My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 274 Confluence Lux

(New book "I use Tieba to upgrade for self-cultivation")

At this time, the announcement should be made from the cockpit to the passenger cabin.

"Master Jingyu, discovered the Eternal, is it carried as originally planned?"

Jingyu turned on the communicator in the cabin, "This boat, can you get in?

"You can get in," the cockpit replied.

"Then go." Jingyu said.

Aslan felt that the boat made a steering operation. Through the window glass on his side, he could see that there was indeed a huge pink battleship not far away, which was about to fly by the side of the boat.

The appearance of that battleship was something he hadn't seen before.

But it is certain to be able to fly out from PLANT, it is definitely something ZAFT.

Does this small boat enter a ZAFT battleship? It only means that the owner of that battleship has been changed.

Aslan was a little weird. After Jingyu sat down again, "Um," he asked carefully and curiously, "I don't know why you came to PLANT this time."

"Similar to your purpose, it's all about talking to your father."

Regarding the result of the discussion, Jingyu expressed his regret by spreading his hands.

Feel sorry. "Aslan actually didn't know how to answer, so he had to say so.

Jingyu smiled.

The small boat entered the abdomen of the battleship just as they were talking like this.

As soon as the vibration of the small boat fixed by the mechanical arm came, there was a strong inertia and the warship accelerated.

"Let's go together." Jingyu stood up, "You'd better let the doctor see your injury and then come to the bridge."

He should move forward first. Naturally, soldiers from ship 780 came to lead him. Jingyu commanded the soldier, and the soldier called another companion and took Aslan to the direction of the infirmary.

The soldier didn't know Aslan, so he just said things like "please go here," and there was no other conversation. Aslan was also silent.

The two came to the infirmary of the battleship. When he first walked into it, Aslan unexpectedly found a patient lying inside. Some medical instruments were piled up next to the patient, and the doctors and nurses seemed to be examining the patient.

Hearing the movement at the door, "Is there anything you need?" the nurse female soldier asked.

The soldier who brought Aslan was like two people explaining the situation.

The doctor came to check and confirmed that the injury was just a skin injury, and then asked the nurse to disinfect and re-bandage Aslan.

Aslan sat down. When the nurse went to get him the disinfectant and bandage, he heard: "How is the situation with Lord Siegel?" The soldier who brought him asked the doctor in a low voice.

Aslan's lack of vitality blinked, Lord Siegel?"

"Excuse me," he hurriedly stood up. "Did you say'Sir Siegel' just now? Your Excellency Siegel Klein, the former speaker?"

"Ah, yes." The soldier nodded.

Aslan hurriedly walked the first two steps, and saw that it was Siegel Klein lying on the hospital bed.

"how come?"

Seen from the bandage wrapped around the body (aief), it doesn't appear to be sick. The excellency of the former speaker looks very bad and looks very injured.

Aslan couldn't believe anyone would shoot this lord.

He looked at the soldier, but there was a strange look on the soldier's face.

Aslan's heart sank suddenly. The faintly thought of a possibility made him silently open his lips.

When he left the infirmary with the soldiers not long after, he appeared more silent than before.

Then, with one arm hanging in a bandage, under the leadership of the soldiers, he came to the bridge.

What surprised him even more, or what he didn't expect, was that he saw Lux on the bridge. Moreover, Lacus was sitting in the position of the commander, appearing to have the highest status.

This reminded him of what the red-haired soldier who rescued him from his father said.

‘We are from the Klein faction.

But isn't Klein's former speaker already like that? So is it the Lacus who is leading the entire Klein faction now?

He was surprised and ashamed of his father's order, which wounded Lux's father like that. Now facing Lux, he simply didn't know what kind of expression he should put on.

Lux smiled very generously. Seeing that he was injured, I also offered some condolences. As for her father's matter, she didn't even mention it.

This made Aslan very grateful to her and admired her for her mind.

After Aslan breathed a sigh of relief about Siegel, he scanned the entire bridge. It is very similar to the bridges of the Lorasia-class and Nazca-class battleships he has carried in the past, but is different from the position of the bridge of the ZAFT battleship of the Archangel

It is very wide, not a bit crowded like the bridge of the Archangel.

And widely used pure white tones, it looks very bright.

Inside this bridge, he also saw Jingyu's short red hair that rescued him, and he was sitting on an operator's seat.

It was also with this short red hair, Maqin Da Costa suddenly reported that an MS battle group had been spotted in front of him.

That was Yakin, the interception force from Duwei's line of defense.

Lacus moved to the commander's seat. The bridge was in a gravity-free environment, and she could fly over in the air. Jingyu, who was standing next to the commander's seat, reached out to her.

Aslan was surprised to see that Lacus put her hand in the man's hand instead of pulling the man's sleeve.

This was something he had never seen before.

He recalled that tea party, and suddenly thought, maybe their relationship is really not simple.

‘But, Mr. Jingyu should be aunt’s lover, right?"

He is a little confused.

He had had the opportunity to figure out the truth before.. In Obb. Unfortunately, at that time, his mind was full of war, father, future, etc., and he had no time to take care of other things.

Now, he still has no time. The approaching enemy made him quickly regain his thoughts.

"There are as many as 50 mobile suits." Desert Tiger Baltfield served as the captain of this warship. Rao is that he is a well-known general in the battlefield. No, maybe it is because of this that he understands the seriousness of the situation. This warship is armed.

Not enough to meet.

"Does this ship carry mobile suits?" Aslan asked.

He wanted to try his best to do something.

Baltfield looked back, but looked at Jingyu, smiling bitterly and joking, "Obviously there is the strongest MS driver here, but no MS is dead, don't blame us."

Also answered Aslan indirectly.

"Of course not!" Jingyu also laughed and joked, "Lax gave me'freedom', but I didn't take it with me when I went out this time."

"Well, let's break through in this state." Baltfield smiled fearlessly. His life was not lost because Jingyu let it go. It is equivalent to a life lost. Although I don’t think about dying bravely like before

, And did not plan to back down.

Moreover, this ship is carrying two very important characters. If they let them die here, maybe the whole world will really be over. Well, is this how the fate of the world is in my hands?"

In short, there is pressure!

The pressure also generated his motivation.

His eyes sharpened.

The command members opened the armed system, put all the armed systems in place, and prepared to attack.

And the only thing that is slightly troublesome is: "You may be upset when fighting, I don't know if it will affect Lord Siegel.

Lacus smiled and said, "Then please try not to bump the warship.

The Desert Tiger rolled his eyes, "How easy is it!"

It has been a while since he joined the Klein faction, and he understands what kind of person this girl is. Words like cheerful and optimistic can no longer describe her. It should be said that she is very positive looking forward. Even if you are in a difficult situation, never

Chaos and calmness beyond his imagination.

This girl is really a character!

If it weren't for this, as far as he was concerned, he wouldn't be willing to lay hands on this girl.

Jingyu stood next to Lux, "hahaha" and smiled, "It doesn't matter, just rush forward. How do you say, I won't really believe that a small boat can let me leave PLANT safely. Arrange early. It’s a catch.",






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