My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 265 Kill the one who gave you the order

(New book "I use Tieba to upgrade for self-cultivation")

Jingyu gently stirred the coffee with a spoon.

"The Masquerade has been widely known because of what I have done. They all think this mercenary organization is really powerful, but it is not. I can't find a second organization that can control MS like me. So, I also have it. Overwhelming

Such as the Battle of Victoria.

At that time he wanted to prevent the Earth United Pacific Fleet from attacking Orb, who was near the territorial waters of Orb.

And the Victoria Base was almost on the other side of the earth, and he couldn't run across it in a few days.

"I don't know how the Earth United treated the captives when they attacked Victoria Harbour. I can only understand from the post-war figures that none of them are alive."

He let go of the spoon and made a regretful gesture on the table.

Natal's heart followed.

The slaughter of prisoners is something she would not do, which is strictly military disciplined. And if the army really heads in that direction, there is only one explanation,'~The army is out of control.

Jingyu has been paying attention to the changes in her expression. Seeing her white face become paler, she is not happy, but feels sorry for her.

However, what should be said must be said, otherwise, this woman must be-hopeless.

Jingyu will also vomit herself, she is not suitable for this kind of thing at all.

The only thing I can be thankful for is that I have raised a daughter-facing such a lovely daughter, sometimes I have to harden my heart. If you don't indulge her, you can naturally harden your heart to teach other women.

"If the commander is strict, I believe no soldier would dare to ignore military discipline. The problem now is that your army, the upper level has been controlled by the blue cosmos people. You middle-level officers and even lower-level officers and soldiers,

No matter how good you are, you will make mistakes in the absence of supervision. And sometimes, the error comes directly from the command of the chief.

He put his elbow on the tabletop and pointed his finger at her.

"You may also be ordered to kill the prison room, or fire at the civilians. You are now the captain, right? Archangel-class battleships, the Positron cannon, which can blast through PLANT’s satellites. The commander orders you to go. If you do, you can violate


He shook his head.

"Just because you can't do it, you will come to see me.

Natal was silent.

She could not refute, she did not refute. But my heart was tumbling, like an adolescent girl with a rebellious mentality. She thought, "What can I do? Soldiers have to obey orders. Obeying orders is also written in the military discipline. I don't obey

Order, do you want me to go to a military court?"

"It's a pity that you are in a situation of isolation and helplessness." Jingyu added: "If Admiral Halbaton is still alive, there will be high-level leaders who can lead you to success. Unfortunately, he chose to die."

Halbarton can go to justice bravely, Jingyu respects him.

On the other hand, Halbaton did not accept his opinion, which made him unable to approve his choice.

He thought of the conversation with Halbaton at that time, and felt a little dissatisfied.

But, quickly suppressed this, and said:

"Your position is not high enough, and what you say will not have much effect. So even if you want to change something, you can't do it. For example, your subordinates will listen to you in serious military discipline, but your chief will not. You Can't make them full

Yes, they will replace you immediately. "

The trouble with this woman is that even if she is disappointed in the army, she cannot leave the army. She came from a military family and left the army without authorization. How can she go home to face her parents and relatives?

Jingyu doesn't actually know, or he can't know if he doesn't have that kind of experience. It is impossible for a soldier to leave the army he belongs to. This is the same even for Murrue, even if he is disappointed with the army-he did not understand." Murrue

It's still wearing the uniform of the Earth Army's meaning.

He really lacks both knowledge and experience.

However, he still dared to do what he wanted.

And he can often do it because God thinks he should succeed.

God is on his side!

Seeing that what he said fits her own situation, Natal put her hopes on him more and more.

She couldn't help asking: "Then what do you think I should do next? If you are fighting, you will disobey the order."

Such as attacking PLANT’s satellites.

Although she knew it was wrong, if she disobeyed, she would be shot immediately or at least immediately detained.

She lost her freedom, not to mention, and did not help the situation. After the chief officer replaced her, someone else would execute the order. Her battleship, the Lord Angel, still bombards satellites.

What she wants is a way to get the best of both worlds.

It can not only prevent oneself from losing freedom, but also prevent warships from bombarding satellites.

Therefore, Jingyu replied with a vengeance: "Kill the person who gave you the order!"

.. "Natal opened her lips halfway. In this way, she looked at him with those purple eyes that looked very beautiful to Jingyu for more than ten seconds before closing her purple lips.

After a while, "Are you serious?"

She was suspicious.

"You," Jingyu said: "Don't look very strict. The soldiers are afraid of you, but they are actually very weak! Don't dare to resist your superiors at all! You lack this kind of spirit-why did you make mistakes with your superiors? , Think you should compromise

Or give in?

He leaned back on the chair and spread out his hands very grandiosely.

"Don't be upset.

Seeing her staring eyes, he laughed.

"You have to think about it, why is it also a violation of military discipline? You dare to scold your soldiers, but you dare not accuse your superiors? What is the military discipline that you have been emphasizing? Is the military discipline important or violated? Military discipline

How important is the superior?

He felt that he had said everything he should have said.

Having said this, he picked up his coffee and drank.

He also sighed, "Well, I still like the coffee that Aisha makes for me." He savoured the bitterness of the coffee and the slight milky flavor he added.

After a cup of coffee was drunk, people came to pour it again.

At this time Natal sighed.

She glared at him, "You are such a bastard!"

This sounded familiar, and Jingyu smiled.

This woman, she was thinking, is he teaching her bad? That's why he scolded him?

"Then, it's hard to come by, do you want to go on a date with a bastard?" he asked with a smile.

"Don't!" Natal refused so simply. However, "I'm not dating you at all! So far. But

She picked up her coffee cup and covered her mouth and nose with it.

"The next time, dating is not impossible.

There was a very vague sound from the rim of the cup.

Then, "So bitter!"

She forgot that she didn't add any sugar to that cup of coffee at all.

But, it doesn't matter if the mouth is bitter right now, because it can ease the shame in my heart.




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