My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 211 Cut Thunder to Adults

(Recommend "Unlimited Replacement")

Kagali watched from the screen of the assault, "The duel disappeared, and then she blinked her eyes back to her senses. Then she regretted it. It was such a good opportunity just now, if she could make up for a shot...

"Hey, are you stupid?

Jingyu's voice came in from the communicator, and the head of the assailant was raised to see, and the golden machine ~ was raising the gun and shooting.

If you follow the beam of light upward, you will see that many Thunderbolt Gundams have been approached at some time, and the Gewu under its feet is penetrated by a beam of light.

Thunderbolt fell from the air embarrassedly-down.

Kagali hurriedly asked the assault to raise a gun and shoot, thinking that she would never waste another opportunity this time.

She actually caught Thunder with two shots. It's just that Xunlei is not immobile, using the offensive shield system of his right hand to defend the two beams.

"Damn it!" Kagali cursed in a low voice.

"Pause shooting!" Jingyu suddenly gave her instructions again.

"What to do"

Before Kagali's reply was finished, she saw the heretical golden machine jump out of the deck and rushed to the falling Thunder very quickly.

"Nicole!" Aslan quickly shot and tried to stop the golden machine. He also shouted at the same time to make Nicole be careful.

Nicole himself quickly used the offensive shield system to shoot.

However, the more accurate Aslan's shot was cut off by Jingyu using a beam sword. Under the gaze of everyone Kagali, Mu, Diego, everyone on the bridge of the Archangel, and other people on the ship who are watching the battle, the golden machine

Approaching Xunlei Gundam, it cuts down the limbs of Xunlei Gundam at a speed that can be described as lightning fast.

Another backflip, kicking the torso of Thunder Gundam's participation, took advantage of the strength to return to the Archangel.

The golden machine successfully stepped onto the deck.

During this process, there was such a short two or three seconds that everyone stopped fighting and just watched.

Aslan reacted first. Seeing that Thunder had fallen into the sea, "Nicole, how are you?" he asked with concern.

"No, it's okay," Nicole's voice trembled a little, really afraid of what had happened. However, he still replied: "It's just that I have no limbs, and it's a bit difficult to control."

Xunlei's limbs are missing, and the propulsion device behind it can still be used. Fortunately, it is in the sea. If it is on land, it will only be more difficult to move.

Aslan breathed a sigh of relief, "Diago, retreat.

Four are left and two are left. This time it is impossible to achieve another result.

"Yeah." Diego, who always likes to say harsh words, was also slightly silent, and it took a few seconds before he said, "Just now is the real level of that guy.

"Aslan was silent.

He was affected by Cruze's speaking skills and wanted to break the opponent. However, Jingyu once again taught him a lesson in reality.

The scene of Xunlei being nearly disintegrated in an instant played repeatedly in his mind.

That made him have to think about how laissez-faire the other party has been to them. If they did that earlier, they wouldn't have the possibility of chasing them all the time.

However, the captain asked them to destroy the battleship and destroy the mobile suit.

I also executed such an order.

He was really at a loss at this moment. He obeyed the command and continued to chase? Then he was let go by the enemy again, and the body was cut into thunder? Or, what else?

Under this system of the military, he found that he had no choice at all.

Looking at the white battleship with only one black spot left, he could only sigh.

After Jingyu returned to the battleship, he said to Kagali, "Good cooperation.

.." The muscles at the corners of Kagali's lips trembled, "I said, I'm not a fool, don't you know that I have no effect at all? Don't comfort me. "

She has a very good quality, is able to admit her failure frankly.

This made Jingyu couldn't help but smile.

Seeing that the place retreated and stopped attacking, they also stopped. The Archangel did not return to the battleship until a safe distance from the enemy.

Jingyu came out of the cockpit and received warm applause from the maintenance staff.

"Finally broke a machine.

"Let those guys know how great.

"Kill the others too!

and many more.

The maintenance guys said so.

Kagali had been watching silently beside her.

When she left the crowd with Jingyu, she said, "If they know you have been releasing water before, they will be constantly attacked and encounter all kinds of fears. It depends on what you do."

"Then I have to ask you to keep it secret." Jingyu smiled.

"Hmph, you should be thankful that I am not a big mouth." Kagali groaned, and turned to be a little curious, "But, how can you be so good?

She has always wanted to ask.

"Even if it's an adjuster, it's not like this, right? All the people on the other side are adjusters.

0……Look for flowers…

Like a hornet's nest, they are constantly forced to pursue them.

He played that litter of adjusters alone, and he turned out to be the best.

Kagali felt that this must be more than just the reason of being an adjuster.

"Is there any trick?" she asked.

It would be nice if you could master it by yourself.

"The trick is still there," Jingyu said. Excluding his unmatched performance in a critical state, he also has the strength as a trump card in a normal state. "First of all, we must ensure our basic ability, rapid response power,

On-the-spot judgment and resilience can be exercised. The most obvious is Mu.

Mu is a natural person, even if his pedigree is relatively good, he can only play out with hard work.

In pedigree, Kagali is not inferior.

She even has a seed ability that Mu didn't even have.

Although she can also shoot, she cannot be said to be well-trained.

In this regard, even the adjuster is the same. Even Kira, known as the strongest adjuster, is not able to cut the enemy's machine into a stick as soon as he enters the battlefield. It also requires a cumulative process.

It's just that Kira's learning ability is much faster than ordinary people. He quickly became stronger after surviving on the battlefield.

I don’t know if this is common to Kajiali, Jingyu said: “If you want to learn, I can teach you how to improve your basic abilities. It doesn’t take too long, if you are willing to work hard, it will take half a year.

"Then as you said, I will learn from you." Kagali said.

In the next world, just a mouth will not work. And if she wants to go to the battlefield, she doesn't want to be unable to do anything.

Thinking of this, she unknowingly followed up to the changing room for men.

There is no female driver's suit here, so Kagali is still wearing her equipment in the desert. She wears the bulletproof vest with the red short-sleeved T-shirt. She just wears an extra helmet and she sits in the MS cockpit.

Jingyu unlocked the lock of the driving suit and didn't mind her presence.

It was she who took off her upper body in Jingyu. When she took it off, she blushed and ran out.

"You are a little bit ashamed, OK?"

Then barked at him outside the locker room.

"I'm not naked." Jingyu shrugged indifferently.

After he changed his clothes, he and Kagali came to the bridge of the Archangel. 100 million.




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