My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 187 Desert Tiger in Cross Dress

(Tianhuangyu "Defense of Doujin Novelists 1")

Jingyu thought, you really know these items for women.

He glanced at Kagali's bare arms, "Speaking of which, how did you maintain your skin in the desert? The skin still looks so good."

One theme of the desert is dryness, and dryness is the enemy of women's skin.

"Too bored, what are you looking at!" Kagali was flipping the shopping list, she stopped hearing the words, and put her hands under the table. His cheeks were reddish, and his big golden eyes stared at him like a thief.

"Uh, curiosity, just curiosity! No other meaning." Jingyu really didn't expect her reaction to be so big, "Besides, I've watched all the way, now hiding again, it's meaningless.

"Also, in other words, are you looking at the skin of my arm all the way?"

Kagali was almost "seven three threes" unbelievable, her cheeks became redder, and she was a little angry.

On the other hand, Jingyu couldn't laugh or cry, "How do you understand this? I just look at it with normal eyes, and it doesn't look good at all? Wow, it's like looking at your face now.

"Now being watched by me, of course you dare not watch that again." Kagali muttered, still not believing him. But finally he didn't hide his arms anymore.

The previous question can’t continue. Jingyu doesn’t know what to tell her for the time being. If it’s not on the street, he can tease her and say, "Do you want to try the real Se Mimi's eyes? Now, only a wry smile NS.

Fortunately, the clerk showed up at the right time and put the cooked food on the table, finally dispelling the weird atmosphere between the two of them. Kagali still showed a happy smile like a child who "finally can eat delicious", sniffing Kebab


There are two bottles of sauce for seasoning on the round table, the red spout and the white spout.

She picked up the red leaky mouth and said enthusiastically, "Is it your first time to eat this kind of roasted meat? I recommend you to use this kind of chili sauce. If you apply it, it will taste great."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jingyu had no time to answer, and there was a hippy male voice beside her suddenly calling out: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, put chili sauce on the roasted meat, what are you kidding about? Apply this kind of yogurt The sauce is common sense.

Appeared! The desert tiger Antriu Baltfield has appeared.

He wears a bright Hawaiian shirt and a hardboard top hat, and a pair of big sunglasses. These clothes that look strange in the desert make him want to kill him in this desert city under his rule. Kagali

Recognize him.

The two argued as Jingyu remembered, and together they turned their mouths at his roasted meat.

How could it be possible to sit back and watch you contaminate my food!

Jingyu looked at the right time and pulled the plate back and asked them to squeeze the red chili sauce and white yogurt sauce on the table at the same time.


"Look, your sauce scared him off."

"What? It's obviously yours, okay? Besides, who are you, what are you doing here suddenly?"

For those who are accused, just accuse them of going back. Kagali never shows weakness in this regard. However, at this time, I finally reacted and asked about the identity of the other party.

Baltfield didn't answer immediately. He put the white bottle on the table, pulled the side chair away and sat down.

Jingyu picked up the yogurt sauce.

"Hey!" The opposite Kagali pursed her lips. Her eyes were full of childishness, as if she was asking, "Which way are you standing?"

Baltfield smiled, "Sure enough, you still choose to believe me, um, I promise you won't regret it.

In fact, Jingyu would take this bottle completely because it is relatively close to him now.

Hearing this, he smiled and said, "You guys, since there are two bottles of sauce on the table, it proves that no matter which flavor is used, it will be happy with the guests, and it is not fixed at all? Then, I will choose each one by myself. I will taste it."

While he was talking, he smeared half of the roasted meat with the bottle in his hand. Then rolled it up and took a bite. After swallowing, he unfolded the roasted meat, smeared chili sauce on the other half, and rolled it up and took a bite.

"The taste is almost the same, nothing special." This is how he felt.

But the two people's opinions were very unified at this time, "How can you be so ambiguous? You don't really appreciate it." Let's accuse him.

Jingyu let out a laugh, continued to eat the roasted meat, and glanced at Baltfield, "So, what's the matter with you? It's really hard for you to follow me from the end of the market to the present."

This is due to men’s sympathy for men 0

"What?" Kagali was surprised. "He is following us?"

She immediately glared at Baltfield. She had just quarreled with each other. After learning the truth, she was thrown out of the sky.

She can only be vigilant and careful now.

This is a city ruled by ZAFT, and they can't help but carelessly.

Baltfield froze for a moment. "Oh, I was found out. I thought I was very careful."

He admitted. Kagali stood up slowly and moved to Jingyu's side guarding against him. The two of them were traveling by Jingyu as the bodyguard-Jingyu was temporarily serving as a mercenary, and it was also suitable to be transferred to the bodyguard.

Furthermore, it is Kagali's trust in Jingyu. She is still a girl after all.

Behind Jingyu, she calmed down again and asked, "Who are you? What is the purpose of following us?"

Bartfield didn't answer this time. No, he wanted to answer, but a strange jet sound suddenly rang in the street.

It was a rocket fired from the roof on the other side of the street.

"Get down!" Baltfield yelled and got up and kicked the table into the air.

Jingyu turned around, grabbed Kagali's waist, and hid behind the table with her.

Amid the rumbling of the explosion, Kagali stared blankly at Jingyu, who "protected her as if under 4.5 wings". He looked very serious and really handsome.

After the explosion, there was another gunshot in the street.

Kagali only looked at Jingyu briefly until Jingyu suddenly let go of her, picked up a pistol that had fallen on the side of the table, and fired a shot at the other side.

Kagali followed and saw a man holding a machine gun. Before he could shoot, he fell to the ground.

It was the head that was hit.

In such a tense and quick response, he still has such a hit rate. This is the first time Kagali knows.

She stared at him blankly, but saw him looking at the direction of the corpse with a look of pity.

What's wrong?

She was puzzled.

Seeing that Jingyu didn't hesitate, it shouldn't be the first time he shot an enemy. But why is this happening again?.

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