When Catherine entered the door, it was quiet inside. The blond beauty who had just scolded Lu Qingqiao was frightened by the gun Lu Qingqiao used to slap her in the face.

"Miss Ella, long time no see." Catherine didn't seem to feel the tense atmosphere, and greeted the blonde beauty she knew with a smile.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ella recovered from the shock, and looked up at Kateroline dumbly.

"You..." She was about to speak, but was frightened back by the cold gun body on her cheek.

"Lu, don't be so rude." Catherine clearly admired Ella's fear, but she pretended to be considerate and stepped forward, took the gun from Lu Qingqiao's hand, and then gently lifted Ella, "Ella Miss, come, please take a seat, you can explain things to Lu clearly, she won't do anything to you."

Catherine sang her face, which made Ella's trust in her increase even in horror, but before speaking, she also looked at Lu Qingqiao timidly.

She and Kenji are good friends. Many of her family's business is achieved because of the relationship with Kenji, so today Kenji is sad. After finding out Lu Qingqiao's position, he brought someone over to prepare to teach her to speak ill of Kenji. But she didn't know that Lu Qingqiao was not as simple as what she found out. Carrying a gun with him is obviously a scumbag!

"Cateroline, you know that Kenji and I are best friends, I'm here to teach Kenji a lesson, oh no, I'm here to ask what happened to her and Lord? Lord is obviously engaged to Kenji, How could it become an engagement to her?" Ella's current tone is completely inferior, as if the arrogant who just brought in the bodyguard is not the same person at all.

"Miss Ella, you misunderstood. Lu doesn't like Lord. It was Lord who used public opinion to force Lu to get engaged. Lu only likes me." Catherine smiled brightly and leaned on Lu Qingqiao. Shoulder.

"How is that possible? Mr. Lord needs to force her? It's obviously..." It was she who pestered Lord with abusive methods.

Forced by Lu Qingqiao's intimidation, Ella did not dare to say the following words.

But her words speak out many people's psychological words. Lorde's physical appearance has fascinated countless women, not to mention his superior family conditions. It is said that he will force someone to be in the wrong household with the Munico family. The person who married him is simply a daydream!

The Munico family relies on this, so they spread rumors in an open and honest way, and cast Lu Qingqiao into an image of scheming and means.

Lu Qingqiao pushed Katerolin's head off her shoulder with his fingers, tidied up the cuffs with one hand, and said lightly, "Miss Ella, please lend me your phone."

Ella was afraid of Lu Qingqiao, so she could only hand over the phone as she did.

Lu Qingqiao first saw Kenji's name from the call log on her mobile phone, and called back, and it was quickly connected there.

"Ella~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Have you taught Lu Qingqiao a lesson? Did you warn her to get out of country Y immediately and stay away from Lord!?"

"Sorry, Miss Kenji, Miss Ella hasn't had time to say this to me, but I have heard it now." Lu Qingqiao said lightly.

"Are you Lu Qingqiao? Why did you use Ella's phone? What did you do to her?" Kenji was stunned and asked in surprise.

She is an aristocrat, and all the stars have grown up. Whether it is Ella or other little sisters around her, they have never violated her intentions. She has always regarded these people as friends. These people taught her a lesson.

Ella has always done the best, so she is the most helpful to Ella, but what's going on this time? Why is Ella's phone being used by Lu Qingqiao?


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