My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 341 The Tyrannical Golden Style

Otsutsuki Kinshiki's burly body appeared as if teleported, and two huge red energy giant axes in his hands slashed towards Kakutsu and the others in front of the Uchiha flame array.


With a soft sound, Jiaodu and Shennong had no time to react, and were cut off completely.

Before everyone could see the situation clearly, there was a flash of purple lightning on Jinshi's body, and the figure appeared behind Jinjiaoyinjiao next to him, which directly shocked Jinjiayinjiao who was holding four six-path ninja tools.



Fortunately, someone came to his senses. Not far away, the filthy soil who was confronting the fourth generation of Raikage reincarnated with the third generation of Raikage, came in with lightning speed, and Kisame, who was beside Jinjiao Yinjiao, also flung his shark muscles away.

Seeing this, Otsutsuki Jinshi did not dodge, and immediately turned around the attacking moves of Jinjiao Yinjiao, with an ax facing Kisame, and an ax slashing at Sandai Raikage. At the same time, the spinning body kicked directly at the reaction On the slow golden horn and silver horn.


Jinjiao Yinjiao resisted with the help of six ninja tools, and was kicked directly for a hundred meters. The hell stabbing from the third generation of Raikage, this martial art known as the strongest spear in the ninja world, was directly chopped off by the golden axe.

On the other hand, Kisame reluctantly held up the shark muscle to press down, but in the stalemate, he was horrified to find that the shark muscle was unable to absorb the chakra from the opponent's body.

In less than a breath, Jin Shi's sudden attack directly hanged and beat six top filthy soil reincarnated powerhouses. This scene directly stunned the powerhouses of various forces in the surrounding ninja world.

Especially the ninjas in Yunyin Village were even more uncomfortable. Just now, they were directly crushed by just a ghost shark and a golden horn.



Jinshi didn't feel the horror of the ninja world, but felt a little ashamed for allowing these people time to intercept him.

Immediately, the purple light on his body bloomed, and once again burst into stronger flashes of speed.

'Boom boom boom—'

Ben was almost completely defeated in the first round, but Jin Shi suddenly rose again, cutting the six of them to pieces in an instant.


As for the stealthy soil reincarnated second generation Mizukage who was approaching invisibly, the place where the mustache was hiding, directly pulled out an ax light and completely destroyed it.

"Dust Escape · The Art of Stripping the Original Realm!"


At this time, the dirt reincarnated second generation Dokage in the sky above, like a mummy, directly burst out a white laser light.

But this dust escape that disintegrated everything was completely resisted by the red energy ax in Jin Shiki's hand.


Jin Shizai flew to his side like lightning, and cut Wu after two moves.

The golden style was completed in one go, without even looking at the incoming Bai Zee army, and staring at Namikaze Minato and Kushina indifferently.

At this time, most of the powerful people from various forces around them have not reacted yet.

"Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique!"


Suddenly, a burst of green laser rain covered Kinshiki, and the source was none other than the number one ninja master, Pennami Feng Minato.

Seeing this, Jin Shi suddenly moved like a wild bull, with purple electricity blooming from his body, and rushed towards him without any hesitation, and the green light that touched his body did no harm at all.


I saw Minakaze Minato's figure flashing, and suddenly appeared on the side of Jinshi flying over a hundred meters away, with the characteristic Ninai Kunai in his hand, slashing towards Jinshi's neck.

This change made Momoshiki, who was watching elegantly from high above, couldn't help but solemnly look at Minato Namikaze.

Jinshi was also shocked by this turn of events, but he was not slow in his movements. He was flying with his ax and slashed sideways, not defending against Namikaze Minato's move at all.

Namakaze Minato was extremely surprised in an instant, he predicted the enemy's evasive action, and was about to launch a combo attack, but he didn't expect the enemy's move to be a bit...

However, Namikaze Minato is not cowardly, the strength of Kunai in his hands has increased, and at the same time the follow-up attacks have turned into follow-up attacks.



After the two flashed past, Kinshiki stopped, and Minato Namikaze disappeared in an instant.

And after Minato used the Flying Thunder God technique to appear beside his wife, his hands were already destroyed, and it was only by relying on super high micro-reactions that he avoided the head being chopped off.

"Minato!" Kushina shouted in fright.

"Father!" Naruto also turned around in surprise.

"Don't worry, I'm reincarnated from the dirt." Namikaze Minato immediately comforted his wife and children who had a hole in their head.

At the same time, he looked towards Jin Shi with a gloomy face.

The scar on the neck by Namikaze Minato was just a shallow bloodstain, and it stopped halfway. Obviously, the strength of the opponent's physique surpassed Minato's understanding, and his strength had no effect.

What was even worse was that the scar had recovered in an instant, leaving only a trace of blood, indicating that it had been injured.

This time, everyone around became more dignified.

However, the expressions of Jin Shi and Tao Shi also became dignified.

Under the gaze of Jinshi, Namikaze Minato's severed hands did not have a trace of flesh and blood inside, but were hollow, and then gradually recovered.

This made Jin Shi's always indifferent eyes flash a trace of doubt, and through the white eyes, it was only then that he realized that those people who were all beheaded by him just now have gradually recovered.

"Dare to hit my father? Spiral pill!"

Naruto immediately became angry, and instantly turned on the fairy fox mode, and instantly pushed the dark red spiral pill in one hand.

Seeing this, Jin Shi bowed his body, and as the ground shattered, he rushed like a cannonball.


At this time, when Naruto, who was also rushing forward, was about to face Kinshiki, the figure of Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared in front of Naruto, and then rushed forward with a single step at the ultimate speed.


Even though Kunai who was entwined with Kazeto Chakra, Namikaze Minato was split open with an axe, but his goal was achieved.

Although Naruto has grown rapidly and is always reliable in desperation, Minato Namikaze knew that if he didn't make a move just now, Naruto would be defeated.

He flew Thunder God Technique to Naruto's side, and affected Jinshi's attack first.


Then, Naruto's spiral pill collapsed directly on Kinshiki's abdomen, and because Minato fought Kinshiki first, Naruto also avoided Kinshiki's attack.

"King Kong blockade!"

‘Shua Shua Shua...’

The father and son cooperated successfully, and Kushina's seal at the back shot out eight long golden energy chains from her body to the sky, winding around the Jinshi.

Jin Shi looked at Naruto solemnly after being repulsed by the spiral pill. At this moment, his conceited physique was already overwhelmed inside, and he was about to vomit blood.

A huge ax in his hand was thrown out immediately to force Naruto back. Facing the diamond blockades falling from all directions, Jin Shiqiang suppressed the injuries in his body, and swung the ax to continuously cut off the successive diamond blockades.

When Naruto wanted to continue to attack, he was stopped by the restored Namikaze Minato and retreated to Kushina.

The strength of the enemy they are facing has already surpassed their comprehension. Now, the most important thing is to procrastinate. The opponent's outbreak is obviously stronger than everyone else, so if they procrastinate, they will have a better chance to find the flaw.

As for Jin Shi, after taking his seat again, he looked at these strange people around him and pondered.

"Kai." On the side, Danzo said to Maite Kai.

"Yoshi, Danzo-sama!" Kai immediately made a poss excitedly, and then rushed towards Jin Shiki.

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