My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 160 Frey and Murrue

(Recommend "The Demon King of Time and Space")

The distance between the two places is very far away. For the materials loaded on the Archangel, it will be exhausted if it does not support Alaska. Therefore, supplies must be needed midway. What Mu asked about was the possible supply locations.

According to the supply location, determine whether the route is feasible.

This righteous item was then placed in front of Jingyu.

But Jingyu can only spread his hands, "I am an MS driver! The current mass accelerators are almost all controlled by the Earth United and ZAFT. No one of them wants to transport MS to the universe for mercenaries.

A mass accelerator is a projection device that sends a spacecraft from the earth to the universe. Without its help, it is impossible for the spacecraft to increase the speed of getting rid of the gravity of the earth.

If Jingyu was really just a mercenary, it might not be difficult to descend from space in a spacecraft loaded with MS. But if you have to go into space, things will not be easy to carry.

Therefore, he has not performed a mercenary mission on the earth so far.

For this world, he has only stayed in a few places such as Orb, PLANT, Heliopolis and other places and has never been to other places. It is impossible for him to have acquaintances everywhere.

But when everyone was disappointed, he held up a finger.

"There is one place where I feel a bit of face.

This statement made Murrue almost laughed 720.

It's not just a bit of face, there are no more than the number of fingers in one hand for people who are more talkative than you.

She gave him a deliberately funny look, "It's Orb." Helped him move the topic forward.

But these words caused Frey, who also followed the bridge, to look at her sideways.

Fu Lei, a girl, may not be smart enough, but she still has a very sensitive feeling as a woman. When she entered the bridge, Murrue looked at Jingyu's expression, which made her feel that something was wrong.

Now, when everyone is thinking, "Ah, it's the mobile suit! Since it belongs to Orb, it must be returned to Orb", she is a little bit hostile, this captain, shouldn't it actually be known? His identity, right?"

How else would you say "Ob"?

From this, she thought of what he said when she first met him,'live in someone else's room; and what her father said about his confidantes.

‘Couldn’t she be one of them.

Although the reason is a bit incomplete, she undoubtedly guessed it correctly.

"Yes." Jingyu's answer was very brisk. "If possible, send the three of us and the machine to Orb. I will be very grateful. I am grateful that I am willing to persuade the authorities to provide you with supplies."

"Hey" Mu made a very meaningful voice, "I can convince the authorities, that's really good!"

"Well, don't care about the details. The important thing is that the supply problem is solved, isn't it?" Jingyu smiled back.

Mu Guoran didn't say anything about it, the men tacitly knew each other.

Next, I took the passage of Orb as a possibility, and first drew up a route. With the route, the members can temporarily feel relieved, Murrue can also relax as a captain, even if Jingyu's goal is achieved.

As for whether to take this route, they still need to discuss with their officers. He didn't intend to participate, and from just now, there was a stabbing sight next to him also rejecting his participation.

He laughed secretly in his heart, and first left the bridge with Xiaoling and Mei Lei.

After returning to the officer's dormitory area, he used the password to open the door of a certain room.

"That, that is." Frei was so surprised that she could swallow her tongue. Seeing Jingyu walk in, she quickly looked at Xiaoling and asked Xiaoling for confirmation.

"No." Xiaoling walked to her room and waved her little hand to signal her to follow, "Dad is in this battleship, and there is only Murrue a woman at the moment."

After entering the room, her expression changed from innocence to majesty with a hint of indifference.

Pointing to Frey's heart with a little finger, "Compared to Captain Murrue, you, as a woman, have no advantage in body or appearance, Captain Murrue and the mature charm of an adult woman! So, you (aief) want to get my dad. ,

It is best to take the initiative to let him see your strengths. For example, this body as a girl"

Frey's cheeks turned red, "This, this kind of thing, she resisted in a low voice, but she was a little moved in her heart.

She is different from Wei Ya and has no burden. Moreover, it is determined to do it.

The contract Xiaoling signed with her also has this meaning. If Xiaoling enforced it, she couldn't resist it.

Understand my position, and, "Dad also supports me with him

There was already some kind of light in her eyes.

Xiaoling's lips curled up vaguely, "The room can be lent to you. Dad will definitely come back to me after he finishes what he wants to do. Take that opportunity..."

She took a step outside and reached Frey's side.

"I am quite optimistic about you in terms of becoming my father's bride.

She gave encouragement against her will, and after walking out of the room, she gave a soft snort mockingly.

He looked to the side of the bridge again,'Time may kill her will, then, give her another excitement, hum. 'Her figure disappeared directly in place.

No one on the Archangel can find her because she has entered Jingyu's dream again.

It can also be said to pull Jingyu into a space that belongs to her.

There, she changed into her adult appearance. This time, Jingyu didn't wake up and let him sleep on her lap. She looked at him, stroked his hair, with a faint smile on her lips, very satisfied.

Frey sat in the room for about half an hour, and someone knocked on the door.

'came back. With a smile on her face, she walked towards the door a little shy and nervous. After opening it, she saw Murrue Ramius, the captain.

Frey's smile froze, and Murrue was shocked.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, "Mr. Alpha is not there." Murrue came to this conclusion without seeing anyone else inside.

"Yes, he is not here, and I won't tell you where he is!" Frey said confrontationally.

Murrue's eyes were slit, "Really." She understood the relationship with the girl. After faintly saying those two words, she turned and left, thinking in her heart, "Then where will he be?,

There was only one woman on the ship who could think of being related to him.

Murrue walked to the infirmary.

And seeing that she didn't go to the room Jingyu was in, Frey was relieved.

‘This woman is staring so tightly, I really have to hurry up! And, I won’t lose to you!"

After the struggle got up, she ran back to her room, took facial masks, lotions and other cosmetics to prepare for the decisive battle. .





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