My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 56 Tsunade Sets Up Again

"I said Master Baihu! I pay enough money every month, why do I have to come out to do missions?"

After leaving Yuren Village, on the way to the Kingdom of Wind next door, Qi Yu complained to Xiao Nan next to him.

It has been a month since the battle for the three tails, and Qi Yu, who is lying in the corpse of Yuren village safely, doesn't even bother to change the spiritual food of the gentlemen. After all, the income is considerable, so he doesn't want to work hard.

Now that he is in Urenin Village, his biggest move is to often take Beiruho ​​to find Uchiha Nobu.

I don’t know why, after the three-tailed battle, Uchiha Shin rarely appeared in Aminin Village, and began to keep a distance from Beiliuhu, and their short-term relationship began to dissipate.

For the love of Beiliuhu—good!

Qi Yu had no choice but to look for him often, after all, he was waiting for Beiliuhu to learn his skills. It is rare for a talent who can outshine and outperform Uncle Snake, even though it is only in terms of cloning technology.

However, Qi Yu probably guessed some reasons.

The reason why Obito asked Uchiha Shin to avoid Beiruhu and stop talking about research should be because of Nagato.

Although Qi Yu said at the beginning that he wanted to study Bai Jue, no one helped him, and there was no response.

But after the two researchers, Beiruhu and Uchiha Shin, communicated with each other, Konan began to pay attention to Beiruhu and Uchiha Nobu. Obito wanted to be wary not of himself and Beiruhu, but Nagato.

You know, with the eyes of reincarnation, golems of heretics, and Xiao organization, Nagato's body is still squeezed thin by the eyes of reincarnation, and even the feet that were injured and unable to move many years ago have not recovered.

Obito treats partners badly.

Nagato didn't even know about Bai Jue, who can regenerate a broken arm? At the beginning, the old Uchiha Madara used the heretic golem to supply energy to extend his life, why didn't Nagato try? At any rate, replenish your thin body.

Could it be that he has masochistic tendencies? If you want the world to feel pain, experience it yourself first?

Qi Yu thought it must be Brother Tu, who got a lot of information from him.

It was Xiao Nan who cared about him, and now dragged Qi Yu to the Land of Wind for him.

"I need to use your fairy mode to help perceive." The goddess Xiaonan was very cold.

"What is the reward? If it makes my heart move, maybe I will be motivated."

"You can live in Yuren Village."

"Hey, hey, it sounds like I won't be able to live if I get out of the Xiao organization. I can join any of Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village, and I can get the highest treatment. Maybe even ten or eight beauties will be assigned to me to continue the continuation. Sharingan." Qi Yu said confidently.

It's not nonsense, what I said in the past is really this kind of treatment. If it's a blind eye, it's probably not ten or eight beauties, but a hundred and eighty beauties.

"Then what do you want?"

"That's right, people like organizations that pay for their rewards. Me, I think the circled eyes of the leader are quite unique. Let me study it later. I think it's better than my kaleidoscope—"

'Shua' a paper shuriken was pressed against Qi Yu's neck.

"It's easy to talk!" Qi Yu immediately raised his hands.

"Next time, I'll kill you!"

At this moment, Xiao Nan was full of murderous looks, which seriously affected her temperament.

"What I want to say is that the circle of eyes is worse than my kaleidoscope. I just feel that the golem with nine eyes was quite unique when we were in a meeting. Give me some energy research later."

Qi Yu finished speaking with her hands raised, this was one of her main goals.

Xiao Nan didn't say anything, took back the paper shuriken that was on Qi Yu's neck, and continued on his way.

Why come to the Land of Winds this time? Because Xiaonan is looking for someone, the fugitive ninja Baizu from Shayin Village, yes, that person who traveled to Loulan in the past through the dragon vein in the future.

As for why I was looking for him, it was because I heard that he caught a good thing recently.

In the past few days, Baizu was wanted by Konoha Ninja and Sand Ninja Village Ninja,

It caused an uproar in the ninja world.

Luo Sha even arranged Mitreya and Tsunade, who came to find faults, respectfully in the VIP room of Shayin Village, and the entire Shayin Village dispatched many Anbu to search Baizu.

A few days ago, Baizu touched Loulan. He was peeking at the dragon's veins, but by accident, he came to Tsunade's laboratory and discovered the cell technology prosthesis that Tsunade was researching.

