My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 228 Natal's mind

(New book: "I use Tieba to upgrade for self-cultivation")

After Jingyu returned to Orb, he began to enjoy a vacation-like life. He did almost nothing except to teach Kagali, Kira and three female drivers.

At the same time, the Archangel successfully arrived in Alaska.

The results it brought back include the battle data of the heresy golden machine, the two assault units, the battle data of the Archangel battleship, and the OS suitable for use by natural persons.

This is the result, but it did not bring benefits to the officers and soldiers at all levels on the ship.

Members were even temporarily banned from leaving the ship. Even if you are in your own base, it is as if you are sitting in a large steel prison named after the Archangel. One barrier lasts for five days.

Whether it's Murrue or Natal, I keep thinking of what Jingyu said to them.

Murrue is skeptical of the headquarters' approach.

Natal tried to find all kinds of excuses to justify the behavior of the headquarters.

‘Because it is an extraordinary period, the last space port of our army, Panama, ZAFT is going to attack.

‘If Panama is lost, our army will completely lose access to the universe and will be disconnected from the lunar base. The lunar base will be isolated and helpless, and will lose this base one after another. "

‘Once it is lost, the entire earth unity will no longer be able to obtain energy and materials from the universe, and the poverty of the people will be further deepened. It will also indirectly lead to the internal disintegration of the forces, and even conflicts and conflicts in order to compete for supplies.

The Earth Federation is all annihilated.

‘In order to avoid such a situation, the headquarters must deploy personnel to support Panama. The officers at all levels will be so busy that they don't have time to take care of us. "

She did find a lot of very reasonable excuses.

However, there is always a voice in my heart that still looks like Jingyu, staring at her with a smile, asking her, "As an officer from a professional class, with your military qualities, I really feel like this. ".

Then there will be different voices in my mind.

"If the other party wants to attack Panama, it will be airdropped from the sea and space and attack at the same time according to the past practice. In this case, repair the newest battleship of the Archangel as soon as possible, send it to the space, cooperate with the lunar force, and eliminate it.

Destroying ZAFT’s space airdrop forces can reduce Panama’s pressure.

Or at least you have to use this warship with the two airframes equipped with assault and duel. Either assault or duel, their performance has been proven through battles along the way. There is no reason to leave them vacant

Use it.

Even if it is going to be vacant, what about the personnel? After months of fighting, even I was a bit exhausted physically and mentally. At this time, it’s okay to take a few days off and let us have activities in the city attached to the base, right? In fact, we do have five

Heaven didn’t get any orders. The only difference from the holiday was the scope of activities.

‘There are also prisoners.. If you interrogate him, maybe you can get any useful information? Even if that’s not the case, there’s no reason to keep him in a battleship, right?

A lot of excuses can be found, and a lot of reasonable doubts can be found.

She was so conflicted, she complained about Jingyu again.

‘Why do you always jump out to hinder me and interfere with me?’

This is really unreasonable, right? Jingyu is not by her side at all.

But Natal didn't go around this turn, she couldn't help thinking of him, and couldn't help complaining about him. She didn't want to make a good face even when she saw Murrue. Ramius, who was close to him. It makes Murrue inexplicable.

It was in this mood that the military hearings for all the officers and main soldiers of the Archangel began.

But the wind direction of the hearing is very strange!

Even a soldier like Natal who has never questioned the orders of his superiors, who only obeyed his superiors, could have heard that this hearing has become a condemnation of Captain Murrue and Ramius' personal negligence.

The attitude of Colonel Sazarland, the officer who attended the hearing, towards the adjuster also gave Natal a bad feeling.

That even distracted her for a while, and what Jingyu had said came to mind again.

‘You who are as strict as you, defending the army better than defending your dignity, also think that if the captain can bring the Archangel and Assault Gundam back to Alaska, you have done a commendable thing.

‘The senior officials in your headquarters would never want Kira to stay in your army!"

He was right.

Colonel Sazarland said this with a sense of sinister and even angrily: "Halbaton hasn't forgotten who we are fighting? No matter ZAFT or civilians, the adjuster is the adjuster approved. One

The little devil of the adjuster joined the army and really didn't know what he was thinking. Hmph, Major Ramius can approve his retirement, which is a good deal~ /.

They did not pursue Murrue's private approval of Kira's discharge.

Natal knew that she had lost a bet with Jingyu.

"Lost" itself did not bring her a bad mood.. It's a pity that Jingyu's ability cannot be used in their army. But this is not the fundamental question. The fundamental question is, is the example of Aube right in front of you?

Because of the use of adjusters as technicians, what kind of results has that country achieved in the field of military industry and science and technology? It has grown from an inconspicuous small country to now that both Earth Union and PLANT dare not look down upon it.

The Dawning Society, which embodies this kind of use, has also cooperated with technicians from the Atlantic Federation.

That's it, still can't make the colonel and even higher levels notice the value of the adjuster?

They were all sent to the door (joined the army), and they didn't know how to stay. It even reveals the idea of ​​"getting out, don't defile our army".

In Natal's view, this is quite detrimental to the army.

Without what Jingyu told her, she might succumb to the opponent's rank and dare not question anything.

Now, her heart is constantly making waves.

For Murrue, this hearing was really uncomfortable.

But it was the same for Natal, her heart was suffering on another level.

The hearing finally ended, and Natal and Mu received the transfer order.

Murrue applied for'retirement' on the spot.

This surprised the members of the Archangel present.

Natal even lost her voice, ""Captain, you."

Applying for retirement right after the hearing is now a demonstration!

Everyone knows that Murrue is expressing dissatisfaction. Natal looked worriedly at the officers at the headquarters.

Murrue smiled gently, seemingly not too concerned. Natal clearly saw a touch of fatigue and deep regret from the smile.

That hurt Natal's heart. This woman should be really disappointed by the atmosphere here. Otherwise, she, who should have inherited Halbaton's decree, should not choose to apply for discharge without the end of the war.

." Colonel Sazarland looked at Murrue for a few seconds, "Yes (Zhao Lihao), but after the Panamanian defense war is over. Now, we don't have time to help you with the demobilization procedures.

When he put on his military cap and walked forward, there was apathy and mockery in his eyes.

‘Retired? Humph, just sink in the cold water with that warship.

At the same time, a submarine moved slowly on the surface.

On the upper deck of the submarine, there was a man Jingyu who came to this place for the first time in a submarine. In the name of seeing the scenery, he let the submarine rise to the surface.

At this moment, Asha Ji, with golden curly hair, came behind him, "Master Jingyu, we have already crossed the Tropic of Cancer, and further ahead is the Alaska air defense circle. If you continue to float in the sea, you will be found."

"That's it." Jingyu retracted his gaze looking at the sea. "It's hard to live in the sea for a few days. Tell the submarine to prepare to dive.

He walked to the entrance to the cabin.

"It's not living in the sea, but in a submarine. It's also quite interesting." "Asha Ji smiled.

She followed Jingyu respectfully.




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