My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 308 Naruto Wins Easily

"Xiao Nan... Miss? Yellow-haired boy, do you know Xiao Nan? It seems that they are still alive." Jiao Du heard the words.

Although he was killed by Itachi at the time, it seems that the leader and Xiao Nan are fine, so his own money...

"Now is not the time to reminisce about the past!" Desonas shouted gloomily, and immediately took control of Jiaodu.

"Tentacle punch!"

I saw the controlled Dirty Tensei Kakutsu lift his hand, and when his wrist separated from his arm, a large number of black threads gushed out from his body and shot towards Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto stooped down to dodge calmly, instead of retreating, he rushed towards Kokudu with a stride.

"Screw pill!"

The helix pill that instantly condensed in the right hand pushed towards Kakuzu's abdomen.

In an emergency, the masked monsters that Kakuzu deployed later had no time to attack, so he had to use the earth escape and earth spear to strengthen himself.


Rao even used the Earth Dun·Earth Spear, and the skin color of the abdomen turned black and hardened, and Jiaodu was also directly collapsed and flew out by the spiral pill.

"Hey~! What a strong defense!" Naruto was surprised to see that the horns flying upside down were fine.

Although he didn't use Nine-Tails Chakra and Immortal mode, Naruto, who is no longer what he used to be, is merciless with this hand spiral pill.


Naruto is not a strong man, so he immediately entered the fairy mode, and rushed away again in an instant.

"Fire Escape Head Hard!"

Kakutsu, who had just stabilized his figure, faced Naruto who was attacking instantly, and a masked monster on his shoulder suddenly spewed out an astonishing sea of ​​flames to welcome him.


But Naruto didn't dodge or dodge, the spiral pill in his hand suddenly increased by about one meter, and he rushed over in a daze. Wherever he passed, the rapidly spinning big jade spiral pill pushed all the flames away.

This move caught Jiaodu and Desonas off guard. They didn't expect the other party to be so reckless. With a bang, Jiaodu directly hit the Dayu Spiral Pill in the face, and was then pulverized by the Dayu Spiral Pill.

Even if Desonas left early,

Still being affected and fell to the ground, he looked at Naruto in horror.

"Grab it up, bastard!" Naruto said, rushing happily.

"Active punch!"

Just when Naruto was about to arrest Disonas, the burly figure of Shen Nong, who had been entangled with hundreds of Naruto clones, came in an instant.

Being intercepted halfway, Naruto punched him helplessly.


The two fists collided, and the huge force caused the ground to crack instantly, and the air waves rolled around.

"Wow, what a powerful activation technique!" Naruto exclaimed when he saw that Shen Nong couldn't be repelled with his full punch.

Often hang out with Sasuke and Ziluo, Naruto naturally knows the activation technique, and even sister Tsunade said that her improved Zhoutian activation technique is derived from Shennong's physical activation technique.

It's a pity that Naruto hasn't learned it for a long time. In addition to his stupid accident, there is also the arrogant Nine-Tails interference, which means that his Nine-Tails mode is enough.

"Hmph~, you're not bad either!" Although being manipulated, Shen Nong still responded to Naruto.

At the same time, he was secretly shocked. The young man in front of him not only possesses the immortal mode, but also has considerable strength.



After receiving Shennong's response, Naruto was ready to answer happily, but he didn't know that the other party's lightning-like swirling sweep directly kicked Naruto away.

"Thunder Escape·Pseudo-Darkness!"

Naruto who was flying upside down, and behind him, the masked monsters that emerged from Kakuzu's body, one of them shot a thundergun and shot towards Naruto.


Naruto, who didn't have time to twist his body in mid-air, was firmly hit by the dazzling thunder attack.

After the dust dispersed, a red figure gradually appeared.

"It's dangerous!" Naruto muttered happily.

At the critical moment, he still bloomed the nine-tailed chakra coat to resist the attack.

"Hey, yellow-haired boy, can you be careful, or you will be killed, are all the young people so bad nowadays?" Jiao Du said in a deep voice from the side.

"Hey, I was just careless just now. Don't worry, Uncle Masked Man, I will defeat Desonas, so that your soul will not be played by him anymore!" Naruto said confidently.

"Although it's uncomfortable to be manipulated, I don't want to go back to the pure land. By the way, you know Xiao Nan, did she find my money? Did she use my money well?" Jiao Du asked seriously.

"That's enough, kill him!" Desonas's face was livid, and then he yelled.

In an instant, both Jiaodu and Shennong at the side lost their eyesight, and immediately attacked Naruto like a robot with no emotions.

"Compound Ninja Art, Flame Wind Chaos Wave!"

I saw the combination of the Earth Resentment Yu, the Fire Dungeon Mask Monster and the Earth Resentment Yu, the Wind Dungeon Mask Monster on Kakuto, and both used Fire escape, head hard work and wind escape, crushing damage at the same time, creating a huge range of flames.

At the same time, Shennong next to him saw Naruto's shadow clone continuing to surround him, and immediately attacked Naruto regardless of the fierce flames.

Seeing this, Naruto tapped his toes and quickly retreated, while raising his right hand high.

"Immortal Art · Wind Escape · Spiral Shuriken!"

Avoiding Huohai and Shennong's close body, Naruto condensed Fengdun shuriken and threw it out.


After breaking away from Naruto, the rapidly spinning Fengdun shuriken expanded several meters in an instant, cut off Shennong in an arc-shaped trajectory, and rushed towards Jiaodu.

Desonas has been vigilant all the time, so he can barely avoid it in an instant.

"Eat me a Naruto punch! Drink~"

When Desonas was horrified by Shennong and Jiaodu's seconds, and was wary of the attacking spiral shuriken, Naruto came over like lightning and hit Desonas who had just avoided the spiral shuriken A face breaking fist.


Disonas was immediately sent flying, rolling on the ground for nearly a hundred meters before hitting the building and stopping.

As for Jiaodu and Shennong, their filthy reincarnated bodies wanted to recover, but they were continuously smashed by the surrounding Naruto shadow clones.

After the two avatars went to capture the fallen Disonas, Naruto came to the reincarnated body of Kakuzu.

While continuing to shatter Kakuzu's body, preventing him from fully recovering, he said apologetically to Kakuzu's intact head, "Although I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.

Hey, weird mask, did you just talk about Miss Xiaonan? Said she used your money? Does she owe you a lot of money? If that's the case, I'll pay you back for her. "

Just now Naruto didn't fully understand what Kakuto said, thinking that when he and Miss Xiaonan were in the same organization, Miss Xiaonan lent him a lot of money. Xiao Nan is not only his senior sister, but also his sister-in-law, and it is only right and proper to pay back the money for her.

Sister Xiaonan has worked so hard for the Land of Rain, Naruto couldn't bear it. When he first recognized his relatives, he waved his hand and gave the properties adjacent to the Land of Rain, the billions of real estate in the Western Economic Development Zone of the Fire Land, to her. sister.

After all, it is only one-tenth of the family property. Naruto is very generous. Anyway, the money came out of nowhere, and it was all contributed by the casino and his wife's help in investing and managing money.

However, in the next few months, my wife became stricter with him and always got angry for no reason.

However, even though Naruto is seriously communicating with Kakuzu now, the other party has no self-awareness.

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