Not only can disabled people be reborn with broken arms, but also because of the use of cells from the first generation of Naruto Senjujuma, it can also increase the effect of chakra.

Centipede naturally stole the prosthetic limb for the study of intercolumnar cells, and injured the researcher Uzumiko who discovered him. Fleeing all the way, he avoided the encirclement and suppression of the Loulan guards and the ninjas stationed here.

Tsunade Maitreya and others who were guests in the Snow Country heard the news, and after knowing that it was Centipede, they rushed all the way to Sand Hidden Village.

The fourth generation of Fengying Luosha was so frightened that he went ten miles away from the village to greet her. After all, the huge pit that the nuclear explosion witch exploded two years ago was still in Loulan to remind the world.

Luo Sha spent a lot of time explaining that Baizu has nothing to do with Shayin Village, and this matter has nothing to do with Shayin Village, and then ordered Anbu ninjas to search Baizu.

After Xiaonan got this information, he immediately came to join in the fun.

Recently, she has been paying attention to the research of Beiruhu and Uchiha Nobu, and she hopes to find a way to heal Nagato's disabled feet from them, but it is a pity that Mask Madara is secretly blocking it.

Now that he has heard about the secret art of the Centipede Thief Tsunade and the prosthetic limb he developed, Xiaonan also wants to come and try his luck. Compared with Beiruhu and Uchiha Nobu, Xiaonan believes in the research results of the number one medical ninja in the ninja world.

Qi Yu didn't pay much attention to this matter, could Baizu really get something in his wife's laboratory? Think too much.

In fact, some time ago, I heard Qi Yu send a letter complaining that Obito prevented Beiruhu and Uchiha Nobu from promoting each other, and said that he might be wary of Nagato Konan.

Then the daughter-in-law quickly came up with this plan and implemented it, and even took out the real thing as bait.

After the original four wars in the future, Tsunade developed the first-generation cellular prosthetic limbs developed in order to receive Naruto's broken arm, and now it is born ahead of schedule.

In fact, in the past two years of research on white blood cells in Dashe Wan, there are perfect technologies in this area. Tsunade just replaced white blood cells with pure first-generation cells.

Immediately Tsunade set traps one after another, and lured Baizu to Loulan.


Then Qi Yu and Xiao Nan easily found Bai Zu.

Don't ask, the question is that Uncle Snake's little white snake has been staring at Baizu's, and then deliberately revealed it to Bai Jue, so he quickly found the Baizu that countless ninjas hadn't found for several days.

When Xiaonan and Qi Yu found Baizu, this Lang Mie had already cut off his hands and feet, and connected them with prosthetic limbs stolen from Tsunade's laboratory. Qi Yu looked at him in admiration, and suddenly wanted to spare his life idea.

Even though it took only two or three days, he showed the power of the prosthetic in front of Xiao Nan. Not only did it not have any negative effects, but the centipede had great strength and a lot of chakra.

Attracted by Qi Yu, Xiao Nan easily sneaks up on Baizu, and Qi Yu uses illusion to make him tell what Xiao Nan wants to know.

Then Xiao Nan mercilessly cut off the pair of prosthetic limbs from his legs, not even letting go of his hands.

You must know that Baizu just reacted and applied to join the Xiao organization. After all, he probably has no place to stay now.

But Xiao Nan didn't hesitate, and finally gave Bai Zu a happy one.

It's just that after returning to Yuren Village, every time Qi Yu mentioned the matter of remuneration, Xiao Nan would stare with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Qi Yu doesn't care either, heh~, in the storm planned by my wife, you will either use this condition to ask me to do things sooner or later, or take it away for nothing when my wife closes the net.

As for the daughter-in-law's situation, it was the previous battle for the three tails, which put enormous pressure on Xiao's organization from the outside. But this time, it caused conflicts in the Akatsuki organization from within.

You know, Nagato is so weak now that he can hold on to the pinnacle of the ninja world.

Tsunade, who knows the original work, naturally knows that Obito and Kuro are definitely very wary of Nagato.

Uchiha Madara chose Nagato to inherit the reincarnation eye, so that he could resurrect himself in the future. Obito, on the other hand, adds insurance to this plan.

So, what if Nagato unilaterally escaped their game?

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