My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 153 The plan can't keep up with the changes

(New book "Defense of Doujin Novelists 1")

Jingyu and Natal didn't quarrel for long. He went to the locker room to change into his pilot uniform, and it didn't take much time. When he asked about the bridge, there was still 10 minutes before the enemy was received. However, when he sat in the cockpit, Millie said to him, eighth.

Four warships in the fleet have been destroyed.

too fast!

His brows can't help but frown!

The Archangel is going to land in Alaska. It does not mean that it can enter the atmosphere immediately. The Archangel is a space battleship and cannot fly as freely as an airplane in the atmosphere.

Therefore, the fleet must escort the Archangel to fly around the ground in space and enter the descent procedure when it reaches a suitable position.

The current location of the fleet is too far from the "suitable position" compared to ZAFT's attack speed. If this continues, the entire fleet will be lighted up before reaching the "suitable position".

Jingyu wanted to understand this and smiled bitterly, "The plan can't keep up with the changes. If I knew this, I won't quarrel with Natal."

Didn't it turn out to be early to play?

How about responding to her thoughts and making her feel good about him?


This decadent mentality flashed through my mind for a moment, and was driven away by him with a sigh.

"Help me transfer the captain!" He said to Millie solemnly.

Millie was on the bridge, and the critical battle situation reflected on the big screen, especially ZAFT did not hesitate to sink two battleships that were evacuating without resistance, let her experience the cruelty of the war, and numb her hands and feet.

The icy feeling.

It was after seeing Jingyu that this feeling subsided.

She hadn't realized that Jingyu could have an impact on her, she just thought, "If he is there, it will be all right, so she calmed her uneasy heartbeat.


Respond with a well-behaved voice to help Jingyu complete the transfer.

Jingyu suddenly saw Murrue No, it was Murrue's image that was suddenly reflected, and it even made her too late to reduce her anxiety and worry.

The eyes of the two met through the screen for an instant.

Murrue saw the pain in his eyes and felt warm in his heart.

But she is not a newcomer anymore, and she hasn't forgotten where she was sitting.

"What's the matter?" took a deep breath and asked with a calm tone and without showing emotion.

"The Archangel must enter the descent procedure ahead of time! In addition, please let me attack and buy time for the battleship to finally complete the descent." Jingyu said seriously.

If the first request allowed Murrue to slander him happily, "Are you the bug in my stomach?' Because she happened to be thinking about this too; then the second request made her heart tremble.

The atmosphere is already approaching here, and the descent of the Archangel has to be covered. It is very likely that there will be a situation where his body will eventually fall to the earth under the influence of the earth's gravity.

This idea lingered in Murrue's mind, making her silent for a while.

"It's okay!" Jingyu smiled gently at her, "I, not only for my daughters, but also for other people who are important to me. For them, I will live! No matter any adversity, I will break through A way out!"

There was already a wave of domineering in these words, and everyone on the bridge couldn't help but look sideways.

She, Murrue are undoubtedly among those "them".

‘You’re in my presence, can’t you just say that it’s for me alone?’ She also inevitably reveals the little woman’s psychology, feeling relieved and uplifted by what he said, but also gnawing her teeth.

He gave him a hateful look, "I know!" It was such a moment, even if you wanted to say something serious to him, you couldn't do it! Murrue sighed helplessly in his heart, "Allow the attack, and I will immediately Admiral Halbaton made an application"


There are three seconds.

"Be careful!"

The last three words can no longer conceal a feminine tenderness, attachment, and reluctance.

Jingyu nodded heavily to her. In the end, her look in the picture was so beautiful, he felt that he would never forget it, and she was a really good woman, so fortunate to have her.

Obviously he was going to attack, and even he didn't know the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't help being a little bit happy.

If you add, "Dad, come on!" The little man made a cheering gesture for him, wholeheartedly believing his little face, and he was fearless for the battle afterwards at this moment.

"Oh!" Raised her lower arm to her daughter, and closed the cockpit under her gaze.

There is also a small figure of her daughter in the camera lens, Jingyu has been watching her nostalgicly. Finally, the heresy golden machine was sent into the isolation cabin, and then transported to the catapult via the linkage device.

The daughter's figure disappeared, Jingyu closed her eyes.

The catapult was activated, and the heresy golden machine was thrown outward along the narrow passage.

The body bears the backward inertia, imagining that if he does not fight hard, the battleship on which his daughter is riding will be destroyed.

Strong sense of crisis!

At the last moment when the body left the battleship, he opened his eyes and entered a critical state.

The heretical golden machine flies straight to the side-approaching crossfire zone-the battleships and MA of the Eighth Fleet are desperately building a line of defense to prevent the enemy MS from approaching the flagship and the Archangel. But the line of defense is being breached layer by layer.

The MS on the ZAFT side, especially with Duel Gundam and Storm Gundam, are the fastest.

Jingyu717 captures the aircraft's shadow on the camera screen and scans the enemy's distribution in the radar.

The Duel Gundam should have also caught the golden machine! The mood of the driver madly trying to break through was read by Jingyu from the shooting of the machine body.

Jingyu has entered a critical state, and it is not that he is unable to control himself. He has increased his reaction ability and speed of thinking, but his personality and way of thinking about problems has not changed.

It is impossible to change, he is him!

He glanced at Duel Gundam calmly, "Hmph, Yitzhak is still so impulsive, and it's very similar to Azalia.

Thinking of the silver-haired woman, when she heard that Heliopolis had helped the earth jointly build battleships and mobile suits, she would be annoyed and wish she could hold his neckline and yell at him.

Jingyu couldn't help but laugh when he was in a state of battle.

This is the so-called daring of a high-level artist. If the "critical state" has the only change for him, it is one-after the improvement of strength, there must be greater danger to bring him a sense of tension.

Now, obviously not that far.

He can still think with his teeth: "I will teach you to see the face of Azalia... how can a trump card change the situation of the entire battlefield by himself!"

The heresy golden machine seemed to respond to his mighty thoughts, with bright eyes.

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