My Daughter in Two-Dimensional

Chapter 287 Frey's apology

(New book "I use Tieba to upgrade for self-cultivation")

It was the female secretary who came to call Jingyu back.

Coming to Jingyu from where Jingyu walked, you will definitely see the bullet holes in the wall and the fainting soldiers all over the floor. The tyranny of the man in it made the female secretary dare not look directly into his eyes, making her face pale.

Huarong faded.

Back to the office again, two bullet holes could be seen on the side of the sofa where the director was sitting.

Jingyu smiled slightly.

"He said it all," he asked.

Fu Lei frowned, "I have said, but he has no evidence to start from this aspect.

The director said that there was no evidence, and she did not believe it. Just fired another shot.

The director who was so scared almost jumped off the sofa still insisted that there was no evidence, and Frey believed it.

Jingyu had anticipated this. He touched his chin deliberately in front of the three of them.

"Frei, your goal is to kill Azrael and destroy Blue Cosmos, right?"

Frei nodded, a little confused about this, didn't he already know this?

Jingyu smiled, "Then, leave it to me to handle this matter." He took off the goggles on his face and came to Frey's side, lowered his voice, but deliberately let the director The two and the secretary also vaguely heard, "As long as

Just achieve the goal, there is no need to have this director die.

These words moved the director's heart and saw a little hope.

Seeing that Frey also looked over, he showed a little hesitation. His heart really touched his throat, and he wished he could speak for Frey.

Fortunately, Jingyu made up his mind, "Leave it to me. Let me talk.

At that moment, the weird phenomenon of "Stockholm Syndrome" occurred. The director looked at Jingyu a little gratefully as if he felt that Jingyu was the savior.

Jingyu didn't expect this Gui, and felt inexplicable for a moment, thinking that what the old guy was looking at me doing?

But he didn't say much, went to the sofa and sat down.

In a majestic voice: "First, control the situation. Use your power to let everyone who hears the commotion know that the attacker is dead. To be more specific, I don't need to teach it.

"Ah, yes." The director nodded: "I personally cough, let the assistant do it.

He called the name of the woman behind him and confessed a few words in a low voice.

Jingyu vaguely heard, "Just said that some of the attackers wanted to assassinate Director Alstar's daughter and they had been killed."

The female secretary replied respectfully and went out alone.

After missing her, Jingyu said again: "On the board meeting before Director Alsta died, my people had obtained information. Azrael was really too arrogant, so treat you directors. Not only is it arrogant. To force you

After passing the proposal, the director Alsta who opposed him was killed to threaten you. If he is there, do you directors still dare to give your own opinions in the future? Do you feel aggrieved in such a position?"

The director laughed bitterly, "We can't do anything about it. Now Blue Cosmos controls the army, just like Director Alsta. The opposition to Azrael is to kill individuals casually, and to deal with them. Assault

For the organization of the members, it’s too easy.

"So, I will protect you?" Jingyu smiled domineeringly: "I believe the director has also heard of how powerful my mercenary unit is. I can let the elite mercenaries in my masquerade party, come Make sure you are not harmed.

A tempting expression appeared on the director's face.

Jingyu just showed a relaxed posture with one person against dozens. If his organization is all such mercenaries, then he doesn't have to worry about death.

Indirectly, why not take back the lost power?

Azrael also said that these directors are people who both love power and are incompetent. So these directors, how can they be reconciled to losing power.

"Is it really possible?" The director looked forward to and carefully looked at Jingyu.

"My purpose has been set in front of you. If you agree, then we are the collaborators. How can I let the collaborators die before the purpose is achieved? Isn't that bad for my purpose?" Jingyu laughed With Tan Shou Dao.

The director thinks what he said makes sense.

After thinking about it for a while, he said carefully: "So, what do you want me to do?"

"First of all, let's add more companions." Jingyu smiled and said: "Let all the directors who are dissatisfied with Azrael gather together. You have no bottom in your heart and lack of power. If you are a group of people, the power of gathering together, Believe anyone

Don't dare to underestimate it.

"Then, I will provide you with an opportunity to meet them, what do you think?" said the director.

"Yes." Jingyu said: "However, before you are sure of agreeing to cooperate, we still want to invite you to be with us temporarily. In addition, if you are the first to stand over, my strength, or to be precise, it is Orb's. Power can be lent to

After you use Azrael, the council also needs a backbone.

"Difficult, could it be?" A touch of excitement appeared on the director's face.

Aub's wealth and secret military strength, the man and his mercenary organization in front of him are a microcosm.

With their support, he will definitely stand out from many directors.

Originally, he was still a little shaken, and his heart was already inclined to what Jingyu said.

And this also let Jingyu breathe a sigh of relief.

The negotiation strategy that had been drawn up before coming was finally used. The addition of this "companion" made him feel a little relieved.

Soon after, some soldiers came. All the soldiers who fell to the ground were taken out. The director also accompanied Jingyu and Fulei to another temporary office.

The director is here. Use the secure channel to contact other directors. Let those directors come here in the name of condolences to the orphan of Alsta who was attacked.

The preliminary work discussed was done by the former director who represented Russia.

Roughly speaking, Jingyu's purpose is to be told to the directors, and they will be persuaded.

During this period, Jingyu and Fu Lei were alone together, next to the conference room.

After a brief hesitation, Frey hung her head and whispered, "Jingyu, I'm sorry."

Jingyu was paying attention to the Russian director of the meeting room. When he entered, he brought an eavesdropping device to convey the content discussed in it in real time.

"Huh?" So he froze for a moment at what Frey said, only to realize that she was apologizing for her funeral.

He beckoned, "Come here.

After Frey came to him, she hugged her on her lap and kissed her first.

After making her breathing a little messy, she said solemnly: "Next time you must not take this risk without discussing it with me! You must make a promise, otherwise, I will worry about you."

Fulei was breathing calmly, her beautiful face looked charming and surprised.

"Jingyu, don't you blame me?"


Jingyu sighed, "Originally, men should bear for women. I should take all of your pain, your sorrow, and your hatred. However, you have to do it yourself. You must be very anxious. Right? I'm disappointed


Frey shook her head quickly.


She never expected that he would say this.

"not like this.

Compared with him, how naive he is. Suddenly, he thought of the adult women around him. If they were in her position, they would definitely do better than her.

It is ridiculous that she has always thought that she must be able to beat them, and then monopolized him.

She remembered what Xiaoling had said to her sincerely for his sake. She only thought that as long as he was good, she would be fine. As expected, it was still not enough. From then to now, several months have passed, and she is still so bad. qualified.

Actually let him say such a thing.

"It's not your problem!" With tears in her eyes, she said with regret: "It's me who is not good. Me," she choked up, "I still only think about my own business and ignore you. Jingyu, like this. Can I stay with you?"

She was really afraid of being driven away by him. Without him, she would really have nothing.

"Stupid." Jingyu laughed and shook his head. He thought to himself that she would cry because he realized what was wrong, so he didn't have to insist that she was right. He said: "We, ah, we all did not do well. From now on, we will work hard together to

Go in the best direction, okay?"

"Yeah." Fu Lei nodded heavily, wrapped her cheeks in relief and sobbed.

Jingyu pulled her over and pressed her on her shoulders, patted her back lightly.

She is only in her teens, what is she doing in her teens? Can she bear what she has to bear?

The things experienced, going out, must be growth.

Frey has grown up.

"Will you be a good woman in the future?" It should be possible to look forward to what she will be like in the next ten years.

He smiled yearningly. .




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