

Qin Xun looked at a few people, sneered, and then called the police station in front of several people: "Hey, hello, I was blocked on the road by a group of gangsters, and their vehicles evaded surveillance and violated the regulations on the road. , caused traffic obstacles, and now threatens me with trying to physically attack me, my position here is..."

When a few people heard him speak, they wanted to grab his mobile, but he pulled out a stun stick out of nowhere, and the hand they stretched into was sore and numb.

After listening to him reporting his address, the inch-headed lightning man spit on the ground and said fiercely to Qin Xun: "You are amazing, you even called the police! I tell you, you can run today but not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, give it to me wait!"

After finishing speaking, I took a few people to move the seven-seat car to one side.

When Qin Xun drove past them, he sarcastically said to them, "Yeah, it seems that I didn't get through to the police call just now."

After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and left, leaving behind the car exhaust and a few thugs whose faces turned purple with anger.


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