My Darling Is Pampered and Wild

Chapter 626: Liang Zhijie appeared in the boys' dormitory

Just as they were talking, the two arrived at the Jingcheng Hotel.

The elegant room was reserved by Qin Xun.

When the two arrived, there were already a dozen or so people sitting in the seats that accommodated about twenty people, and there were only two people left.

Wei Yipei's roommates and close friends when he was in school, as well as Sheng Ming and Cheng Yi.

Everyone at the table knew each other, and when they met Wei Yipei, Cheng Yi took the lead in applauding, saying it was the pride of welcoming the Medical University, their role model...

The words of praise were not heavy, and when Wei Yipei heard it, he had a toast with everyone.

After lunch in a lively atmosphere, everyone went to work on their own.

Wei Yipei was taken home.

Lu Qingqiao had a phone call with Qin Xun on the way back to the company.

After Qin Xun hung up the call, he saw that a new text message on his phone popped up, and he clicked it and took a look.

It was a distress text message from Qin Yang. Since he was locked at home, he sent a message to Qin Xun every morning, noon and night to tell Qin Xun that he was locked at home. At the end, he would scream and ask Qin Xun to save him out.

Qin Xun took a look and deleted it, without even replying to a punctuation mark.

After two classes in the afternoon, Qin Xun and Yi Sui returned to the dormitory for a while when there was a knock on the dormitory door.

Yi Suizheng was playing the game and asked reluctantly, "Who is it?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from outside: "It's me, Teacher Cao from the school administration department, please open the door for the students in the dormitory to cooperate with the investigation."

Qin Xun, who was doing something on the table with the lamp on, got up and went to open the door.

Seeing Liang Zhijie among the few people standing at the door of the dormitory, a dark color flashed in her eyes.

"Hello, classmate, it's a coincidence that we meet again." Liang Zhijie, who was wearing a formal suit, looked slightly depressed, and was quickly hidden, looking like an intellectual and successful woman.

"Ms. Liang and this classmate know each other?" Teacher Cao said with a smile, "That's really a coincidence. I didn't expect that there are classmates that Miss Liang knows in our school."

"Well, I've met once or twice, but I haven't introduced each other. I didn't expect to meet again because of such a fate." Liang Zhijie said it like a real coincidence.

"Hello, classmate, my name is Liang Zhijie, I'm from Hong Kong City." Liang Zhijie introduced herself very formally, without saying too much, because someone would introduce herself to him, but her simple expression seemed more modest.

Sure enough, after Liang Zhijie introduced herself, Ms. Cao introduced Liang Zhijie's background in detail, and that she and President Bai of the charity organization jointly set up a public welfare project for several key universities in Beijing.

I came here today to communicate with students in person to conduct research.

Teacher Cao appreciates Liang Zhijie's behavior very much, and in the process of accompanying Liang Zhijie on the school road, in the school cafeteria and other places to talk with students, she believes that Liang Zhijie is really a kind-hearted person, and she does public welfare and even investigations herself. ~www.wuxiaspot .com~ How many rich people can do this now.

Teacher Cao thinks this behavior is worth publicizing.

Therefore, Liang Zhijie took advantage of the situation and proposed the idea of ​​going to the dormitory to observe the students' lives more intuitively. There was no other idea. Instead, she took her to the girls' dormitory first, and then to the boys' dormitory.

How could Mr. Cao think that Liang Zhijie, who he thought was a good-natured person, came to school today to do so much foreshadowing, just to meet Qin Xun.

"Classmate, introduce yourself to Miss Liang, and then try your best to answer Miss Liang's questions. This is very important for many students in our school."

Teacher Cao has a passionate expression of entrusting important tasks.


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